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Belgian-Dutch Drug Ring Caught On Koh Samui


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I am surprised it took so long. Just transferring a few million baht (legally earned) seems to raise eye brows at Thai banks, especially Bangkok Bank. I can't imagine that Bt5bn or Bt100m could slip through the net for Aliens without any foreign exchange documentation or other supporting documents. For amounts of Bt2m or more you're supposed to complete AMLO forms.

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"If you know of a fellow countryman who is here and breaking major laws, tell them to get the hel_l out. "

Yup - that will sure work (in your dreams) :o

I beg to differ. When I was staying in Phuket for the first year I was here (I now live in a sleepy little village outside BKK), I was staying at a small hotel in Patong. Another Yank showed up and began bragging to everyone how he was able to get away with a US$ 2 million drug smuggling thing and was fully enjoying the fruits of his ill-gotten gains. He had committed these crimes well beyond the Statute of Limitations so he felt emboldened to crow about it. The result??? The owner of the hotel, myself and others made the guy feel most unwelcome and he left for greener pastures in another country. The there was this Brit guy who came to Phuket with a grand total of about 2,000 Sterling to his name, no business plan, owed all kind of child support $$ back in the UK. He blew through his money in no time flat and was soon sponging off his buddies, his family back in the UK and anyone else he could find, including a Thai bar girl or two if you can believe that. He got to the point of conjuring up stories about how rich he was, "test driving" for weeks expensive motorcycles owned by Thai locals telling them he was going to buy it as he was rich. He hit a low point in driving around Patong in Mui Thai costumes picking fights with various bar owners he owed money to. His close friends contacted his family back in the UK to let them know what was going. They arranged to have him picked up for immigration violations (he had overstayed his visa, with no way to pay the fines) and sent back home. Enough said. We as expats have a responsibility to help keep our reputations in good order and keep an eye out for farang who clearly belong somewhere else.

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hmm looks like a death sentence case

I hope so...they deserve it!!!

I can't believe how many of you <deleted> are cheering for the death penalty over dealing marijuana & herion. I don't think herion has ever killed anyone and I'm positive that marijuana hasn't! Alcohol and nicotine kill thousands every year but, due to commercial greed and taxes, they remain legal. Use of any drug should be a personal choice based on health risks and whether it endangers anyone around you.

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hmm looks like a death sentence case

I hope so...they deserve it!!!

I can't believe how many of you <deleted> are cheering for the death penalty over dealing marijuana & herion. I don't think herion has ever killed anyone and I'm positive that marijuana hasn't! Alcohol and nicotine kill thousands every year but, due to commercial greed and taxes, they remain legal. Use of any drug should be a personal choice based on health risks and whether it endangers anyone around you.

Heroin has never killed anyone??? Ever hear of the term "overdose"??? Sounds to me like you're on the stuff.

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This was a sting operation going on for a couple of months from Belgium. So they go back to there home country anyway.

The fact about Drugs - Drugs are as old as mankind and Drugs should be legalized, that would help the poor countries who produce the drug, eliminate plenty of crime, create new jobs and would increase humanity. That it does not get legalized stays simply with the fact that there would be no more need for the DEA so it is opposed, more drugs more DEA like enforcement needed, not for the purpose to get rid of drugs, but for the purpose to build up more power and surprese the people even more.

I say that out of 7 years work with an NGO who was helping Drug edicts to get out of it or at least use clean material.

As long as it stays illegal there will be a demand, created by the Drug users who need to finance their on addiction. How to finance it best? Find new addicts so they need to buy from you then, that is the cycle and no law enforcement will allow to break that cycle, because there would be no more need for them. The user goes to jail and the big fish living free - ok now they catched a few out of that sharkpool, but others are waiting to take their role on, as long as that amount of money can be made nothing will stop that business.

Like it or not it is just fact.

