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Bungee Jump In Cm


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I'd rather keep my feet on the ground, so can't help you there.

And after reading on their website about <quote>This naturally Beautiful site is the home to a wide range of animals which you are free to play with while watching the action ... <unquote> I will stay wide away from any of the Jungle Bungy Jump and the Monkey center. Plain disgusting! :o


... In Chaing Mai they went to the “Monkey Training School” where they found several dozen macaques, mostly pig-tailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina), and two lar gibbons (Hylobates lar). The conditions for these animals were terrible. They were tied to posts and hardly able to move. Both of the species listed above are native to Thailand. ...


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I'd rather keep my feet on the ground, so can't help you there.

And after reading on their website about This naturally Beautiful site is the home to a wide range of animals which you are free to play with while watching the action ... I will stay wide away from any of the Jungle Bungy Jump and the Monkey center. Plain disgusting! :D


... In Chaing Mai they went to the “Monkey Training School” where they found several dozen macaques, mostly pig-tailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina), and two lar gibbons (Hylobates lar). The conditions for these animals were terrible. They were tied to posts and hardly able to move. Both of the species listed above are native to Thailand. ...


The whole setup is quite disgusting, as is the state of the animals. All they have succeeding in doing is completely ruining a beautiful part of Chiangmai with an eyesore of a crane jib, and as far as "operating to overseas New Zealand standards"......tell me when anything like this in Thailand has even been remotely interested safety standards when profits are involved.

You only have to look at the fatalities from the last two Doi Suthep cable car "accidents" :o

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I'd rather keep my feet on the ground, so can't help you there.

And after reading on their website about This naturally Beautiful site is the home to a wide range of animals which you are free to play with while watching the action ... I will stay wide away from any of the Jungle Bungy Jump and the Monkey center. Plain disgusting! :D


... In Chaing Mai they went to the “Monkey Training School” where they found several dozen macaques, mostly pig-tailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina), and two lar gibbons (Hylobates lar). The conditions for these animals were terrible. They were tied to posts and hardly able to move. Both of the species listed above are native to Thailand. ...


The whole setup is quite disgusting, as is the state of the animals. All they have succeeding in doing is completely ruining a beautiful part of Chiangmai with an eyesore of a crane jib, and as far as "operating to overseas New Zealand standards"......tell me when anything like this in Thailand has even been remotely interested safety standards when profits are involved.

You only have to look at the fatalities from the last two Doi Suthep cable car "accidents" :o

What the hel_l are you moaning about MM ? Did Ian fail to pay you your commision.

Anyway this thread rings of "TROLL" advertising for the X-centre which has a great Bungy Jump over a large pond. Located up the Mai Sa valley road a few klicks north of Chiang Mai. Not that I'd do it, afraid of heights but he has a bar where you can sit and watch.

Edited by lamphun
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What the hel_l are you moaning about MM ? Did Ian fail to pay you your commision.

Anyway this thread rings of "TROLL" advertising for the X-centre which has a great Bungy Jump over a large pond. Located up the Mai Sa valley road a few klicks north of Chiang Mai. Not that I'd do it, afraid of heights but he has a bar where you can sit and watch.

Nah, I always get full commission :o Just pisses me off when people carve chunks out of a beautiful jungle for filthy profit. The Night Surf ari being a typical example :D

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Looks like fun, anyone does this in CM? I'm considering a jump for the crack. Opinions welcome - safety is obvious paramount. :D



I find it patently unfair! What sort of person ties a bunch of budgies to their legs and forces them to flap their little wings really hard to keep them from crashing to the ground with a 85-100 kilo weight tied to them, just so people can have fun?!?


Oh.... Really?

Never mind. :o

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Back on topic, the bungee jump is what I am interested in, not the side comments which may be true, but irrelevant for the topic at hand. :o

I read somewhere that the single biggest cause of 'detached retina' these days is bungee jumping. Don't know if it's true or not, and if I were in New Zealand I'd certainly give it a try off that bridge, but jumping from a crane over a little pond just doesn't do it for me.

