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2nd Uk Visit Visa Application

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Back in April this year, my TGF and I successfully applied for a visit visa for her to visit me in the UK. This was the first time we had tried this, so following the advice on this site, we only asked for 1 month.

As seems to be the norm, we were granted a 6 month visa, which will be due to expire on the 4th November.

My girlfriend visited me in the UK from July to August, staying for 1 month and arriving and leaving on the dates we stated on the application form.

So now we want to apply for another visit visa, this time for her to come to the UK in December, and staying until April.

I am flying to Bangkok on 31st October, so we will be making our application on the 2nd November.

As you can see, this will mean that her original Visa would not have expired. Even though she would have been back in LOS for more than 2 months , and stayed in the UK for the exact amount that we stated on the application.

Do you think this is likely to be a problem ?

Any other advice would also be appreciated, especially any gotchas related to second visit visa applications.



Edited by leedm
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Can't you just wait 3 more days and apply for the 2nd visa on the 5th November?


In this case it would seem to be the obvious thing to do, but I am curious about the answer. My GF (soon to be wife) will be applying for a 2nd UK tourist visa with about 2 months to run on her current tourist visa. Her 2nd entry will be about 4 weeks after the first has experired.

My concern and I would think for the orginal poster too is not that the old visa is still valid, but because a second trip is planned "so soon" after the first.

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Thanks for your replies.

Whilst we could apply a few days later, we had planned to meet in Bangkok on the day I arrive, apply for the Visa the next day and then travel up to where her family live for the remainder of my stay. Applying later would mean more time spent in Bangkok or coming back to Bangkok later.

If the advice on here is to do that then we can, but I would like to find out first whether anyone has any experience of this situation and what the implications of it are.

From what I've read on the relevant immigration sites, there's nothing that says you can't apply for a second Visa whilst a previous one is still current, but thats not to say it isn't one of the "unwritten rules" in the UK Embassy.

cbrlad, we plan for her to return to the UK in December, which will be 4 months after she returned to Thailand after only staying for 1 month in England. I'm not sure whether this is too soon or not, I don't think it is, but I don't have any real experience in this. Our reason for her to come back to the UK is so that she can stay longer in the UK and experience winter time with a view to getting a settlement Visa next year if she is sure she can live in the UK. This is similar to what I put on my original sponsors letter.

Thanks for your replies so far, keep the advice coming. There must be someone out there that has been in this situation.



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cbrlad, we plan for her to return to the UK in December, which will be 4 months after she returned to Thailand after only staying for 1 month in England. I'm not sure whether this is too soon or not, I don't think it is, but I don't have any real experience in this. Our reason for her to come back to the UK is so that she can stay longer in the UK and experience winter time with a view to getting a settlement Visa next year if she is sure she can live in the UK. This is similar to what I put on my original sponsors letter.


That is why I put too soon in inverted comma's, who is to say what is too soon? The problem could be if it appears as if she is 'living' in the UK by default by using tourist visa's. A lot of that will depend upon how long she stayed the first time (regardless of weather she complied with what she said the first time) and because it is still a tourist visa if she has a reason to return and all the other business. I hope it turns out ok, you clearly are doing the right thing to give her as much experiance in the UK without going through the steps to get a spouse visa which would be a waste if she got there only to find out she couldn't hack it.

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It all makes sense what your saying, I suppose thats why when I was writing the reply it seemes a bit obvious. My wifes 1st marriage visit visa also runs ont in November and I remember asking a similiar question.

Let us know what happens.


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There's no reason why your g/f should not apply for a second visit visa whilst the first is still valid. That she previously stated she would stay one month and did so will only augur well for a second application. Set out your intentions in your covering letter; i.e. why your g/f now wishes to saty for 4/5 months in the UK and that you intend to subsequently marry in Thailand and apply for a settlement visa in Bangkok.


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There's no reason why your g/f should not apply for a second visit visa whilst the first is still valid. That she previously stated she would stay one month and did so will only augur well for a second application. Set out your intentions in your covering letter; i.e. why your g/f now wishes to saty for 4/5 months in the UK and that you intend to subsequently marry in Thailand and apply for a settlement visa in Bangkok.


Scouse, (and everyone else)

Thanks for all your advice, I think we're going to go ahead as planned and apply on the 2nd. As you say, I will include our reasons in the covering letter and cross all our fingers that we get it.

Wish me luck !



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  • 1 month later...
There's no reason why your g/f should not apply for a second visit visa whilst the first is still valid. That she previously stated she would stay one month and did so will only augur well for a second application. Set out your intentions in your covering letter; i.e. why your g/f now wishes to saty for 4/5 months in the UK and that you intend to subsequently marry in Thailand and apply for a settlement visa in Bangkok.


Scouse, (and everyone else)

Thanks for all your advice, I think we're going to go ahead as planned and apply on the 2nd. As you say, I will include our reasons in the covering letter and cross all our fingers that we get it.

Wish me luck !



Hi all,

Just to follow up and let you all know that we went ahead and applied for the Visa as planned, which was Friday the 2nd Nov, returned to Bangkok on the following Thursday to pick up the Visa :o . The missus wasn't phoned or asked for an interview at all. Obviously very pleased, thanks to everyone on this site for all your help on this and our previous application.



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