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Thai Ghosts


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I want 2.2 Imperial pounds (about 1 kg) of the drug that influenced you when you made that last "revealing" post. I'm sure with even 1kg of that drug, I could be a zillionaire. Providing that you are still living & functioning, this drug could be perfect.

Before I talk about "money", I have a few questions;

a] Have you been diagnosed as having any *e*t*l illness at any time during your life?

b] Are you religious in any way?

c] How many fingers do you see?

d] Do you eat real food or just MacDonalds?

e] Did the quick brown fox really jump over the lazy dog?

f] Which came first...the hen or the egg?

g] What will you do after you die?

h] My mum claims that she is from planet Zvorgar. Can you please explain to her that shit sandwiches are not an appetiser?

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I think the believe in ghosts is found by many primitives and children, who have not learned to explain things rationally, scientifically by the laws of nature.

When I was young I saw many ghosts in the dark. When I was much older I felt the spell of nature, the ghost of the tiger behind every tree, when I was walking in a wood where were tigers.

Modern man has made nature free of ghosts by killing or locking up the tigers.

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If you really pinned me down and asked the question I would have to say that I don't believe in ghosts, however, I also believe there are many things we don't understand. The following is a true experience. Recently my brother-in-law (Thai) came to stay in my house in Australia, this was previously my mothers home who had a heart attack in the "TV" room and subsequently died a few hours later from the attack. He was not aware of any of the circumstances of her death other than she died about 2 years back. Said brother-in-law is very spiritual and will no doubt be a buddhist monk within the next 10 years or so, however back to the story, during the visit he walked down the hall some time during the night for a trip to loo - as he passed the "TV" room, which is now a study he was aware of the presence of my mother, in the morning he told my wife his awareness and also told her that is the room if which she died - even today my wife or I haven't confirmed that this was the room so he hasn't had any confirmation of this fact, even now whenever he visits which is 2/3 times a year and he passes this room he still feel this presence.

This something I can't explain, it is also something that brother-in-law is quite happy with and accepts as not unusual.

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Interesting that no one can ever provide evidence of there being ghosts. Oh sure, there are people who label themselves as "paranormal" experts", but none of these experts has any actual education in detecting energy and electromagnetic fields. They do have nice equipment wih flashing noises and that make nice noises. Remember Uri Geller the psychic who alleged he could bend spoons using his mental powers? Johnny Carson exposed him when he switched the fellow's pre damaged spoons. It's a classic. (Credit goes to james Randi the magician for tipping the great Karnak off.) Must see episode.

Speaking of James Randi, the 80 year old gent has spent decades exposing the fraudsters and con artists claims of ghosts. He established the James Randi Education Foundation's million dollar challenge offering a prize US$1,000,000 to anyone who can demonstrate evidence of any paranormal, supernatural or occult power or event, under test conditions agreed to by both parties. No one has ever claimed the prize. I wonder why?

Same same God never any evidence. Always amazes me what people believe without a shred of evidence.

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Ghosts, gods, prophets. Whatever.

All make-believe and all keeping humanity from elevating past that of being a tribe of superstitious, obtuse simpletons... not that I've got an opinion on the matter. :o

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I was sitting on the porch of my girlfriend's parent's house in Isaan, when there was a sudden commotion up the road. I saw people, my girlfriend among them, running in great excitement toward the rice fields. When I went up to see what the fuss was all about, I found my sweetheart standing in a small crowd and pointing at the stars. At first I couldn't see anything but star-speckled blackness, but, after a while, I noticed a small blotch of light moving slowly beneath the moon. It was barely perceptible, which made it all the more mysterious. 'God,' my girlfriend whispered. Other people were whispering things, too. For a while, I was dazzled and felt my atheistic beliefs challenged.

Then I realized it was a spotlight.

I told this to my gf and she told it to others, but my theory didn't seem to gain much acceptance among the locals. Maybe because there were mostly rice fields in the rough area where the supposed spotlight was alledgedly being projected from, and very little civilization. Also the thing didn't exactly look like a beam of light, it was just a slow-moving, obscure blotch of light (since there were no visible clouds).

