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Thai Farang Fights


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The funniest one I ever saw was in Patpong. They had a boxing ring set up and Muay Thai boxers. I thought they were putting on a pretty good show. There was a Brit who was acting (?) like he was drunk. He was yelling about how phony the boxers were. One Thai boxer was still in the ring when the fat gut Brit bully climbed in the ring. At the time I was convinced that it was part of the act. No one could be that stupid. The Brit rushed the boxer and received a kick in the gut. It sent him nearly across the ring. He then starts yelling like a mad man that he is going to kill the skinny little boxer. He received a kick aside the head for that rush. I didn't bother him any and he kept after the boxer. He was swinging wildly but couldn't hit the little guy. He finally got the boxer trapped in the corner, got his arms around him and lifted him up. The boxer's elbows beat on the Brit's head until blood was streaming and the Brit collapsed. It finally dawned on my that it WASN'T part of the act. The crowd watching was enjoying it and cheering wildly. Four Thais carried the idiot out of the ring and left him laying against a building. The fights went on and the next time I looked the idiot was gone. I've always wondered if he learned anything and how he explained all the cuts on his head.

I once witnessed a thai/farang boxing match in Pattaya in one of those beer bar boxing rings off walking st. After several rounds the farang was clearly dominating the Thai. After the final bell rang and the ref was holding up the farang's gloved hand, declaring him victor, the thai (who apparently had his feelings hurt by losing) started to attack the farang from BEHIND. One of the worst displays of cowardice I've ever seen. The farang never saw him coming. Talk about taking cheap shots...

Other than that I have witnessed thais kicking the crap out of tourists in Patong while police have stood by grinning. Never seen a one-on-one fight here, other than farang/farang, but that doesn't mean it never happens.

That is a strange way of telling a story. Did you pass out then?

Typical rumour-style story.

yeah i call bs on this one too

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No man sorry but it does seem to occur ALOT more often in Asia than "farangland". I'd seen hundreds of fights in my home city Ottawa Canada (nobody is having sex so they are all angry and fight at the drop of a hat) but NEVER a group on one fight until I moved to Thailand. I have heard the same goes on in China all the time. Seems like an Asian thing.

Damian Mavis

Well, when i was a kid in Europe, i was in many street fights, and i am sorry to say, many of them did involve the same sort of odds. I had several times the misfortune to be stomped to the ground by a gangs of skinheads. There is actually one advantage of ten people trying to kick you - they hit themselves more than you while you are curled up on the ground playing dead hoping that it's over soon. :o

What many people who get into fights with Thais do not realize is that rarely bystanders get involved, but people make the mistaken assumption that the person they get into a fight with is alone and by himself, which he usually isn't, and his friends just jump in.

Bystanders mostly have the same attitude as anywhere else - don't get involved. And that is the same attitude i have when i see people fighting - i just wait until it's over, and then help the victim.

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First hand here...

I had a fight with a tuk-tuk driver about 4 years ago in Patong, I was on my way home sitting in the passenger seat at about 5am after a pretty drunk night and realised that I didn't have my wallet anymore, either someone had taken it or I'd lost it somewhere. We are driving down the back of Nanai when I tell the driver this, in a drunk "I don't have my wallet" way.

Anyhow he immediately stops the tuk-tuk, comes round to the passenger side, opens the door drags me out in a rage like I've ever seen before and starts punching me, we exchange a few blows although I'm more surprised than anything else. Theres a bunch of Thais outside a minimart right next to where we were going at it, they pull us apart and basically tell him to go, patch me up a bit. Then one of them gave me a lift back home, I give him the Tuk Tuk fare (I have money at home).

So no, its not always gang up on the Farang, However I suspect that this occurs mainly for 2 reasons;

i. They see the whole situation, how the farang has acted, what he's said or done etc...

ii. Its home territory and all the guys standing around are friends.

The average Farang is much bigger than the average Thai, so a one on one fight isn't actually 'fair' either, really.

Lastly if it's Patong Tuk-Tuk drivers or Katoeys, they are pretty much the scum of the earth - avoid getting into any sorts of confrontations with these people, the littlest things can set them off.

A Tuk-Tuk with a door??

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Narowly missed being involved in a brawl at Penny Black Bar in soi Cowboy, must be around a year ago now. It was 4am or thereabouts. The bar was not very full: some girls from bars on the soi and a few people playing pool. One girl in particular was pretty loud and was playing pool with a rather drunk young Brit who was there with 3 mates.