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Bungee jumping is definitely not a sport for the faint of heart. If you watch a line of people who are waiting to bungee jump, you would be surprised at how many of them back out at the last moment. Falling from a high place is among the most fearful scenarios for many people. You will feel like you are in space because gravity will not work. However, if you can Stomach your fear and allow yourself to take that first jump, you will discover that it is one of the most adrenaline-filled and extreme activities. Most people, after their first jump, can’t help but come back for more of the sheer rush of adrenalin.

You are most likely familiar with the concept of bungee jumping, but here is a short recap just in case: an extremely strong and extremely stretchy cord is attached to the jumper’s ankles. He or she then leaps off of the jumping point and free-falls to the stretch capacity of the cord. The cord jerks the jumper back up, and he or she proceeds to fall again, and get jerked back up again. This process is repeated until the jumper has stopped bouncing. Being jerked up and down doesn’t sound very pleasant, but the truth is that it is ridiculously exciting.

Despite seeming dangerous, bungee jumping probably has the least number of accidents as compared to any of the other extreme sports. This is because it requires no experience and no skill. All you have to do is jump, and you will have a good time falling and screaming on your way down. Most people worry about one of two things. The first is that the rope will snap. This is not even an issue, since all commercial bungee jumping ropes go through strict quality tests to insure your safety. The second thing people worry about is that they will swing down and smack against a wall. This can be minimized by the bungee jumping operators who can have the bungee jumping platforms far from a rock cliff. If you are going on your own without any professional help then you need to be extremely cautious and keep away from the cliff.

However, bungee jumping is not without its risks. Although the chances of equipment failure are extremely low, there are other hazards in the actual fall. One of the most common is back injury. Since jumpers are being snapped around like rag dolls, those who are less limber might end up pulling a muscle or even dislocating something. There have also been many reports of eye injury during to bungee jumping.

There are many bungee jumping opportunities across the world. Wherever you can find a dam, bridge, or canyon that provides more than a few hundred feet of height, you will find a bungee jumping platform. Some of the most famous ones include the Verzasca Dam in Switzerland, the Bungee Tower in Cairns, and the highest one of all: the Macau Tower in China. All of these provide professional, commercial help in getting your equipment on and getting your form perfected.

Bungee jumping, due to its nature, is not very competitive. However, there are several different things that might allow for some competition within the sport. The first is acrobatics. There are a few specialized competitions that judge Bungee jumpers based on the moves that they can pull when in the air. The best acrobatics win the contest. There have also been attempts to continue one-upping the highest jump. Currently the record lies with the Royal Gorge jump in Colorado, which was only open for a few days during a sporting event.

The very thought of bungee jumping gets the adrenaline pumping. If you are one of those who love to try new and exciting sports, then bungee jumping will definitely be exciting, and fast.


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Ah, Ian is a good bloke. Don't know about the clearing of jungle issue. And I don't think the animals/monkeys in cages are anything to do with his operation; believe that is next door to him, and a completely separate business entity.

Personally, could never see the appeal of diving towards hard ground. I have several parachutist and hang glider friends. It seems like a harmless adrenaline rush for those who maybe otherwise have boring, prosaic lives.....

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Nah, I always get full commission :o Just pisses me off when people carve chunks out of a beautiful jungle for filthy profit. The Night Surf ari being a typical example :D

Uh, the jungle bungee jump place was never jungle, not even forest, beautiful or otherwise. It is right off a major highway in Mae Rim along one of the oldest and most developed tourist strips in Chiang Mai province. It is no less or more obtrusive than the monkey show place, the snake show place, the numerous orchid farm places, the elephant camps places, the scorpion places, or even that far bigger chunk of nearby, and formerly public forest land land, now known as the Four Seasons Resort. The only casualty has been the once notorious Phan Laan hotel, known to generations of Chiang Mai college-aged men.