Thais are indeed very spiritual (or superstitious, if you will) and they do take the inexplicaple explanation very seriously. Fortunately, my girlfriend has been very understanding with my constant atheistic rebuttals of her beliefs (she's a medium of sorts) and so far we haven't had any serious quarrels about the issue of the spiritual. I guess this has a lot to do with the fact the she is vey confident that she is right and that I'm a science-deluded fool who has yet to witness a paranormal phenomenon firsthand. Since coming back to Bangkok, she's promised to arrange a meeting between me and her grandmother, who is a real phii pop (a malicious ghost) that lives alone in a small house and eats chicken in the night and sometimes, according to her own, harrowing accounts, even people. I'm looking forward to meeting her on my next visit to Isaan. If I discover anything out of the spere of natural phenomenon, I'll report back.

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Spoken like a true scientist. Try telling that to a young child who wakes up in the night with hairs on the back of the neck raised. Try telling it also to millions throughout history in different places in the world who absolutely believe in a spirit world. It's a myth to believe that ancient societies were all backward. In many ways they were far more advanced than we are and not distracted by the constant noise and entertainment that lock us into the purely physical world. The world of our 5 senses. The limited world that prevents us achieving higher states of consciousness and awareness.

Cultures such as the American Indians were absolutely in tune with nature, without the distractions and 'reason' we have and we know, believe in a spirit world.

Are you a Native American?

Some who have intense or near death experiences aren't suffering from a chemical imbalance. They are more 'alive' than in their 'normal' state. What about during wars when wives just 'know' their husband or lover has died? Animals who know a tsunami is coming and head for the hills? Dogs that growl at 'nothing'?

NDEs have also been artificially induced and can seem very real even if it isn't.

Regarding wars, people die in wars, so if someone "knows" their loved one has died, and the person did in fact die, "sensing" it is not unusual considering death is a very big risk of war.

Animals/tsunamis: Some animals can detect sounds, pressure, etc., better than humans.

Dogs growling at nothing: maybe it isn't nothing. Could be growling at some other animal, or a sound or who knows.

Many a priest or seeker in days gone by has used herbs or mushrooms to reach altered states. It's a media myth to believe every drug experience is a negative one. If you remember Bill Hicks, you'll be familiar with this positive story...

"Today, a young man on acid realised that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. That we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There is no such thing as death, life is only a dream and we're the imagination of ourselves."

Altered state? Yes. But perhaps you should study up first on how hallucinogens work on the brain.

I was as cynical as they come. I used to watch Christian 'nutcases' falling on the floor, screaming or giggling like madmen at religious retreats. One day, years later, I attended an 'Art of Living' course. This is where they practice breathing and yoga exercises. There is one breathing exercise called 'Sudarshan Kriya'. You flood the body with oxygen for 30 minutes. After the exercise you lie on the floor and just see what comes up. The first two times I tried, nothing happened for me. A few people did the hysterical laughter thing but nothing for me. Then on the third occasion I was lying down and my body was 'vibrating' (with all the oxygen intake). I heard a low moan develop into an unearthly howl and to my embarrassment, realised it was me. I 'saw' a dark shape/force/energy travel down my body and exit through my feet. The fear was intense. As soon as it exited I stopped howling. After, I definitely felt lighter.

What had taken place?

Taking in a lot of oxygen could make a person feel light-headed and imagine things.

I tried to recall how an entity could have entered my body and remembered a night when I woke up from a restless sleep and to my horror 'saw' a dark shape enter my body through my feet. At the time I thought 'alien' although the shape was hard to describe. I was frozen in fear while it happened, however, dropped back off to sleep and forgot about it.

That sort of thing can happen to a lot of people during sleep.

It's true I was going through a very stressful period at the time (your 'defective mind'?) But that's precisely the point isn't it? That it's when we are going through an intense emotional/psychological period, then our own frequency changes and perhaps we attract certain entities.

Being under stress can certainly be intense, but has nothing to do with attracting entities.

I know meditators who practice Vipassana and claim they can leave their bodies and 'travel'. One claimed she had watched me make love to a friend. She had asked me if I was sleeping with her and I said 'No'. She said I was lying and I asked how she could know? She said 'I watched you'.

How would you explain this?

When a person "leaves" their body, it's usually a sign of being dead.