There must have been a wager on the game and possibly previous games as well because when she won she was very outspoken about her victory, especially to the young Brit she just beat. At this point and for whatever reason she came and sat with me. Things were fine for about 5 minutes until the young Brit at the next table decides he wants to try and win his money back. The girl said she doesn't want to play.

Next the Brit starts ripping into me with insults and badmouthing the girl. I didn't know her so I didn't really care but she didn't like it at all. With a few of her girlfriends to back her up she let loose verbally at the Brit.

At this point I offered to play the Brit at pool for 500Bt thinking that he would leave the girl alone and everything would settle down. Somehow, through his alcohol fuzzed logic, this was seen by the Brit as offensive and he refused, resumes insulting me and trying to provoke a response. Now the girl is telling to <deleted> off and things are getting heated. He picks up a pool cue and heads over to the girl who is by now keeping the pool table between the Brit and herself. I'm still seated at the table thinking that any movement could be regarded as threatening and escalate the situation. Play it cool and wait. One of them will back down, surely.

Everything now seems to happen in slow motion. I'm talking to the Brit telling him to relax. His mates have moved in to back him up. He's now yelling at me to "p!ss off". All the girls are now screaming at him and his mates. There's 3 or 4 girls, plus the bar staff, the Brits and me. Things are getting close to being out of control.

One of the Brit's mates is also trying to calm things down. Between us we seem to be making some progress. Just at that point about 4 young Thai guys bolt up the stairs. Seems that someone, probably one of the girls, has called in the soi's vigilantes. Each Thai guy is holding a nice length of timber. And they're not smiling.

There's only seconds to prevent what seems inevitable. By now I'm in between the Thai guys and the group of Brits. 4 Thai guys with 4 pieces of wood and one Brit holding a pool queue. With the help of the Brit who also wants to avoid a fight we quickly managed to prevent the other 2 as yet unarmed Brits from picking up a pool queue or any of the girls or staff for that matter (some went down the stairs, others went across the room out of reach). I even managed to get 3 of the Thais to put down their pieces of timber, although they remained within reach.

So now it just remained to get the young, drunk Brit to put down the pool queue and it would all be over. At this point I honestly thought the fight would be avoided. That is, up until the point the young Brit rushed at one of the Thais. From that moment on, and perhaps for only a minute or two, the Brits had the sh!t beaten out of them. The Brits were never in the fight. Stupidly, after a few blows to the body and legs to put them down these guys got up to carry on. Second time the Thais really let them have it with blows to the head. They didn't get up again.

I thought the Thais had been pretty good about it. First they appeared with superior force which should have made the Brits back down. When it came to fighting they went for the body first, again giving the Brits the option staying down and out, but when it came to finishing the fight they were very methodical about it and there was no doubt about what the end result would be.

All except the Brit who helped me try to keep the peace were hospital cases. I've never see so much blood. These guy's clothes, shirt, jeans and all, were completely soaked in blood. The calm Brit didn't get hurt much, mostly incidental injuries from trying to protect his mates. The Thai guys didn't attack him or me directly. They didn't have a scratch on them either.

I couldn't immediately figure out why I wasn't attacked in the mayhem . How would the Thai guys know I wasn't with the Brits ? Then I realised the girls had been yelling at the Thai guys not to hit me, that I was ok and I'd been sticking up for the girl who the Brit was picking on.

It was a very bizarre situation being in the very middle of complete carnage and yet seeming to be invisible. The Brit's were seriously hurt but if they'd been a bit smarter it could have been easily avoided. Seemed to me they were probably tourists. I can't imagine expats who know how Thais fight getting into this situation.

The calm Brit walked up to me at the end, looked around at his mates on the floor and said "I think you'd better go now". And I did, before the BIB arrived.

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The funniest one I ever saw was in Patpong. They had a boxing ring set up and Muay Thai boxers. I thought they were putting on a pretty good show. There was a Brit who was acting (?) like he was drunk. He was yelling about how phony the boxers were. One Thai boxer was still in the ring when the fat gut Brit bully climbed in the ring. At the time I was convinced that it was part of the act. No one could be that stupid. The Brit rushed the boxer and received a kick in the gut. It sent him nearly across the ring. He then starts yelling like a mad man that he is going to kill the skinny little boxer. He received a kick aside the head for that rush. I didn't bother him any and he kept after the boxer. He was swinging wildly but couldn't hit the little guy. He finally got the boxer trapped in the corner, got his arms around him and lifted him up. The boxer's elbows beat on the Brit's head until blood was streaming and the Brit collapsed. It finally dawned on my that it WASN'T part of the act. The crowd watching was enjoying it and cheering wildly. Four Thais carried the idiot out of the ring and left him laying against a building. The fights went on and the next time I looked the idiot was gone. I've always wondered if he learned anything and how he explained all the cuts on his head.

