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Chiang Mai Or Chiang Rai?


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Hello, heading to Thailand next month. I'm going to spend some time up north, and I'm trying to decide between Chiang Mai or Chiang Rai.Am I right in thinking Chiang Rai is closer to most of the hill tribe villages, or are they equally apart?Lodging isn't an issue, I've already found lodging that meets my needs at both. I'm just trying to figure out which offers more to do, and which lets me do those things for less money. I'm not interested in night life or shopping. I'm more interested in culture and sight seeing.

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Chiang Rai, though to be honest Chiang Mai has all that plus the night life and shopping. Chiang Rai will probably be a bit cheaper - though the last time I was in Chiang Mai I still though everything was dirt cheap and I ran riot buying all those Northern Thai goods which cost 5x as much in Bangkok...

If you really want to get into the hilltribes, I suggest you go to Mae Hong Son.

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