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Thai orang-utans feared dead


Police halted controversial orang-utan boxing bouts last week

Bangkok police are investigating the apparent deaths of 41 orang-utans at the city's Safari World wildlife park.

Park officials said the animals died from natural causes, but police suspect they may have been killed or moved elsewhere to avoid DNA tests.

The park is already under investigation for allegedly smuggling orang-utans from Indonesia and Malaysia.

Last week it was forced to suspend its controversial orang-utan kick-boxing fights due to international pressure.

When police went to the park in July with an order to seize all the orang-utans, officers found only 69 of the animals, despite records showing that there should have been 110.

Safari World claimed the 41 missing animals were cremated after they died of diarrhoea and respiratory diseases.

"We had to burn them to prevent the spread of the disease, but we have their photos and documented every one of the animals' symptoms before their disposal," a park employee told the Associated Press.

But police spokesman Vijit Nantawong told the French news agency AFP: "We don't believe they have died. We believe they have been moved somewhere else."

"We want to investigate whether it is true that they were cremated," he said.

Police suspect that the park may be trying to cover its tracks, after allegations were made that it illegally smuggled the endangered animals into Thailand.

But Safari World officials claimed their orang-utans were not smuggled, but the fruits of a successful captive breeding programme.

The park has been the target of animal rights campaigners for some time.

Last week, the Thai authorities forced Safari World to suspend its orang-utan fights while they investigated claims of cruelty and exploitation.

The orang-utans, in boxing gloves and brightly-coloured shorts, have featured at the park for decades.


orangutangs are a CITES animals; that is, theya re protected and can only be shipped, held in captivity etc according to the CITES laws. There are different cites laws for different animals depending on the level of 'endangered species'.

I also must report every year for any of my CITES level animals(petting zoo in israel); and hold account for deaths, births, males to females ratio etc. but the black market in wildlife in thailand is a very very thriving market. What doesnt make sense exactly?

if there is a disease epidemic, then there have to be lab results from an external source, etc. not just internal zoo lab work ups., plus they would have consulted with other zoos with similar problems. I know our zoos do that often as every zoo has a vet that specializes in certain species more than others so they trade info and help. maybe thailand is different, but i know that israel and thailand zoos work together (elephant breeding plans) so assume that internally, the zoos would cooperate also.


are you for real, these animals were smuggled from indonesia,

the quantity of animals was in question as to the actual amount that could have accrued from breeding only,

they were due to be dna tested to determine their origins,

they suddenly die and are cremated

go ask do we suspect a scam


as i said: but the black market in wildlife in thailand is a very very thriving market. What doesnt make sense exactly?

i know people whom i suspect (100%) smuggle reptiles from thailand to israel; the zoos know these people; they are well know in their field here. the russian mafia here is very active apparently in exotic pet smuggling as they are collectors. the point is there is a a very lucrative market for any exotics, but zoos, unlike private people or private enterprises, have the watching eye of many different agencies ,they show up to visit me, the zoos and petting zoos . however i also know many many people who have exotic smuggled pets in private zoo type places, many times, the animals are taken from them and given to holding zoos, like mine, until their fate is decided. on the other hand, animals 'die' and change hands constantly ; are 'borrowed impermanently' or 'lent out' to other places so they are still listed officialy in an approved place.

but of course there are scams everywhere especially in countries who have less money to deal with implementing animal laws when they cant even deal with their own social economic or political problems


Well I for one will not visit this establishment, Orangutans cannot breed at such a rate and the death of so many primates of respiratory disease surely would cause alarm bells to ring with respect to human health?

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