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Cabinet Shaken by Shares Scandal

Jai Dee

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There's even more about assault on Surayud in the Nation today.

I wonder what has got into them. Sutthichai Yoon dismissed these conspiracies as rumors in his opinion piece yesterday.

I think that the situation is grossly exaggerrated.

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There's even more about assault on Surayud in the Nation today.

I wonder what has got into them. Sutthichai Yoon dismissed these conspiracies as rumors in his opinion piece yesterday.

I think that the situation is grossly exaggerrated.

While the NCCC's actions of bypassing the PM and publicly announcing share ownerships issues one year after the disclosures were made doesn't constitute a conspiracy, as the old saying goes, where there is smoke there is fire and there certainly is a lot of smoke in the air.

I don't think there is one cohesive group conspiring to delay the elections and gain control as there are just too many different special interest groups seeking power. Of course, this could change.

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PM made only small reshuffle due to limited timeframe

The Prime Minister, Gen. Surayud Chulanont, said the Cabinet had to be reshuffled as little as possible due to the interim government's limited timeframe.

Gen. Surayud gave an interview on the Open Phitsanulok House program on government-owned television and radio this morning this morning (October 6th). He said his administration has only three months left, and he and Defence Minister Boonrawd Somtas have agreed to divide the responsibilities of Cabinet members who had recently resigned.

Following the reshuffle, Gen. Surayud has held dual positions as the prime minister and the interior minister. He said he would use this opportunity to provide full assistance to the Election Commission (EC) of Thailand in organizing free and fair elections.

Prime Minister Surayud called for cooperation from all state agencies, from community to regional levels. He also indicated that the declaration of vote-buying as the national agenda was agreed upon by the premier himself and the EC to facilitate transparency. He would like to see all sides help push for the general election by year's end.

As for Deputy Prime Minister Sonthi Boonyaratglin (สนธิ บุญญรัตกลิน)'s main responsibilities, the Prime Minister asserted that Gen. Sonthi would supervise the Internal Security Operations Command (ISOC) and deal with the problems in the southernmost provinces. He concluded that it is Gen. Sonthi's rights whether to enter the political arena once the government's tenure is completed.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 06 October 2007

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PM to start work as Interior Minister tomorrow

Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont who is concurrent minister of interior will be calling a meeting of governors across the country on October 8th to deliver policy and working guidelines.

The premier, endorsed as new interior minister on October 3rd, is scheduled to travel to the ministry tomorrow at 11.00 to receive work and pay homage to the ministry’s holy images. He will then call a video conference meeting amongst governors and have lunch with the ministry’s high-ranking officials afterwards.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 07 October 2007

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NLA affirms morality discussion is not aimed at faulting government

National Legislative Assembly (NLA) member Wallop Thungkananurak (วัลลภ ตังคณานุรักษ์) stated to the initiation of a moral and ethical discussion of ministers tomorrow that the NLA is aiming to encourage awareness of moral and ethical conduct. Mr. Wallop affirms that the NLA is not trying to fault the government as the government has already shown a clearly moral path by setting and supporting the general election.

Mr. Wallop also alluded to the resignation of 5 ministers who were found to hold inappropriate amounts of stakes in private companies that they had acted morally. He stated that the issue of the 5 ministers would not be a part of the discussion and that ministers of the government can join in the discussion if they choose.

The NLA member assured that the discussion will have no effect on the upcoming general election.

Source: Thai National News Bureau Public Relations Department - 09 October 2007

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I should imagine he is grumbling more because with every resignation the election becomes less and less likely which means he will be unable to make a comeback anytime soon. It's quite obvious that the next election will result in a win for Thaksin through his proxies, the NLA an see that, that is what this is about, delaying the election.

The future looks bleak...........

I strongly believe that if Thaksin's proxies win the next election any gains they make will be overturned for being in violation of the election ban of the 111. I believe this just as I thought very early on that the TRT would be disbanded for exactly the same reasons. Thaksin and/or his proxies are not going to be allowed back in power during the next election, which will happen soon. Any delays will be short.

I agree although if any proxy win is overturned it would leave us with another mess and an even shitier economy..............

Well, there are only two alternatives as far as I can see. Three if nobody cares about Thaksin returning, but since those with power do care, that leaves two alternatives. Either they delay the election indefinitely with Sonthi taking the PM's role as suggested in this morning's The Nation, or they disqualify any winners from the PPP for being involved with the old TRT and hand the election over to the other parties based on votes received. I hope the latter is true since the current government has not shown any idea whatsoever as to what it takes to run an economy (other than running it into the ground).