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"If you know of a fellow countryman who is here and breaking major laws, tell them to get the hel_l out. "

Yup - that will sure work (in your dreams) :o

I beg to differ. When I was staying in Phuket for the first year I was here (I now live in a sleepy little village outside BKK), I was staying at a small hotel in Patong. Another Yank showed up and began bragging to everyone how he was able to get away with a US$ 2 million drug smuggling thing and was fully enjoying the fruits of his ill-gotten gains. He had committed these crimes well beyond the Statute of Limitations so he felt emboldened to crow about it. The result??? The owner of the hotel, myself and others made the guy feel most unwelcome and he left for greener pastures in another country. The there was this Brit guy who came to Phuket with a grand total of about 2,000 Sterling to his name, no business plan, owed all kind of child support $$ back in the UK. He blew through his money in no time flat and was soon sponging off his buddies, his family back in the UK and anyone else he could find, including a Thai bar girl or two if you can believe that. He got to the point of conjuring up stories about how rich he was, "test driving" for weeks expensive motorcycles owned by Thai locals telling them he was going to buy it as he was rich. He hit a low point in driving around Patong in Mui Thai costumes picking fights with various bar owners he owed money to. His close friends contacted his family back in the UK to let them know what was going. They arranged to have him picked up for immigration violations (he had overstayed his visa, with no way to pay the fines) and sent back home. Enough said. We as expats have a responsibility to help keep our reputations in good order and keep an eye out for farang who clearly belong somewhere else.

OK - I accept those two but they were not exactly criminal masterminds were they?

The type of guy's in the OP and many other "Hardened" criminal's would not go around like that - thats why they make the big money.

They are also not the type you have a quiet word with.

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Good catch. Looks like some of the big fish have been caught, once they are returned to their own country's prisons it will be a holiday from there after their time in one of those horrific Thai prisons, keep them in Thailand for as long as possible, let them suffer to compensate for all the lives of innocent men, women, children and all others that get stamped on destroyed or murdered along the way whilst these evil drug pedlars and suppliers continue to supply these shocking terribly life threatening substances.

The sentence these type of people get be it the death sentence or not I do not care about as long as the punishment reflects the crime.

I guess depending if your Mum, Sister, Brother, Child or other person close to you has been caught in this death trap will depend on how severe you think sentences should be for this offence.

People like this continue to murder and destroy lives daily on a daily basis for personal financial gain and greed to feed there own depraved habit of feeling in control of peoples lives and then gradually the victim dies in one way another either physically or mentally, and the dealers and suppliers as intended become rich beyond belief.

Individuals that murder people and torture there lives in till they become dependant on the supplier of something that can potentially kill them well they are very low in my list of people I am to bothered about except

I hope they suffer please they deserve it,

Greed, Greed, Greed, Biggest killer ever

Please note once again these only my thoughts, they are not written to provoke, in advance I am sorry if I offend and please remember every one is entitled to an opinion.

Regarding the human rights of drug pushers. Those rights are singular, I believe in a majority verdict. As the unfortunate father of a son who threw away his future then his life by taking drugs. Family life was hel_l, my other son my wife and I had outside door locks on our bedroom doors to stop him stealing. The house was locked down at nights so he could only get out of his small bedroom window, which was so small he could not take things through with himself. Female visitors were told to keep their bags with them at all times. You name a precuation we took it. But we could not stop him breaking into houses stealing cars and doing identity theft (even his own brothers).

Courts, social services all failed him and the family with their "All he needs is another chance" when getting him off the streets may have saved them.

I digress

One drug pusher, tens, hundred of addicts stealing from strangers, wrecking homes, families etc. That pusher he/she has forfieted any human rights by spitting, shi##ing and laughing at the human rights of others.

I would press the trigger, depress the plunger, pull the lever and throw the switch knowing the carnage that they were happily doing was now at an end.

If you have never said goodbye to your youngest child who should still be alive, then do not preach to me about rights and uncivilised behaviour. The wrong person was in that coffin.

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hmm looks like a death sentence case

I hope so...they deserve it!!!

I can't believe how many of you <deleted> are cheering for the death penalty over dealing marijuana & herion. I don't think herion has ever killed anyone and I'm positive that marijuana hasn't! Alcohol and nicotine kill thousands every year but, due to commercial greed and taxes, they remain legal. Use of any drug should be a personal choice based on health risks and whether it endangers anyone around you.

Another fluffy box dweller. I don't suppose heroin users that steal, rob and yes..... sometimes KILL to get their 'fixes' come under your criteria as to whether it endangers anyone around you? Check your facts before you open your mouth.

