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German Has Enough Of Muslims Chanting


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Shouldn't this be in the Joke Room

Was wandering when you would turn up :o

And what was your nic before you were banned?

If you're going to come back, why make it so obvious?

Edited by tropo
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Love, hugs and understanding. That will cure everything. And when ever it seems someone has perpetrated a terrible atrocity look else where for the cause. Who ever they are it was certainly not their fault, even when it looks obvious that it was. To all dictators and those guilty of genocide: give them more time, love and understanding. Take the power from those that have it now and give it to the poor folk, the starving Africans and the cultural oddities of the middle east, for they will wield it so much more effectively. Then when the world it totally and completely in ruins at least we can say we did our best.

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It's best to ignore religious freaks and liberals. You were abused as children so it's not your fault.
I really do try to be impartial but here we are again today from the maldives a bomb killing and maiming,,[.Some Western diplomats have expressed concern about the potential for violence in the Sunni Muslim country, which has a population of about 350,000. Half of the population is under 18, reasonably well educated and with few prospects for good jobs.

Some young people have turned to drug use, while others have embraced a conservative strain of Islam that had been almost unheard of on the islands until a few years ago.].no ,i dont know enough about it to give an educated comment, however, i see it as cowards killing and maiming innocent people regardless of religion,.am i wrong ?

Edited by mikethevigoman
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Lets remember the forum rules when posting please
3) Religious or racial slurs, rude and degrading comments towards women, or extremely negative views of Thailand will not be tolerated.

SBK - I am trying to keep within the rules, but it sometimes depends on interpretation.

I am not against Islam per se, but over the past thirty years there has been a radical shift in the attitude of most muslims, the man-in-the-street muslim, not just the fanatical few.

Thirty years ago I was welcome in many mosques, in Armenian churches, Zoroastrian temples and the like. All people were proud to show my family and myself the art and culture of their faith.

Nowadays I would not venture into any mosque - nor do I pick up workers on our construction site, which used to be normal practice. Attitudes have changed - especially by- and to- muslims. Before the revolution in Iran started there was tolerance of all religions - Bahai, Zoroastrian, Christion, Judaism among others. I had friends in all these faiths, as well as many muslims. Even at the start of the revolution it was more political than religious, with many muslims supporting the Shah. But this changed - before I left Shiraz there were mass slaughters of Bahai (judged to be apostates from Islam) more than there were attacks on political or military targets.

Then some of the larger (Jewish owned) shops were burnt - one three times. Most of the Jews left for Israel, but some stayed. They have since been persecuted for not leaving - accused of being spies, having very small incomes because their businesses have been confiscated, so on. The Armenian Christians are still there, but not in the numbers there used to be.

I then went to Saudi (first tour). I was out in the sticks - near a small desert town. Whenever I went into town for shopping I was greeted by complete strangers and the shopkeepers would remember me from previous visits. We were invited into many homes for a meal, or a whole Friday gathering.

I moved to Libya - I was there during the shooting of the policewoman in Central London and the subsequent expulsion of many Libyans. I was on the retaliation list in Libya -to be expelled. Complete strangers would come up to me in the street and say "Mr John, I know you are on the expulsion list - I can speak to the mayor and get you removed." Not because they wanted a cash reward, just because they knew I wished to stay. (Actually the Minister of Social Security - my client - had already had my name removed).

During Reagan's raiders attack on Libya in April 1986 I was in Benghazi. Afterwards, at all the Army checkpoints, the soldiers started shouting at me, being British. But when I pointed out that I had been sharing the bombing attacks with them, not flying the *** planes, they started laughing with me.

Until the first Gulf War there was far less animosity towards the West. I was in Saudi again soon after GW1 and there was a distinct change in attitude. People in the streets were far less likely to talk to me, even though I was in Khobar - one of the most pro-Western parts of Saudi.

Other projects after that - in Indonesia the people were very friendly; although our work-force was all muslim, I could go down into the nearby village square at night and sit and have a beer with the guys working for me. No problems, they even took me on hunting trips at the weekend, searching for tapirs in the jungle. Good eating.

Then came GW Bush and GW2. Since then absolutely no-one will speak to me outside of work (in Saudi again). Even the UK and US educated Arabs are mostly avoiding the Westerners they work alongside. It is now Ramadan - no muslims should not eat, drink or smoke during daylight hours. It used to be that the majority would say to Western smokers that they didn't mind if the guy smoked, as long as it was not directly in front of them. Now the smoke shelters are wired-off so that no-one may use them. So the non-muslims are forced to follow Islamic Ramadan rules. I don't smoke, I have a lockable office, so I don't care.

Why all these things are changing is surely due to many factors, but things are changing and it is no good saying that we must understand these 'poor' people. It is not the deprivation that drives forward the fanatics - Osama bin Ladin is/was the titular head of one of the largest construction and business conglomerates in the Middle East. Most of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudis, with care-for-life social benefits. No-one starves here except widows and divorced women who are often rejected by their families. Men are never rejected.

There really needs to be a sea-change in our thinking on Islam - there has been a sea-change in their thinking about the West - not just the fanatics, but the entire religion. Wake up and smell the winds of change.

Edited by Humphrey Bear
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It's best to ignore religious freaks and liberals. You were abused as children so it's not your fault.

I suppose the racists, bigots and other hate mongers here come from loving families.

If this thread was bashing Christians it would have been closed pages ago.

Edited by garro
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There really needs to be a sea-change in our thinking on Islam - there has been a sea-change in their thinking about the West - not just the fanatics, but the entire religion. Wake up and smell the winds of change.

what do we achieve if we change our thinking on Islam? will it improve the situation?

i have no doubts that your reports are correct although my experience is a bit different. and as far as the "entire religion" is concerned i think you are generalising. one also has to weigh that since sept 11 "obvious" muslims are treated with mistrust and sometimes like sh*t when they visit western countries and that might be the main reason why we westerner do not enjoy anymore the "merhabas" and "ahlan wa sahlans" we were used to in olden times.

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Most of this thread is religious slur.....now how about some Christian fundamentalism - the most dangerous sect in the world as they DO rule AND they've got the bomb!

Shouldn't this be in the Joke Room?

No sir........you should.

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"I've got nothing against them but...."

"Some of my best friends are....."

"They come over here......."

"So long as they fit in...."

Our way of life....."

Just some of the classic expression that identify bigotry and racism.....see how many of this ilk you can spot on this thread.....

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"I've got nothing against them but...."

"Some of my best friends are....."

"They come over here......."

"So long as they fit in...."

Our way of life....."

Just some of the classic expression that identify bigotry and racism.....see how many of this ilk you can spot on this thread.....

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Most of this thread is religious slur.....now how about some Christian fundamentalism - the most dangerous sect in the world as they DO rule AND they've got the bomb!

Shouldn't this be in the Joke Room?

No sir........you should.

Sorry, I really thought you were joking. :o

Edited by tropo
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