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Uk Debt In Thailand


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Well happy for you, I would request Per diem rates must be good in Singapore.

I use to bank half my Per Diem and all my salary.

I work for myself and the guys that work for me are treated well and rarely work more than a half year with full years salary. One lives quite well in Thailand with a high five figure salary, he is quite sad this contract is coming to an end

in the near future, maybe.

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Well happy for you, I would request Per diem rates must be good in Singapore.

I use to bank half my Per Diem and all my salary.

I work for myself and the guys that work for me are treated well and rarely work more than a half year with full years salary. One lives quite well in Thailand with a high five figure salary, he is quite sad this contract is coming to an end

in the near future, maybe.

Depends which country you are in and local practices regarding per diem -Singapore goes line by line. An extra person non-company at the meal has to be paid out of your own pocket ie somebody's partner.

The most senior at the meal pays - so I go and pay for the meal with the per diem country then we spend their 100USD per diem some drinks

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Total U.S. $293, meal and incidental ( laundry and ++) $104 ( some nice meals to be had)

Non reportable as long as it stays under the rate, for the individual anyways.

$106,000 a year possible without any expense reports. better things to do than reporting individual expenses.

Edited by Khun ?
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I didn,t run.................flew first class. Be a man and declare bankruptcy? Hahahahhaah . You for real?

Mmmmmmmmmmmm, i,ll pay 50 pence a month thanks. Saves me the air fare and the court fees. Gotta have some money to take care of the pool and the mia noi.

Theft? UK law says it theft? Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr sure it does. Get a life

You are a perfect example of what happens when someone faces failure and can't deal with it. Congratulations you have impressed everyone on TV, what a wonderful,smart guy you are.


Cost of filing bankruptcy ( UK ) approx 500 pounds. Cost of return flight to the UK , approx 600 pounds? Total = 1,100 UK pounds to declare bankruptcy. Or pay at 50 pence a month? For the next 550 months?

He sounds pretty smart to me. Maybe morally not defensible.....but certainly not criminal either.

Some people never get a break.................some work hard and make their money..............some just inherit and pretend they earned it........................some people take lawful advantages of foolish money companies.

Way it is i,m afraid. Always will be.

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I didn,t run.................flew first class. Be a man and declare bankruptcy? Hahahahhaah . You for real?

Mmmmmmmmmmmm, i,ll pay 50 pence a month thanks. Saves me the air fare and the court fees. Gotta have some money to take care of the pool and the mia noi.

Theft? UK law says it theft? Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr sure it does. Get a life

You are a perfect example of what happens when someone faces failure and can't deal with it. Congratulations you have impressed everyone on TV, what a wonderful,smart guy you are.


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I cannot understand TAXEXILE. He is complaing about the OP and Manchester even if they have committed no crime....................yet his username suggests he does not wish to reside in his own country to pay taxes?? To the country that gave him his every opportunity? Took care of him and his family? Provided many benefits and opportunites?

TAX EXILE.................well................ :o

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The following may help regarding un-secured loans in the UK:

If after 6 years there has been no contact or repayments on the loan(s) and no CCJ(s) have been taken out there is nothing they can do to get the money back. They may write to you and threaten all sorts but unless you admit to the debt or start making payments then there is nothing that they can legally do. You can write to the registrar’s office and find out if any CCJs have been taken out, if there has then these never go away and can be followed up at any time. the facts about bankruptcy law in the UK.

Hello crewcut.

I believe that the CCJ is also cancelled ( but still on record ) if no attempt has been made to follow up for 6 years. This means after that period of time they cannot chase it again ; say in......10 years. If they have tried to make contact..that keeps it alive for another 6 years. ( i believe )

Regardless..................the OP should declare bankruptcy in my opinion. Its then done and dusted and he can make plans for the future.

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passing time, but not quite as enjoyable as many have it, but being paid also ( on the clock you could say).

Might as well have some misery shared with others on TV. When I am not working you will not see me around a computer.

TAX EXILE, is a earned benefit, not something that is taken through fraudulent means.

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Day older than yesterday, elderly than some but younger than others. I don't wear leather knickers is that good enough for ya. Weigh the same as 30 years ago, not bald nor wear glasses, have savings too.

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I am in no way condoning what you have done, and as I am also totally unaware of the circumstances that led your debt, I am not qualified to judge what is right or what is wrong but it is sometimes nice to screw the system.

The worst the can legally do, and I am surprised that they have not done so yet was to have asked the county courts to put a charge on your property in the UK, assuming that is that the property and debt are in the same name.

If they haven’t then sell your property quickly and move the funds off-shore and into a company name.

I think it was some idiot that told you that they will be pursuing your debt in Thailand, and if I were you I would advise that person that you were mentally unaccountable for the debt but now receiving therapy in the LOS.


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