I once witnessed a thai/farang boxing match in Pattaya in one of those beer bar boxing rings off walking st. After several rounds the farang was clearly dominating the Thai. After the final bell rang and the ref was holding up the farang's gloved hand, declaring him victor, the thai (who apparently had his feelings hurt by losing) started to attack the farang from BEHIND. One of the worst displays of cowardice I've ever seen. The farang never saw him coming. Talk about taking cheap shots...

Other than that I have witnessed thais kicking the crap out of tourists in Patong while police have stood by grinning. Never seen a one-on-one fight here, other than farang/farang, but that doesn't mean it never happens.

That is a strange way of telling a story. Did you pass out then?

Typical rumour-style story.

yeah i call bs on this one too

Well the scene I described did indeed happen. It appeared to be some kind of "amateur night" or something. Both fighters didn't look like they were fit enough to be fighting. Looked like they were picked out of the crowd or something. I only stayed for a beer or two so don't know the whole story behind the fights that night. The thai that lost and subsequently attacked the farang(from behind while the ref was holding his arm up) was being heckled by a group of his friends. If he had came at him from the front where the farang could have seen him coming it might not have been so shocking. Keep in mind, this wasn't a street fight I am refering to, it was in a boxing ring. This was piss poor sportsmanship I thought. I suppose this could be put down to a case of a "bad apple" and the offending party could have been from any race.

As far as street fighting goes, I have seen on several occasions the gang mentality in action where I grew up and it was nowhere near Thailand.

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Like the last story . Size does not always matters .

Sadly , in my opinion Brits are the most violent (drunk) farangs I know of .

last saw also some Brits making a lot of havoc in a chiangmai bar , the police came very quickly .

How stupid can you be .

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If someone raped my sister I would be honour bound to deal with him personally and alone regardless of his size or skills, Not saying I wouldn't jump him by surprise, just wouldn't want any help. But that is just me.... a falang with silly ridiculous falang ethics and morals and codes that I live by. I recognise that there is a cultural difference that makes me think differently from Thais in a similar situation, I am not saying it is because they are cowardly, they honestly think it's acceptable behaviour due to culture. But to ignore or deny the cutural differences is foolish and naive.


don't confuse morals and ethics with your ego. you sound like you most be one of those farang muay that fighters who only wear tank tops. am i right?

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Well the scene I described did indeed happen. It appeared to be some kind of "amateur night" or something. Both fighters didn't look like they were fit enough to be fighting. Looked like they were picked out of the crowd or something.

oh ok thx for the explanation. i found it hard to believe that a muay thai boxer would act like that in the ring.

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can someone please tell me when exactly it is logical to get in a fight? to defend yourself sure, and if you are attacked are you not supposed to use an object to get rid of your attacker because its unethical?

assigning an ethical code to something as juvenile as bar fights is comical. i've never been in a fight in my life, but i can't help but laugh at people who do and then say "make sure your friends don't involved", why should he? you claim the Thais learned through experience to gang up on people, you learned from TV that you should fight one on one. there is no logical basis for such codes.

do not pass go. do not collect $200. go directly to jail.

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First hand here...

I had a fight with a tuk-tuk driver about 4 years ago in Patong, I was on my way home sitting in the passenger seat at about 5am after a pretty drunk night and realised that I didn't have my wallet anymore, either someone had taken it or I'd lost it somewhere. We are driving down the back of Nanai when I tell the driver this, in a drunk "I don't have my wallet" way.

Anyhow he immediately stops the tuk-tuk, comes round to the passenger side, opens the door drags me out in a rage like I've ever seen before and starts punching me, we exchange a few blows although I'm more surprised than anything else. Theres a bunch of Thais outside a minimart right next to where we were going at it, they pull us apart and basically tell him to go, patch me up a bit. Then one of them gave me a lift back home, I give him the Tuk Tuk fare (I have money at home).