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Good catch. Looks like some of the big fish have been caught, once they are returned to their own country's prisons it will be a holiday from there after their time in one of those horrific Thai prisons, keep them in Thailand for as long as possible, let them suffer to compensate for all the lives of innocent men, women, children and all others that get stamped on destroyed or murdered along the way whilst these evil drug pedlars and suppliers continue to supply these shocking terribly life threatening substances.

The sentence these type of people get be it the death sentence or not I do not care about as long as the punishment reflects the crime.

I guess depending if your Mum, Sister, Brother, Child or other person close to you has been caught in this death trap will depend on how severe you think sentences should be for this offence.

People like this continue to murder and destroy lives daily on a daily basis for personal financial gain and greed to feed there own depraved habit of feeling in control of peoples lives and then gradually the victim dies in one way another either physically or mentally, and the dealers and suppliers as intended become rich beyond belief.

Individuals that murder people and torture there lives in till they become dependant on the supplier of something that can potentially kill them well they are very low in my list of people I am to bothered about except

I hope they suffer please they deserve it,

Greed, Greed, Greed, Biggest killer ever

Please note once again these only my thoughts, they are not written to provoke, in advance I am sorry if I offend and please remember every one is entitled to an opinion.

Regarding the human rights of drug pushers. Those rights are singular, I believe in a majority verdict. As the unfortunate father of a son who threw away his future then his life by taking drugs. Family life was hel_l, my other son my wife and I had outside door locks on our bedroom doors to stop him stealing. The house was locked down at nights so he could only get out of his small bedroom window, which was so small he could not take things through with himself. Female visitors were told to keep their bags with them at all times. You name a precuation we took it. But we could not stop him breaking into houses stealing cars and doing identity theft (even his own brothers).

Courts, social services all failed him and the family with their "All he needs is another chance" when getting him off the streets may have saved them.

I digress

One drug pusher, tens, hundred of addicts stealing from strangers, wrecking homes, families etc. That pusher he/she has forfieted any human rights by spitting, shi##ing and laughing at the human rights of others.

I would press the trigger, depress the plunger, pull the lever and throw the switch knowing the carnage that they were happily doing was now at an end.

If you have never said goodbye to your youngest child who should still be alive, then do not preach to me about rights and uncivilised behaviour. The wrong person was in that coffin.


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Ah...Thailand.....Hub of Gangsters.........and Koh Samui......Hub of Gangster Hubs, of course.

100 million baht and living the high life in a (supposed) tropical paradise just for running some drugs. Their vacated position as supplier will have been filled 10 times over with others hoping to cash in the same. Besides, for a 5 year stint in a probably not too uncomfortable Belgian prison 20 million a year is still very attractive. Don't believe thay had all their money stashed in Thailand. They'll still walk out of prison wealthy.

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I am surprised it took so long. Just transferring a few million baht (legally earned) seems to raise eye brows at Thai banks, especially Bangkok Bank. I can't imagine that Bt5bn or Bt100m could slip through the net for Aliens without any foreign exchange documentation or other supporting documents. For amounts of Bt2m or more you're supposed to complete AMLO forms.

I wouldn't know to be honest . . .I'm not that rich!!

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"If you know of a fellow countryman who is here and breaking major laws, tell them to get the hel_l out. "

Yup - that will sure work (in your dreams) :o

I beg to differ. When I was staying in Phuket for the first year I was here (I now live in a sleepy little village outside BKK), I was staying at a small hotel in Patong. Another Yank showed up and began bragging to everyone how he was able to get away with a US$ 2 million drug smuggling thing and was fully enjoying the fruits of his ill-gotten gains. He had committed these crimes well beyond the Statute of Limitations so he felt emboldened to crow about it. The result??? The owner of the hotel, myself and others made the guy feel most unwelcome and he left for greener pastures in another country. The there was this Brit guy who came to Phuket with a grand total of about 2,000 Sterling to his name, no business plan, owed all kind of child support $$ back in the UK. He blew through his money in no time flat and was soon sponging off his buddies, his family back in the UK and anyone else he could find, including a Thai bar girl or two if you can believe that. He got to the point of conjuring up stories about how rich he was, "test driving" for weeks expensive motorcycles owned by Thai locals telling them he was going to buy it as he was rich. He hit a low point in driving around Patong in Mui Thai costumes picking fights with various bar owners he owed money to. His close friends contacted his family back in the UK to let them know what was going. They arranged to have him picked up for immigration violations (he had overstayed his visa, with no way to pay the fines) and sent back home. Enough said. We as expats have a responsibility to help keep our reputations in good order and keep an eye out for farang who clearly belong somewhere else.

