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California Tax Man


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I think I have kept myself clear and clean with California but who knows what they might try to do as I left some mail footprints in transiting the state. So may I ask that ,if you solve your problem and can see where some of us might benefit from your experience, you post some advice? You can never know too much about handling taxes.

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I don't have a tax accountant reference, but I'd like to give a warning to any current or former California residents. The California Franchise Tax board is the most aggressive taxing agency on the planet. They employ "revenue enhancement officers", whose only job is to pore over countless databases for any hint of income you derive from anywhere. On the weakest of premises, they will generate, by computer hit only, tax bills. If you don't respond to refute the billing within a short period of time, penalties and interest will accrue. Even if there's no basis for the taxation.

Unless you continue to conduct business in California, it is my recommendation to sever all official ties. Do not hold a bank account there, do not have a drivers license there, nothing!

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you must be talking about CA state taxes, right?

Yes, I'm pretty sure that the OP is referring to the rapacious CFTB.

The CFTB actually learned all their revenue enhancing techniques from the Wisconsin Dept of Revenue. New York State though has the most onerous rules of all regarding termination of residency.

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All I can say is, if you don't live in california, no problem.. Sometimes.

I'm not a resident anymore of calif, but maintain a business address. About two years ago, I was hit for a tax levy on one of my accounts because they thought I was living there. My lawyer wrote to them explainng my situation. A couple of months later, the levy was removed.

No further word.

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Hey Richard,

I am heading back to Chiang Mai for the next 3 weeks starting 10/25. Send me an e-mail and we can get together to discuss your CA problem.

Just to let you know, after we finish some things here in the US (about 1 yr from now) I will be back to my regular routine of 3 months in CA for tax season then back to Chiang Mai for 2 mo of US ex-pat taxes and 7mo of R&R. JLee Grubb, Enrolled Agent. E-mail <snip>

I have a California tax problem. Are there any U.S. tax people in Chiang Mai?
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All I can say is, if you don't live in california, no problem.. Sometimes.

I'm not a resident anymore of calif, but maintain a business address. About two years ago, I was hit for a tax levy on one of my accounts because they thought I was living there. My lawyer wrote to them explainng my situation. A couple of months later, the levy was removed.

No further word.

This is my take on it as well and if you retain a law firm they can negotiate a lump sum pay off. :o

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I was a soldier stationed in California in 2003. California mistakenly thought I owed taxes for my military income there for year 2003. At the end of the year, the army hired me as a civilian about the same time as I was retiring. I worked for the army as a civilian while I was on 90 days terminal leave. I filed my federal taxes for that year and California saw my income of over $40,000. After working as a civilian for 90 days I decided I wasn't happy so I quit and moved to Thailand. California wants to tax me for the 40,000+ amount and not the 90 days working as a GS-09.

I had thought I filed a Cali state tax for for those 3 months but I guess I was mistaken as California has no record of it. I'm not sure how to get a copy of my W2 from the government for the amount of time I worked. That is currently holding me up from settling this mess.

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The W-2 information is probably in your Federal return if you kept a copy of it. Also, you might check into the non-resident and part-year resident options in the California tax code to see if you qualify for reduced taxation under either of those options. Good luck.

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I am a semi retired CPA and hold a current licence to practice in California. I would be happy to give you a little help.

I think that you will be able to solve your problem with a properly worded letter of explanation to the Franchise Tax Board. I will be glad to help you write to them for you wish. (No charge).

I am currently in Udon, but I will return to Chiang Mai on Tuesday. Feel free to give me a call 081166130. Bill

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