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Qualified and experienced Homeopaths - do they exist in Thailand?

Anyone with contact details may be in BKK???


Why on earth would you want to see a homeopath?

There's been a $1m prize publicly offered for anyone who can demonstrate it works. Call me old fashioned, but I'd say that's enough to draw interest.



ps: Don't get me wrong, there may be something in it. It simply hasn't met the gold standard which warrants it's use, and doesn't even begin to. When it does, use it. Anecdote however is not good enough.


I used the services of a Homeopath and the homeopathic remedies he prescribed cut my daily headaches by 50%. I now live in Thailand and I have run out of those remedies. Does it work? for me: yes. And there are no side effects it's all herbal stuff.

Nothing else I tried worked. And I have been to dozens of doctors.



I used the services of a Homeopath and the homeopathic remedies he prescribed cut my daily headaches by 50%.

Possibly, possibly not.

I now live in Thailand and I have run out of those remedies. Does it work? for me: yes.

My little ailments come and go too.

And there are no side effects it's all herbal stuff.

Actually the stuff they use can be quite reactive, but is diluted so much, sometimes to nothing in fact, that you are right, it is safe

Nothing else I tried worked. And I have been to dozens of doctors.

And therefore I understand your trying anything.

Flow, I hope it does work for your headaches and if it doesn't it won't kill you. But it did nearly kill my ex girlfriend. She had a very serious kidney infection indeed, and was "treated" by an osteopath. You know how quickly you can die from bad kidneys? She happened to get over the infection in the end, the same way humans get over just about everything. The fact is there is no respectable evidence that homeopathy works and it can be deadly dangerous when gullible people trust it in cases like the one above.

(ps: I also know someone who died of cancer in complete trust that his "juice therapy" would work. Traditional medicine occasionally leaves a lot to be desired but it at least uses evidence and the scientific method and peer review. Perhaps you now understand my annoyance.

BTW if you think the water or solvent "remembers" what's been in it, what about all the poisons and bacteria and excrement and psychedelic drugs that have also been in it in the past, and are even more diluted and therefore even more "potent". There will always be a good proportion of people who happen to get better whilst they happen to take homeopathy and other "therapies", that's how this stuff gets it's reputation.

BTW also...noone will be happier than me if someone could get this stuff working in a reliable way and demonstrate it properly.)


Cheers and good luck.


Homeopathy and many other alternative therapies just have not demonstrated their efifacy or effectiveness in "proper" clinical trials ie double blinded placebo controlled to GCP/ICH standards.

You here them whinge about how much they cost to do but they do not have to be on a large scale initially.

The million dollar prize is well safe methinks.

As for it working for the OP - all well and good but the placebo affect is a lot more proven than homeopathy but if it works for him then stick to it as long as its not harming him.

Given the such low levels of doseage it should be OK but some therapies give quite dangerous drugs in amounts that do harm by unqualified personnel!


When I had a distemper outbreak at the kennel i solely used homeopathic remedies. While the mortality rate under pups is approx. 80% according vets (actually opinions vary between 70% and 97%), my survival rate was 90%.

And how can one explain the placebo effect in animals?

While I do believe homeoapthy can work very well, there are many so-so homeopaths in the world.

Homeopathy is NOT a herbal thing. Although, homeopathic remedies can be made from herbs, it can also be made from minerals, animals stuff etc.

Homeopathy is also NOT danger free as many people believe. When given the wrong remedy it can be that nothing happens, but it can also be that other symptoms pop up, making the recovery with the right remedy in the right dose and potency more difficult. When given the wrong dose or in the wrong potency aggrevations can occur, which can be quite serious to the patient.

Through his life the founder of homeopathy, Hahnemann, has written 6 editions of the Organon in which each edition improvement were made according new findings he had made. Still many homeopaths work according the 4th edition with dry doses. In the 5th and 6th edition Hahnemann wrote that watery solutions work more effective and gentle on the patient, plus it gives a better possibilty to properly dose and succuss.

Also there are many people who call themselves homeopaths, who actually work according the alopathic principles but use homeopathic remedies in stead of regular med's.

This is one of the reasons why there is a lot of confusion under the people.

Anyway, i'm not planning to go into discussion whether homeopathy works or not. I do believe it does. I just wanted to comment on the 'herbal thing', that homeopathy can't do harm which is not true, and that there are many crooks out there that claim they are homeopaths which in fact they are not.

Flow I've sent you a PM with some links.



I'm not interested in this discussion on wether homeopathy works or not, but as the OP I'd be interested in the name of a good homeopath, could someone post this info please.


2 posts have been deleted from this thread as they went off on an acrimonious tangent debating the value of homeopathy. Those who resorted to insulting remarks have been warned that this is not acceptable.


I believe Nienke has PM's some links to the OP, perhaps the OP or Nienke could post them, or you might PM Nienke.