For me, there is more to this world than logic and reason. Just ask my long dead grandpa who is standing next to me. :o

I just tried asking your grandpa. Unfortunately he didn't answer. :D

Edited by AmeriThai
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I was just at the shops, I saw this really ugly think, she had red hair, freckles, white as paper and was very wide, she scared the shit out of me. She might of been a ghost Im not sure, but I find it hard to believe that thing is human

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Are you a Native American?

No. But I do have experience of shamanism. How about you?

American Indians believe in a spirit world. If you want to dismiss thousands of years of subjective experience, you are free to do so. Since their minds and nervous systems aren't clouded by 'reason' and overstimulation and they have lived closer to the natural world, I'm not going to dismiss their beliefs as readily as some.

NDEs have also been artificially induced and can seem very real even if it isn't.

Have you had one?

Regarding wars, people die in wars, so if someone "knows" their loved one has died, and the person did in fact die, "sensing" it is not unusual considering death is a very big risk of war.

Have YOU ever 'sensed' someone's death? Or even when they are hurt? Others have. Dismissing them doesn't make you right. Just cynical.

Animals/tsunamis: Some animals can detect sounds, pressure, etc., better than humans.

Dogs growling at nothing: maybe it isn't nothing. Could be growling at some other animal, or a sound or who knows.

As you say, 'who knows'. Since you don't know, you aren't in a position to naysay it.

Altered state? Yes. But perhaps you should study up first on how hallucinogens work on the brain.

There are many things that affect the brain. Chemical toxins, heavy metals, too much sugar, pharmaceutical drugs, computer or electrical radiation, mobile phone and other frequencies, too little cortisol, everything we ingest, inadequate breathing, emotional stress and so on. Lots of lovely 'scientific' ways to dismiss thousands of years of mystical experience. The word 'hallucinogen', alone, condemns the practitioner.

Taking in a lot of oxygen could make a person feel light-headed and imagine things.

Sorry. 'could' doesn't really cut it. In the first experience I woke up in the night and my oxygen levels were normal. In the latter, elevated. Strange that I would have a similar sense of 'invasion' and fear.

Oxygen is a powerful cleanser physically. Why not spiritually?

I tried to recall how an entity could have entered my body and remembered a night when I woke up from a restless sleep and to my horror 'saw' a dark shape enter my body through my feet.

That sort of thing can happen to a lot of people during sleep.

Which part of 'I woke up' wasn't clear?

It's true I was going through a very stressful period at the time (your 'defective mind'?) But that's precisely the point isn't it? That it's when we are going through an intense emotional/psychological period, then our own frequency changes and perhaps we attract certain entities.

Being under stress can certainly be intense, but has nothing to do with attracting entities.

You are good. You said it and it was so. :D

I know meditators who practice Vipassana and claim they can leave their bodies and 'travel'. One claimed she had watched me make love to a friend. She had asked me if I was sleeping with her and I said 'No'. She said I was lying and I asked how she could know? She said 'I watched you'.

How would you explain this?

When a person "leaves" their body, it's usually a sign of being dead.

Yet another imperious waft of the hand. At least you are consistent. :D

I just tried asking your grandpa. Unfortunately he didn't answer. :D

He did actually. Asked me to pass on this message. "I don't waste my time talking to 'imperious wafters'.

They don't listen" :o

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Yes have met a few ghosts. but most of the time it turns out to be over active imaginations triggered by intense emotions that impreganate a place due to long term or intense emotional experiences of someone living in the local. But he real ones are quite real and a very intense experience. I did some ghost busting for the am northwest television show a number of years back. y

I'm going to be humming that tune all afternoon now... "Who you gonna call..." :o

If there's something strange in your neighborhood

Who you gonna call?

If there's something weird and it don't look good

Who you gonna call?


I ain't afraid of no ghost

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Googling "ghosts thailand" led me to this list which I am sure is by no means all inclusive;

A Guide To Thailand's Ghosts and Spirits

by Andrew Forbes

The Thai spirit world is populated by a plethora of ghosts, ghouls and demons - some good, some harmful, and some openly dangerous. Among the most interesting are:

Phi Peta - A hungry ghost. Everyone who is preoccupied with material attachments to the exclusion of the spiritual will be reborn as a Peta, having a giant belly and an mouth as small as the eye of a needle. Peta may sometimes be heard whistling at night, looking for people to make merit for them. This ghost is relatively harmless.