So no, its not always gang up on the Farang, However I suspect that this occurs mainly for 2 reasons;

i. They see the whole situation, how the farang has acted, what he's said or done etc...

ii. Its home territory and all the guys standing around are friends.

The average Farang is much bigger than the average Thai, so a one on one fight isn't actually 'fair' either, really.

Lastly if it's Patong Tuk-Tuk drivers or Katoeys, they are pretty much the scum of the earth - avoid getting into any sorts of confrontations with these people, the littlest things can set them off.

A Tuk-Tuk with a door??

Oh man! Can't you people read? He said he was pretty drunk!


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The funniest one I ever saw was in Patpong. They had a boxing ring set up and Muay Thai boxers. I thought they were putting on a pretty good show. There was a Brit who was acting (?) like he was drunk. He was yelling about how phony the boxers were. One Thai boxer was still in the ring when the fat gut Brit bully climbed in the ring. At the time I was convinced that it was part of the act. No one could be that stupid. The Brit rushed the boxer and received a kick in the gut. It sent him nearly across the ring. He then starts yelling like a mad man that he is going to kill the skinny little boxer. He received a kick aside the head for that rush. I didn't bother him any and he kept after the boxer. He was swinging wildly but couldn't hit the little guy. He finally got the boxer trapped in the corner, got his arms around him and lifted him up. The boxer's elbows beat on the Brit's head until blood was streaming and the Brit collapsed. It finally dawned on my that it WASN'T part of the act. The crowd watching was enjoying it and cheering wildly. Four Thais carried the idiot out of the ring and left him laying against a building. The fights went on and the next time I looked the idiot was gone. I've always wondered if he learned anything and how he explained all the cuts on his head.

I once witnessed a thai/farang boxing match in Pattaya in one of those beer bar boxing rings off walking st. After several rounds the farang was clearly dominating the Thai. After the final bell rang and the ref was holding up the farang's gloved hand, declaring him victor, the thai (who apparently had his feelings hurt by losing) started to attack the farang from BEHIND. One of the worst displays of cowardice I've ever seen. The farang never saw him coming. Talk about taking cheap shots...

Other than that I have witnessed thais kicking the crap out of tourists in Patong while police have stood by grinning. Never seen a one-on-one fight here, other than farang/farang, but that doesn't mean it never happens.

That is a strange way of telling a story. Did you pass out then?

Typical rumour-style story.

yeah i call bs on this one too

Well the scene I described did indeed happen. It appeared to be some kind of "amateur night" or something. Both fighters didn't look like they were fit enough to be fighting. Looked like they were picked out of the crowd or something. I only stayed for a beer or two so don't know the whole story behind the fights that night. The thai that lost and subsequently attacked the farang(from behind while the ref was holding his arm up) was being heckled by a group of his friends. If he had came at him from the front where the farang could have seen him coming it might not have been so shocking. Keep in mind, this wasn't a street fight I am refering to, it was in a boxing ring. This was piss poor sportsmanship I thought. I suppose this could be put down to a case of a "bad apple" and the offending party could have been from any race.

As far as street fighting goes, I have seen on several occasions the gang mentality in action where I grew up and it was nowhere near Thailand.

So did the farang fell on to the floor? You don't get it, do you? The story just stopped. And this is where the problem is with your story. Or did you just pass out and saw nothing? :o

And what are your other stories?

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can someone please tell me when exactly it is logical to get in a fight? to defend yourself sure, and if you are attacked are you not supposed to use an object to get rid of your attacker because its unethical?

assigning an ethical code to something as juvenile as bar fights is comical. i've never been in a fight in my life, but i can't help but laugh at people who do and then say "make sure your friends don't involved", why should he? you claim the Thais learned through experience to gang up on people, you learned from TV that you should fight one on one. there is no logical basis for such codes.

do not pass go. do not collect $200. go directly to jail.

That was cool from a 21 yr old farangnoi. :o

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That's shows you know nothing about Phuket little farang...

Phuket Tuk Tuk's are red four wheeled doored (in the front) vehichles in the previous picture. The tuk tuk's you know of in Bangkok simply don't exist in Phuket, at least that I've seen.

Don't waist your breath arguing with me on this one, you will miserably lose.

