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Good Architect / Builder Needed In Surin Area

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Hi i've already made a couple of posts regarding building a house for the Mrs and I up in Prasat near Surin.

Basically i know have the chanote for the land that we own and in Jan i have some ground work contractors coming to raise the plot up so that it will be fit to build on. I have some books and a few ideas regarding floor plans etc but in Jan when i visit i would like to get a proper set of plans drawn up from an architect so i have something to show some builders regarding a quotation.

Any good Architect/ builders in the area contact details would be much appreciated

Thanks in advance


Edited by finchy
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I know one in Korat who works in Surin.

He will need to know what do you want to do, what style, how big, one or 2 floors, your budget, any special rooms, garage or not, swimming pool or not, etc.

He has a small company with 2 other partners. They build mostly for Thais but have some foreign clients. Budget has to be more than 1 million baht and doesn't have limits.

I can post you some pictures of his work if you send me a private message or look onto our website.

I am outside Thailand now but will be back next Monday. You can also call me.

He will normally take your project from A to Z.

Sebastian. (phone is on the website, anytime after Monday).

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i am currently having my home built just outside surin. my contractor is alan the builder from surin. i designed my home myself and passed it over to alan, who got his architect to produce all the drawings. i will be back in surin 29/12 for about 1 month. if you need some assistance with your design would be happy to take a look for you. if you want alans details i can pass them on. if you want to meet up and take alook around our building site you can,the shell and roof should be finished by the time we get back home, so it would give you a chance to see the struture before any finishing starts. our home is designed in thai stlye on the outside, but the inside is differate to the usual design might be worth a look just to give yourself some ideas.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Dear khun Lee,

we are architects work in surin town.I found you from searching "surin province architect" by google yesterday.

If you still need the architect.

We are 27 and 30 years old. My name is nhui - sidhichai thompat and my wife nui

- kulaya koothanavanitpong,our studio located in surin at the village opposite the elephant show field. TKDH <thompat & koo design house>.our service are design

and blueprint works include the oversee or complete construction controlling and management, we not the contractor but we consult client to find and choose them.

Our experince 5 and 6 years in architect works in krabi ,phuket and we back home

in 2004 before the tsunami and start our surin studio.

Now we work for A client from vancouver , we designed and oversight with manage

the overall now 95 % completed located in srikoraphum 35 kilometers from surin town.

If you need to see this house,please call us.

Best regards,

Nhui,Sidhichai Thompat ,TKDH architect.

Edited by dr_Pat_Pong
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I have to laugh a little, I built a fairly big house here in Rayong and when I showed the builder plans drawn up by an Australian architect friend he laughed and drew his plan on the back of a cigarette packet and asked me what and where I wanted rooms.

It was a standard 3 metre by 3metre roomed house and I decided on 12 rooms but he had never heard of RSJ's so columns everywhere but he built a great swimming pool for 200,000 baht in my back garden

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I am not too sure what goes on in Surin, but here in my small town in south Petchabun I had to go to the Tessa baan, and explain to them what I intended to do on the land I had bought, obviously with the wife in tow as it all belongs to her.

I had designed our own house and after showing the town architect my drawings. It took him about a week to produce a complete official looking set of plans, measurements everything for a fee of 3,500 baht.

A fellow farang advised me to visit the Tessabaan to make sure no problems, as I did not want to get half way through building and told to stop etc.

There are plenty of builders about, most seem to be rice farmers as well, but the chap I have, has built several good quality houses in this town.

Heres a pic of main work about to start, just after the small ceremony from local Soi Bhudda man.

Good luck, its a long journey.


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There are different kinds of architects and if you pay 3500 for plans, surely, you won't have an original design! The value of your house will depend on the material use, the size of it, built-in furniture, kinds of rooms (american kitchen or Thai) and many factors. If you want a swimming pool, some can be expensive.

It also depends if you have land or not, if you prefer to buy in a village with a developer or not.

Here's different types of houses done by an architect in Korat working in Surin too. Send a private message if you are interested to meet him.







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To finchy

I think you are doing the right things!

My recommendation to any potentiel housebuilders are:

Buy some books with diiferent houses, drawings, pictures, priceideas. Decide what you like, maybe remove or move a wall, put in another room. Then look for recommendations from people, who recently have had their own house build and are satisfied. Hire their "A-to-Z" man. Discuss your plans with him - he will know what can be done and not.


Satisfaction from other customers is the best guideline!!!!

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