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The Importance Of White Skin


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Sure,it is a commercial gig,,the cosmetic companys are making millions from the sale of their phony skin whiteners and all the chic's that are shown on TV and all commercials are white girls,mostly eurasians,and that is a very good brain washer for them to use. and that is all it is.

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They should stick to talcom powder - it's cheaper and looks sillier.

nah but seriously, the cosmetic companies are out of order and the government should start educating the public that they should be proud whatever skin colour they are and that they have the same oppertunities.

If Thailand wants to be like the west so much, then why is it taking so long to for them to catch up with this one?

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They should stick to talcom powder - it's cheaper and looks sillier.

nah but seriously, the cosmetic companies are out of order and the government should start educating the public that they should be proud whatever skin colour they are and that they have the same oppertunities.

If Thailand wants to be like the west so much, then why is it taking so long to for them to catch up with this one?

The west is white

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the government should start educating the public that they should be proud whatever skin colour they are and that they have the same oppertunities.

If Thailand wants to be like the west so much, then why is it taking so long to for them to catch up with this one?

So Black and Brown people have the same opportunities as a white man in a white mans country?

If Thailand ends up like a Western Country, then us Farangs will really be in the <deleted>.

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It's the case of "the grass is greener on the other side", in this case it's either "lighter" or "darker".

People in the west want a dark tan, people in the fareast want fair white skin.

I wouldn't deny that companies employ partially and hopefully not soley based on looks. But trusting that they are smart enough and want their business to flourish, I certainly think they'll look at the cv and qualifications of an applicant.

Then again, maybe we can't face the fact that good looking people can have both beauty and brains.

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The west is white

Is that their perception or yours?


It seems that is usually the case.....I remember trying to pursuade this girl from Issan that I was American, because I'm a Black guy. She didn't believe me, because she actually told me that the only Americans ( that she ever seen, I assume ) were White! I couldn't believe it! After a few minutes of funny, polite banter, I finally showed her my NY Drivers License, that shut her up! :D

I really hope she was just kidding with me :o

Narachon: The Non-White Westerner :D

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The west is white

Is that their perception or yours?


It seems that is usually the case.....I remember trying to pursuade this girl from Issan that I was American, because I'm a Black guy. She didn't believe me, because she actually told me that the only Americans ( that she ever seen, I assume ) were White! I couldn't believe it! After a few minutes of funny, polite banter, I finally showed her my NY Drivers License, that shut her up! :D

I really hope she was just kidding with me :o

Narachon: The Non-White Westerner :D

5555555 :D

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Yea, can you believe it, Geronimo was also American. 

I think he was Bedonkohe Apache, think he might disagree with him being called American. Incidently, he was born in Mexico (New Mexico which was 'old' mexico in them days - 1829).

Don't ya just hate a smart arse! :o

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If you'd like to trade match sticks, then all the white people in America, including myself, are not 'legally' American because the land was taken by blatant theft and deception. This is probably a topic for another day.

Thanks for the info though Wolf.

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I always thought that the desire for white coloured skin had nothing to do with being western. I thought that a lower class girl worked outdoors and thus got darker skin while a higher class girl worked indoors out of the sun and thus stayed pale.

I live in Isaan and even on the hottest day a woman who works outside wears a wide-brimmed hat and a scarf wrapped around her whole head so you can only see her eyes.

There is also the question of the higher class Thai being mostly Chinese-Thai and they have paler skins too. Hence the TV adverts are aimed at the moneyed class who can afford to buy their products, and the adverts feature mostly Chinese and farangs. When did you last see an advert with an Isaan person other than as an object of scorn or dancing round with funny clothes on, playing odd wooden musical instruments and saying "saeb saeb " ( delicious )


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I tease my wife and her sister. Both gorgeous Thai/Chinese girls that that shun the sun like vamipires.

My wife says,"Black(meaning dark) skin are low class people." :D

Ah the perpetual ignorance of racism.

I guess that means me. With my Italian blood I get pretty dark out here in San Diego but I do have beautiful blue eyes and "dirty blond" hair to redeem me. :o

Hey you lookin' at me ! :D

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I always thought that the desire for white coloured skin had nothing to do with being western.

Spot on!!!!!!!!! I was just going to say that!!!!!!!!!

It is as simple as them thinking that being white is more beautiful!

Same as it is in HK! :o

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In early Victorian Britain plump (or fuller) women were considered attractive.

Why, because it was hard to get fat then. You had to be wealthy.

No everyone can afford to eat in the rich west. It is easy to be fat. However, it is hard to be thin - you need time and money for the gymn (I pay £120 (8,400 Baht) per month for my wife to go to the Gymn). Low fat foods are more expensive. The clothes to show off that figure etc etc. However, in the west men do not look for money anymore. Our complacency as to our wealth (because we don't see slums in London anymore - they may be there, but we don't see them) has turned our eye. We hunt out physical fitness and youth instead (slipped back a few eons perhaps).

In hot countries it is easy to be dark skinned and normal if you work outside all day. If you are rich, you can hide away indoors. If you are rich and have rich ancesters, you have not been selected to produce the melonin levels that someone in a farming community in Asia would.

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The problems I have persuading my wife that I like her just the way she is!

And then we went shopping in Big C the other day and wound up with 2,500 baht's worth of whitening creams. (For her, not for her beauty salon)

When working in the Middle East I had many Thai / Filipino / Indonesian site labour - all wearing balaclava's, scarves, plus safety helmets, so on. Must have lost a kilo a day in sweat. But that's the way they wanted to be - go home on vacation and tell everyone they had an office job, rather than digging trenches.

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