Next time you're in Phuket, request a tuk tuk and see what you get :o

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Their cowardice has no limits. I've seen Thais attack foreigners from behind

w/weapons. I've seen 10-15 Thais kicking/punching (1) foreigner

(more than once). It would be nice to think the horrible farang had always

done something to deserve it, but I personally believe the media has

irresponsibly whipped up nationalism levels to where it really doesn't matter

if the farang is good or bad, right or wrong, it has become okay to assault

foreigners. Rarely will there be any consequences, even if the Thais are high

on yaa-baa. It seems to have become almost a weekly occurrence here.

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Their cowardice has no limits. I've seen Thais attack foreigners from behind

w/weapons. I've seen 10-15 Thais kicking/punching (1) foreigner

(more than once). It would be nice to think the horrible farang had always

done something to deserve it, but I personally believe the media has

irresponsibly whipped up nationalism levels to where it really doesn't matter

if the farang is good or bad, right or wrong, it has become okay to assault

foreigners. Rarely will there be any consequences, even if the Thais are high

on yaa-baa. It seems to have become almost a weekly occurrence here.

So you've been here for one or two weeks?

Edited by greenwanderer108
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You won't be attacked if you play the grey man out there. Loud mouths are half the reason the fight starts in the first place.

If you can speak the lingo and talk the talk you rarely have the 'walk the walk.' I remember coming onto a thai girl at a Nightclub in Outer Bangkok. Two thai guys didn't like it and I could tell the way they were acting they wanted me to have nothing to do with them. I turned around and told them in Thai I was not a tourist and lived in Bangkok and was no danger to thai women. They were ok after that and bothered me no longer.

Quiet and calm people when drunk are seldom at risk from drunk thais. Even the loud mouths thais (only met a few) normally aren't the bullying type.

I've seen more a@@hole farangs than I have a@@hole thais let me tell you.

The only fight I've ever seen was in Country Road in BKK and it was between two BGs swinging pool cues at each others heads. Not pretty but it was over pretty quick. Tears, thai dudes trying to mediate, love triangle deal going on. All ended peacefully.

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That's shows you know nothing about Phuket little farang...

Phuket Tuk Tuk's are red four wheeled doored (in the front) vehichles in the previous picture. The tuk tuk's you know of in Bangkok simply don't exist in Phuket, at least that I've seen.

Don't waist your breath arguing with me on this one, you will miserably lose.

Next time you're in Phuket, request a tuk tuk and see what you get :o

We have them in Bangkok and they are called tuk tuks too.

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That's shows you know nothing about Phuket little farang...

Phuket Tuk Tuk's are red four wheeled doored (in the front) vehichles in the previous picture. The tuk tuk's you know of in Bangkok simply don't exist in Phuket, at least that I've seen.

Don't waist your breath arguing with me on this one, you will miserably lose.

Next time you're in Phuket, request a tuk tuk and see what you get :o

We have them in Bangkok and they are called tuk tuks too.

You must live in Minburi, Chokechai see or some other such bangkok moo bahn sub.. The urban bkk as well as most other central thailand would likely call it a rot sawng taew (two row vehicle) as the standard tuk tuks (3 wheels) are quite abundant in central Thailand.

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About ten years ago two Katoeys tried to pick my pocket on beach road in Pattaya as I was walking to my hotel about 4:00 AM.

As I pushed one away he/ she fell to the ground the other pulled a knife out.

Fortunately there was a nice piece of wood, like a 2x4, in the gutter.

I quickly picked it up gave the one with the knife a good solid shot on the head and she fell to the side walk.

It didn't look split open so I gave it one more shot for good measure.

The other one got up and ran down the street.

I threw the board sort of like a spear, got lucky, and caught the other one with a nice shot in the mid thoracic spine. She kept on running.

Training gleaned from just another day in the ghetto town of my birth in Newark, New Jersey.

I still have the knife to this day ... :o

somehow im not surprised to find you spend your time in a gutter.


That is intended as an insult. One of the mods should ream your ass out with tiger balm on their pecker.

However you're correct. When I'm not seeing patients, involved in teaching or research I am in the gutter.

Well at least my mind is. Any spare time I have is spent responding to asshls like you... :D

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About ten years ago two Katoeys tried to pick my pocket on beach road in Pattaya as I was walking to my hotel about 4:00 AM.

As I pushed one away he/ she fell to the ground the other pulled a knife out.

Fortunately there was a nice piece of wood, like a 2x4, in the gutter.

I quickly picked it up gave the one with the knife a good solid shot on the head and she fell to the side walk.

It didn't look split open so I gave it one more shot for good measure.

The other one got up and ran down the street.