And perhaps those other readers who find homoepathy helpful would chip in with personal recommendations.

Anyone who wants to have a debate around the worth of this or any other "alternative" therapies, kindly start a separate thread for that purpose if you like, but be warned that I will be monitoring closely to be sure the exchange stays civil :o !!!

I'm not interested in this discussion on wether homeopathy works or not, but as the OP I'd be interested in the name of a good homeopath, could someone post this info please.

There's a superb practitioner here in Chiang Mai who distributes/supplies homeopathic remedies - anyone care to PM me and I'll pass on his name and contact informaiton. You might also contact the Tao Garden Resort here in Chiang Mai....

There's a superb practitioner here in Chiang Mai who distributes/supplies homeopathic remedies - anyone care to PM me and I'll pass on his name and contact informaiton. You might also contact the Tao Garden Resort here in Chiang Mai....

Are the remedies made by a machine or does he get them from abroad?



You can also find some qualified Homeopaths on Koh Samui, check out the Kamalaya Resort in the southern part of Samui or the Health Oasis Resort in Bang Po. I do believe various other resorts also offer the service, but do be careful because as one member pointed out one needs to make sure one is seeing a qualified homeopath and not just an alopathic Doctor who uses some homeopathic and herbal medicines. But I do believe Kamalaya resort at Kamalaya resort especially there is a qualified homeopath.

I think you yourself know not to take someone's comments too seriously when he seems to think an Osteopath and a Homeopath is the same thing... :o My mum's life got saved by an osteopath when I was just two years old as he discovered a brain tumour when other GP Doctors laughed off her symptons and complaints, needless to say she's alive and fit and healthy today!! He now treats the Queen of England... But everyone's entitled to their own opinions and placebo or not, if it works for you then go for it, if you don't feel comfortable with it stick to what you're comfortable with.

Good luck in finding yourself a homeopath, there was also a lady called Sally practising on the island, if you mail me I can pass you her number, although I'd have to call first to check if she's still here, I was given her number over a year ago when I had a bike accident. (Needless to say I don't drive them anymore!)

Just a thought actually, if you just need the medicines, as you say your meds have run out, my brother in law's a homeopath in England and could possibly send them to you... Just mail me if you if you'd like any further details.

You can also find some qualified Homeopaths on Koh Samui, check out the Kamalaya Resort in the southern part of Samui or the Health Oasis Resort in Bang Po. I do believe various other resorts also offer the service, but do be careful because as one member pointed out one needs to make sure one is seeing a qualified homeopath and not just an alopathic Doctor who uses some homeopathic and herbal medicines. But I do believe Kamalaya resort at Kamalaya resort especially there is a qualified homeopath.

I think you yourself know not to take someone's comments too seriously when he seems to think an Osteopath and a Homeopath is the same thing... :o My mum's life got saved by an osteopath when I was just two years old as he discovered a brain tumour when other GP Doctors laughed off her symptons and complaints, needless to say she's alive and fit and healthy today!! He now treats the Queen of England... But everyone's entitled to their own opinions and placebo or not, if it works for you then go for it, if you don't feel comfortable with it stick to what you're comfortable with.

Good luck in finding yourself a homeopath, there was also a lady called Sally practising on the island, if you mail me I can pass you her number, although I'd have to call first to check if she's still here, I was given her number over a year ago when I had a bike accident. (Needless to say I don't drive them anymore!)

Just a thought actually, if you just need the medicines, as you say your meds have run out, my brother in law's a homeopath in England and could possibly send them to you... Just mail me if you if you'd like any further details.

thanks Mystery, but I also need a consultation methinks. If he's based in London then please do pm me his contact details. Cheers


each to his own i suppose, but a bit of common sense would suggest that just maybe magic doesn't exist. this is what reading the daily mail does to the english. and i'm a qualified homeopath. really.

each to his own i suppose, but a bit of common sense would suggest that just maybe magic doesn't exist. this is what reading the daily mail does to the english. and i'm a qualified homeopath. really.

I'm not really clear on what you are saying here but if the idea is that homeopathy isn't effective that's a bit off topic, thread is about what homeopathic resources are available in LOS and where.

Suggest starting your own thread if you want to debate the merits of homoepathy per se...

Or maybe I've misunderstood your post??

There's a superb practitioner here in Chiang Mai who distributes/supplies homeopathic remedies - anyone care to PM me and I'll pass on his name and contact informaiton. You might also contact the Tao Garden Resort here in Chiang Mai....

Excuse me in my previous post I said osteopath in my typing frenzy and meant homeopath.

I am truly interested Vitalgirl you've made a very strong recommendation.....what makes your practitioner "superb"......would you tell?


I'm also interested, Vitalgirl, and have sent you an PM already a few days ago.

Could you be so kind to send me his name and contact details? Most appreciated,


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