Phi Am - A ghost which sits on the chest or liver of sleepers, causing discomfort. It can be harmful.

Phi Chamob - A ghost which haunts the place where a woman has died in the jungle. This spirit does not do any harm.

Phi Ha - The spirit of a woman who has died in childbirth. This ghost is considered to be very violent.

Phi Krahang - This ghost appears as a man with feathers and a tail like a bird. It eats filth and glows at night. An unpleasant and frightening spirit.

Phi Krasy - This ghost lives inside a witch and leaves her body during sleep by way of the mouth. The Krasy is the colour of fire, has a head the size of an electric light bulb and a half-metre long bluish tail. A Krasy ghost likes dirt and does not generally harm human beings, although when it consumes entrails (hardly surprisingly) it can cause death. Krasy witches have a sleepy appearance during the day. Their eyes don't blink and they can never look anybody in the face. Also, they don't cast any reflection in the mirror. Before Krasy witches can die, they have to find somebody who will inherit the Krasy by consuming some of the old witch's spittle.

Phi Lok - A ghost which haunts various localities. It frightens and misleads people, and can be seen as well as felt.

Phi Phrai - The spirit of a woman who has died in childbirth and whose body has been used to make phi thai hong lotion. A sorcerer must hold a candle under the corpse's chin, and from the resultant melted oil essences are manufactured which drive men mad and attract women.

Phi Tai Ha - The spirit of a woman who has died of malaria. The ghost will also spread this disease.

Phi Thuk Khun - The substance of a living person which has to be sent out on astral journeys every week, or harm will come to its owner.

Phi Khamod - A spirit in the shape of a red star which, like a Will o' the Wisp, misleads wanderers.

Phi Nang Tani - A female tree spirit which is essentially beneficent and may fill the alms bowls of itinerant monks.

Phi Pa - A forest spirit. Hunters may leave a piece of the foot, lip, tongue or eyelid of a killed animal to show respect to this spirit.

Phi Poang Khang - A spirit in the shape of a black monkey which likes to suck the big toe of people sleeping in the jungle. It is said to live near salt licks.

Phi Ka - These spirits are inherited through women and can be contagious. The Ka, if not properly treated (with raw eggs) will attack and possibly possess people without the owner's knowledge. Perhaps understandably, ordinary people are said to be reluctant to marry into Ka clans!

Phi Hai - Hungry, amoral spirits associated with places where people have died an unnatural or violent death. Phi Hai are easily offended, and take every opportunity to possess people. Normally, they can be induced to leave their victim if suitable offerings are made, but on occasions an exorcist has to drive them out. In such cases, when incantations and lustral water prove insufficient, a whip may need to be employed.

Phi Pob - A malicious and very dangerous spirit which manifests itself as a beautiful woman. Phi Pob float through the air because they have no legs or lower body. They generally appear as a length of internal organs and intestines suspended from a strikingly lovely face - therefore, beware beautiful women gliding mysteriously by in long dresses! This type of ghost is probably more feared than any other species in Thailand.

Clearly, there can be no doubt that belief in ghosts and spirits remains widespread throughout Thailand....Chinese "bouncing" ghosts have long been a staple of Thai television and children's fantasy. Muslim ghosts have appeared which can be driven off by flourishing a piece of pork (preferably a pig's head) at them, and even vampires have made the long journey from Transylvania to Thailand. In this age of mass communication and international tourism, ghosts too - or so it would seem - have become world travellers!

I have never met a more superstitious people than the diminutive inhabitants which populate the glorious "Land 'O Thais". I didn't see this kind of rampant belief in Brazil, Peru, Dominican Republic, Honduras, Guatemala, or any other place I've lived. As long as they keep it to themselves, don't try to force what ever belief they have on me, and don't impact the quality of my life here, I pretty much ignore people and their beliefs. It's the same as I do with alleged christians, mormons, seventh day adventists, muslims, and their ilk.

Believe what you want, I'll believe what I want.

Edited by tod-daniels
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Believe what you want, I'll believe what I want.

Interesting post and a good attitude. :o

Out of interest. Celebrating Halloween this year? Enjoy Harry Potter? Believe in WMDs? Which soap powder do you buy?

Beliefs, unfortunately, are implanted in us all too easily.

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