I threw the board sort of like a spear, got lucky, and caught the other one with a nice shot in the mid thoracic spine. She kept on running.

Training gleaned from just another day in the ghetto town of my birth in Newark, New Jersey.

I still have the knife to this day ... :o

somehow im not surprised to find you spend your time in a gutter.

What is the point of this comment? TV attracts some real dimwits


Thanks Jimmy. I just caught your post after responding to this Jerk off Newark style... :D

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About ten years ago two Katoeys tried to pick my pocket on beach road in Pattaya as I was walking to my hotel about 4:00 AM.

As I pushed one away he/ she fell to the ground the other pulled a knife out.

Fortunately there was a nice piece of wood, like a 2x4, in the gutter.

I quickly picked it up gave the one with the knife a good solid shot on the head and she fell to the side walk.

It didn't look split open so I gave it one more shot for good measure.

The other one got up and ran down the street.

I threw the board sort of like a spear, got lucky, and caught the other one with a nice shot in the mid thoracic spine. She kept on running.

Training gleaned from just another day in the ghetto town of my birth in Newark, New Jersey.

I still have the knife to this day ... :o

That's not the Pepe I've come to know. :D Good on ya.


When someone pulls a blade the game changes.

Whatever happened to those 2 farangs who got beat up by about 30 Thais not long ago, were brought to the hospital with the Thais following the ambulances and beat them some more INSIDE the hospital?


Nothing I'm sure other than a good Mekong and beer bash...

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Fighting with Thais...........

ummmmm, not sure I would want to get into a scrap over here, plenty of times I would have liked to, but is it worth it. like one poster said, if you won then you could have a real problem.

we are the minority over here so I think it is wiser to stay out of trouble.

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The funniest one I ever saw was in Patpong. They had a boxing ring set up and Muay Thai boxers. I thought they were putting on a pretty good show. There was a Brit who was acting (?) like he was drunk. He was yelling about how phony the boxers were. One Thai boxer was still in the ring when the fat gut Brit bully climbed in the ring. At the time I was convinced that it was part of the act. No one could be that stupid. The Brit rushed the boxer and received a kick in the gut. It sent him nearly across the ring. He then starts yelling like a mad man that he is going to kill the skinny little boxer. He received a kick aside the head for that rush. I didn't bother him any and he kept after the boxer. He was swinging wildly but couldn't hit the little guy. He finally got the boxer trapped in the corner, got his arms around him and lifted him up. The boxer's elbows beat on the Brit's head until blood was streaming and the Brit collapsed. It finally dawned on my that it WASN'T part of the act. The crowd watching was enjoying it and cheering wildly. Four Thais carried the idiot out of the ring and left him laying against a building. The fights went on and the next time I looked the idiot was gone. I've always wondered if he learned anything and how he explained all the cuts on his head.

That brings back old memories of that muay thai bar in Patpong. That must have been what, 15 years ago or so?

It was still there in early 1994 - and was called The Sky Blue Boxing Bar - if I recall correctly. I've still got some photos of myself in the ring there - with a snake.

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The funniest one I ever saw was in Patpong. They had a boxing ring set up and Muay Thai boxers. I thought they were putting on a pretty good show. There was a Brit who was acting (?) like he was drunk. He was yelling about how phony the boxers were. One Thai boxer was still in the ring when the fat gut Brit bully climbed in the ring. At the time I was convinced that it was part of the act. No one could be that stupid. The Brit rushed the boxer and received a kick in the gut. It sent him nearly across the ring. He then starts yelling like a mad man that he is going to kill the skinny little boxer. He received a kick aside the head for that rush. I didn't bother him any and he kept after the boxer. He was swinging wildly but couldn't hit the little guy. He finally got the boxer trapped in the corner, got his arms around him and lifted him up. The boxer's elbows beat on the Brit's head until blood was streaming and the Brit collapsed. It finally dawned on my that it WASN'T part of the act. The crowd watching was enjoying it and cheering wildly. Four Thais carried the idiot out of the ring and left him laying against a building. The fights went on and the next time I looked the idiot was gone. I've always wondered if he learned anything and how he explained all the cuts on his head.

That brings back old memories of that muay thai bar in Patpong. That must have been what, 15 years ago or so?

It was still there in early 1994 - and was called The Sky Blue Boxing Bar - if I recall correctly. I've still got some photos of myself in the ring there - with a snake.

Yeah, that bar was great fun. The ONLY reason to go to Patpong IMO. The only times I go back now are to take visiting tourist friends (reluctantly).