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I did the one in Queenstown NZ (Kaurau Bridge) a few years ago, what a unreal sensation, almost shit myself. Havent seen the jungle bungee, so cant comment.

Theres another one in Queenstown called Skippers canyon that looks amazing!!



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Hi All,

Ian Here the Deforesting, Dirty Profit, Filthy Disgusting Evil etc etc Man. You are all entitled to your opinion but to the original Question about the Bungy Jump. We have 3 locations in Phuket Pattaya & Chiang Mai. To verify the NZ Standards i was one of the first People to be Registered as a "Jump Master" by the

"Standards Association of New Zealand" My last certificate was Number 17. You can check my CV on either www.junglebungy.com or www.chiangmai-xcentre.com We try to follow these standards as close as possible here for obvious reasons. As for Detached Retinas the only reports of this i have heard are caused from entering the Water To Hard and To Deep with your Face out and Eyes open but having said that i have seen Black eyes from doing this but never had anyone i know or customers actually get them? Feel free to just turn up and watch anytime and talk to customers so you can form your own opinion. I myself have done over 1000 Jumps no problem and I had a Steel Pin and Spinal Fusion before i started!!!

To all the Negative Comments, Believe me our Sites are much Nicer now compared to when we started on them and i never Cut any Trees unless it is unavoidable, on the Contrary we Plant More. All Our Dirty Profit Stays in Thailand, i have No Outside Interests or Investments. Here in Thailand I have a Wife, 2 Children and about 60 Employees at our different Locations who receive above average Salaries and Benefits and i would Hope to think they are all happy to have us and our Business here. As there are no natural sites available to do Bungy we Designed and Built our Towers Specifically for Bungy to be as Safe and Environmentally Friendly as possible, they are not a Crane and have an Electric Lift. I am No Angel but i would guess there are more with Nice things to say about me than Bad, Maybe??? I am pretty sure we do more for the community than most other businesses in this area! As i said everyone is entitled to an opinion but best to have some Facts to base them on first? Carry on Gentleman.

Cheers Ian. :o

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Hi Ian,

My post was not directed at you personally at all. I don't know you ... do I? :o And I wish you wholeheartedly a properous business and life. And from your website it looks you have done a pretty good job. :D

As I'm not the type that would jump of bridges, cliffs, planes or any other spot higher than 2 meters, I'm not exactly the best customer for a Bungy jump. Plus having an ad for plastic surgery on your website, also doesn't make me feel more comfortable in attending any of the activities you provide.................. just kidding. :D:bah:

I can imagine there are loads of people who love to do those things.

It was that I read about the animals. As you can see in my former post, it seems the animals aren't treated according their needs. And that hit a weak spot on which I reacted. I live in Chiang Mai for over 10 years, and I've never visited any of those places (monkey center, snake farm, elephant camps, night safari, etc.). I do, however, enjoy visiting National parks and helping the local dog rescue organisations where I can. That's me and nothing personal against you, although most probably we differ in opinion about the monkey center next door to you. :D

Nienke :D

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Hi All, See you here britmaveric and Yes JimsKnight that's the Place. This is one of the Best Places i have been in Thailand (Besides the Burning Season March-April-May) Some of the Best Jungle Trails and sites around. If any of you Guys like Bikes call in for a Chat one Day. Coming into the Best time of Year for Riding. I have done some Great Trips up around Pai, Mae Hong Son area. Have a few friends coming over the next few months so will be doing some more if anyone wants to join in or you can always see what is going on at www.GT-Rider.com . Keep Well.

Cheers Ian.

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Hi Ian,

I have some family coming over late Nov, but dont think they would jump even if I paid!

Do you allow people just to come by and watch?

Lamphun wrote: "Not that I'd do it, afraid of heights but he has a bar where you can sit and watch."



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