I think you sum up the potential after election scenario quite well although i am not convinced the current government are going to sit back and let the ex-TRT (PPP) just keep all the sucked up MPs or to just have a free reign on using their feudal networks to deliver a huge number of seats in the time honored fashion. I am sure they will have a plan to disrupt this and to disqualify anyone caught in vote influencing. The electon itself will be right dirty. All the scandals being brought on the government now may also build the pressure for them to become more proactively anti-T, something which until now the actual government has been quite weak on.

Hopefully whatever scheme the Junta side come up with will outdo the schemes of the PPP, now that it has shown its true colours by hiring in the absolute worst of Thai politicians giving it an edge over the Junta boys in level of obnoxiousness. One wonders what side deals have been cut to recruit the likes of Samak, Chalerm, and Yuth, and what other taranished ones will join up next. We should also note that neither side is really going to pay more than lipservice to democractic principles while at the same time going on about democracy. This is a pure power game and a dirty one at that which is bnow pretty much at the level of winner takes all including a chance to avenge ones self on ones enemies. One cringes at this tought if Samak were to win with his previous.

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We should also note that neither side is really going to pay more than lipservice to democractic principles while at the same time going on about democracy. This is a pure power game and a dirty one at that which is now pretty much at the level of winner takes all including a chance to avenge ones self on ones enemies.

What I am waiting to see is whether those parties that have not yet announced their platforms (which is all parties except the Demo's) will bring back the populist policies that got Thaksin elected. If they do, then perhaps a lot of the vote buying may not be needed. If they don't, then this will go down as one of the dirtiest elections on record.

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Today's Nation : EX-ICT minister's brother appointed as advisor to ICT minister

The Cabinet Tuesday appointed Santi Pookaiyaudom, a brother of former Information and Communications Minister Sitthichai Pookaiyaudom, as an advisor to the ICT minister.


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I should imagine he is grumbling more because with every resignation the election becomes less and less likely which means he will be unable to make a comeback anytime soon. It's quite obvious that the next election will result in a win for Thaksin through his proxies, the NLA an see that, that is what this is about, delaying the election.

The future looks bleak...........

I strongly believe that if Thaksin's proxies win the next election any gains they make will be overturned for being in violation of the election ban of the 111. I believe this just as I thought very early on that the TRT would be disbanded for exactly the same reasons. Thaksin and/or his proxies are not going to be allowed back in power during the next election, which will happen soon. Any delays will be short.

Especially not with daring comments like this one below... :o

Samak: People to decide if coup was just

(BangkokPost.com) – The battle seems to be on between the People Power party (PPP) and the Council for National Security, at least according to PPP leader Samak Sundaravej.

Talking to reporters after the morning number ballot draw for political parties, Mr Samak said he was happy with the number 12, and stressed his intention of eliminating those who ousted the former Thaksin Shinawatra administration.

“Our mission in the December election will be to eliminate the powers that ousted Mr Thaksin,” Mr Samak said.

“Up to this very day, the CNS is still unable to find a reason for the military takeover. They accused the former government of several crimes but for over a year, they have been unable to prove their claims.”

“The people will be able to decide for themselves next month whether the coup was justified.”

Edited by Tony Clifton
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I should imagine he is grumbling more because with every resignation the election becomes less and less likely which means he will be unable to make a comeback anytime soon. It's quite obvious that the next election will result in a win for Thaksin through his proxies, the NLA an see that, that is what this is about, delaying the election.

The future looks bleak...........

I strongly believe that if Thaksin's proxies win the next election any gains they make will be overturned for being in violation of the election ban of the 111. I believe this just as I thought very early on that the TRT would be disbanded for exactly the same reasons. Thaksin and/or his proxies are not going to be allowed back in power during the next election, which will happen soon. Any delays will be short.

Especially not with daring comments like this one below... :o

Samak: People to decide if coup was just

(BangkokPost.com) – The battle seems to be on between the People Power party (PPP) and the Council for National Security, at least according to PPP leader Samak Sundaravej.

Talking to reporters after the morning number ballot draw for political parties, Mr Samak said he was happy with the number 12, and stressed his intention of eliminating those who ousted the former Thaksin Shinawatra administration.

“Our mission in the December election will be to eliminate the powers that ousted Mr Thaksin,” Mr Samak said.

“Up to this very day, the CNS is still unable to find a reason for the military takeover. They accused the former government of several crimes but for over a year, they have been unable to prove their claims.”

“The people will be able to decide for themselves next month whether the coup was justified.”

It appears that Samak is playing a very high stakes game- using the election not only as a poll to endorse Thaksin- but also to condemn the junta. Normally I would think that's a pretty stupid thing to do- except, as Old Man River points out- for one reason or another, there's little chance that he or his party will assume power.

Samak is a seasoned polititian - he is not stupid- and he may be sensing an undercurrant in the country that doesn't so much support Thaksin, as oppose the coup.

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