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Narowly missed being involved in a brawl at Penny Black Bar in soi Cowboy, must be around a year ago now. It was 4am or thereabouts. The bar was not very full: some girls from bars on the soi and a few people playing pool. One girl in particular was pretty loud and was playing pool with a rather drunk young Brit who was there with 3 mates.

There must have been a wager on the game and possibly previous games as well because when she won she was very outspoken about her victory, especially to the young Brit she just beat. At this point and for whatever reason she came and sat with me. Things were fine for about 5 minutes until the young Brit at the next table decides he wants to try and win his money back. The girl said she doesn't want to play.

Next the Brit starts ripping into me with insults and badmouthing the girl. I didn't know her so I didn't really care but she didn't like it at all. With a few of her girlfriends to back her up she let loose verbally at the Brit.

At this point I offered to play the Brit at pool for 500Bt thinking that he would leave the girl alone and everything would settle down. Somehow, through his alcohol fuzzed logic, this was seen by the Brit as offensive and he refused, resumes insulting me and trying to provoke a response. Now the girl is telling to <deleted> off and things are getting heated. He picks up a pool cue and heads over to the girl who is by now keeping the pool table between the Brit and herself. I'm still seated at the table thinking that any movement could be regarded as threatening and escalate the situation. Play it cool and wait. One of them will back down, surely.

Everything now seems to happen in slow motion. I'm talking to the Brit telling him to relax. His mates have moved in to back him up. He's now yelling at me to "p!ss off". All the girls are now screaming at him and his mates. There's 3 or 4 girls, plus the bar staff, the Brits and me. Things are getting close to being out of control.

One of the Brit's mates is also trying to calm things down. Between us we seem to be making some progress. Just at that point about 4 young Thai guys bolt up the stairs. Seems that someone, probably one of the girls, has called in the soi's vigilantes. Each Thai guy is holding a nice length of timber. And they're not smiling.

There's only seconds to prevent what seems inevitable. By now I'm in between the Thai guys and the group of Brits. 4 Thai guys with 4 pieces of wood and one Brit holding a pool queue. With the help of the Brit who also wants to avoid a fight we quickly managed to prevent the other 2 as yet unarmed Brits from picking up a pool queue or any of the girls or staff for that matter (some went down the stairs, others went across the room out of reach). I even managed to get 3 of the Thais to put down their pieces of timber, although they remained within reach.

So now it just remained to get the young, drunk Brit to put down the pool queue and it would all be over. At this point I honestly thought the fight would be avoided. That is, up until the point the young Brit rushed at one of the Thais. From that moment on, and perhaps for only a minute or two, the Brits had the sh!t beaten out of them. The Brits were never in the fight. Stupidly, after a few blows to the body and legs to put them down these guys got up to carry on. Second time the Thais really let them have it with blows to the head. They didn't get up again.

I thought the Thais had been pretty good about it. First they appeared with superior force which should have made the Brits back down. When it came to fighting they went for the body first, again giving the Brits the option staying down and out, but when it came to finishing the fight they were very methodical about it and there was no doubt about what the end result would be.

All except the Brit who helped me try to keep the peace were hospital cases. I've never see so much blood. These guy's clothes, shirt, jeans and all, were completely soaked in blood. The calm Brit didn't get hurt much, mostly incidental injuries from trying to protect his mates. The Thai guys didn't attack him or me directly. They didn't have a scratch on them either.

I couldn't immediately figure out why I wasn't attacked in the mayhem . How would the Thai guys know I wasn't with the Brits ? Then I realised the girls had been yelling at the Thai guys not to hit me, that I was ok and I'd been sticking up for the girl who the Brit was picking on.

It was a very bizarre situation being in the very middle of complete carnage and yet seeming to be invisible. The Brit's were seriously hurt but if they'd been a bit smarter it could have been easily avoided. Seemed to me they were probably tourists. I can't imagine expats who know how Thais fight getting into this situation.

The calm Brit walked up to me at the end, looked around at his mates on the floor and said "I think you'd better go now". And I did, before the BIB arrived.

sibeymai - thanks for an excellent post - deserves wider readership - rather than hidden away on this thread.

No disrespects - but you were lucky NOT TO also have the shxx beaten out of you because of your appearance and association with the culprits.

In the UK these Thai guys would have been looking at custodial sentences in any court of law there - nasty - vicious thugs!

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Narowly missed being involved in a brawl at Penny Black Bar in soi Cowboy, must be around a year ago now. It was 4am or thereabouts. The bar was not very full: some girls from bars on the soi and a few people playing pool. One girl in particular was pretty loud and was playing pool with a rather drunk young Brit who was there with 3 mates.

There must have been a wager on the game and possibly previous games as well because when she won she was very outspoken about her victory, especially to the young Brit she just beat. At this point and for whatever reason she came and sat with me. Things were fine for about 5 minutes until the young Brit at the next table decides he wants to try and win his money back. The girl said she doesn't want to play.

Next the Brit starts ripping into me with insults and badmouthing the girl. I didn't know her so I didn't really care but she didn't like it at all. With a few of her girlfriends to back her up she let loose verbally at the Brit.

At this point I offered to play the Brit at pool for 500Bt thinking that he would leave the girl alone and everything would settle down. Somehow, through his alcohol fuzzed logic, this was seen by the Brit as offensive and he refused, resumes insulting me and trying to provoke a response. Now the girl is telling to <deleted> off and things are getting heated. He picks up a pool cue and heads over to the girl who is by now keeping the pool table between the Brit and herself. I'm still seated at the table thinking that any movement could be regarded as threatening and escalate the situation. Play it cool and wait. One of them will back down, surely.

Everything now seems to happen in slow motion. I'm talking to the Brit telling him to relax. His mates have moved in to back him up. He's now yelling at me to "p!ss off". All the girls are now screaming at him and his mates. There's 3 or 4 girls, plus the bar staff, the Brits and me. Things are getting close to being out of control.

One of the Brit's mates is also trying to calm things down. Between us we seem to be making some progress. Just at that point about 4 young Thai guys bolt up the stairs. Seems that someone, probably one of the girls, has called in the soi's vigilantes. Each Thai guy is holding a nice length of timber. And they're not smiling.

There's only seconds to prevent what seems inevitable. By now I'm in between the Thai guys and the group of Brits. 4 Thai guys with 4 pieces of wood and one Brit holding a pool queue. With the help of the Brit who also wants to avoid a fight we quickly managed to prevent the other 2 as yet unarmed Brits from picking up a pool queue or any of the girls or staff for that matter (some went down the stairs, others went across the room out of reach). I even managed to get 3 of the Thais to put down their pieces of timber, although they remained within reach.

So now it just remained to get the young, drunk Brit to put down the pool queue and it would all be over. At this point I honestly thought the fight would be avoided. That is, up until the point the young Brit rushed at one of the Thais. From that moment on, and perhaps for only a minute or two, the Brits had the sh!t beaten out of them. The Brits were never in the fight. Stupidly, after a few blows to the body and legs to put them down these guys got up to carry on. Second time the Thais really let them have it with blows to the head. They didn't get up again.

I thought the Thais had been pretty good about it. First they appeared with superior force which should have made the Brits back down. When it came to fighting they went for the body first, again giving the Brits the option staying down and out, but when it came to finishing the fight they were very methodical about it and there was no doubt about what the end result would be.

All except the Brit who helped me try to keep the peace were hospital cases. I've never see so much blood. These guy's clothes, shirt, jeans and all, were completely soaked in blood. The calm Brit didn't get hurt much, mostly incidental injuries from trying to protect his mates. The Thai guys didn't attack him or me directly. They didn't have a scratch on them either.

I couldn't immediately figure out why I wasn't attacked in the mayhem . How would the Thai guys know I wasn't with the Brits ? Then I realised the girls had been yelling at the Thai guys not to hit me, that I was ok and I'd been sticking up for the girl who the Brit was picking on.

It was a very bizarre situation being in the very middle of complete carnage and yet seeming to be invisible. The Brit's were seriously hurt but if they'd been a bit smarter it could have been easily avoided. Seemed to me they were probably tourists. I can't imagine expats who know how Thais fight getting into this situation.

The calm Brit walked up to me at the end, looked around at his mates on the floor and said "I think you'd better go now". And I did, before the BIB arrived.

sibeymai - thanks for an excellent post - deserves wider readership - rather than hidden away on this thread.

No disrespects - but you were lucky NOT TO also have the shxx beaten out of you because of your appearance and association with the culprits.

In the UK these Thai guys would have been looking at custodial sentences in any court of law there - nasty - vicious thugs!

Yup, I agree excellent post, and it deserves to be posted yet again for emphasis.

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