OK - I accept those two but they were not exactly criminal masterminds were they?

The type of guy's in the OP and many other "Hardened" criminal's would not go around like that - thats why they make the big money.

They are also not the type you have a quiet word with.

No, they weren't. But they were well on their way to getting wrapped around the axel in a very bad way. In the case of the Brit guy, he also owed $$ to some local Thais and before he was picked up, he was literally looking over his shoulder for someone to come after him. His own safety was at risk and that was the last straw for his buddies to intercede. You make a good point in how to deal the more hardened types. I say to just annonymously report them. These two situations aren't the only ones I have observed. There are more. Too many farang come here with little or no money, no plan, etc. and think they're going to magically make it. The truth is, to make an honest go at a decent and reasonably comfortable life here in the Land of Smiles, you need to be fairly well-capitalized, and/or have a viable business plan and a backup plan in case things don't work out. Just my US$0.02. But thanks for your input.

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hmm looks like a death sentence case

I hope so...they deserve it!!!

That comment sickens me. In a free society people will have the choice to do what they want. If they choose to kill themselves with drugs, so be it.

And as another poster mentioned, no one deserves the death penalty. It's barbaric and inhumane and puts us on par with the likes of Hitler and George W Bush.

How dare you! Comparing my President to Hitler. Some people just do not know how to see or have ever seen pure evil. The death penalty does have a place in a society that will hold people accountable for there evil actions. Charles Manson ring a bell. We all know the rules, so did they. Get over it. Bless you.

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hmm looks like a death sentence case

I hope so...they deserve it!!!

That comment sickens me. In a free society people will have the choice to do what they want. If they choose to kill themselves with drugs, so be it.

And as another poster mentioned, no one deserves the death penalty. It's barbaric and inhumane and puts us on par with the likes of Hitler and George W Bush.

How dare you! Comparing my President to Hitler. Some people just do not know how to see or have ever seen pure evil. The death penalty does have a place in a society that will hold people accountable for there evil actions. Charles Manson ring a bell. We all know the rules, so did they. Get over it. Bless you.

To my fellow American...Blaming George W. for all the ills of the world has become as fashionable as wearing Che Guevarra T-shirts. I didn't vote for dear old George, and he has made quite a mess of many things; criticism of him is generally well-deserved. However, he has become a most convenient scape-goat for things he has had little to do with, and, there some things he has done an OK job on. I've heard my share of Bush Bashing in the 5+ years I've lived and worked in Asia. My approach is to read a lot and get some facts straight before debating people on this subject. I like to acknowledge America's failures, but also point out to people the many good things our country has accomplished. Being the #1 Superpower is gonna attract a lot of flack, whether deserved or not. Get used to it.

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"If you know of a fellow countryman who is here and breaking major laws, tell them to get the hel_l out. "

Yup - that will sure work (in your dreams) :o

I beg to differ. When I was staying in Phuket for the first year I was here (I now live in a sleepy little village outside BKK), I was staying at a small hotel in Patong. Another Yank showed up and began bragging to everyone how he was able to get away with a US$ 2 million drug smuggling thing and was fully enjoying the fruits of his ill-gotten gains. He had committed these crimes well beyond the Statute of Limitations so he felt emboldened to crow about it. The result??? The owner of the hotel, myself and others made the guy feel most unwelcome and he left for greener pastures in another country. The there was this Brit guy who came to Phuket with a grand total of about 2,000 Sterling to his name, no business plan, owed all kind of child support $$ back in the UK. He blew through his money in no time flat and was soon sponging off his buddies, his family back in the UK and anyone else he could find, including a Thai bar girl or two if you can believe that. He got to the point of conjuring up stories about how rich he was, "test driving" for weeks expensive motorcycles owned by Thai locals telling them he was going to buy it as he was rich. He hit a low point in driving around Patong in Mui Thai costumes picking fights with various bar owners he owed money to. His close friends contacted his family back in the UK to let them know what was going. They arranged to have him picked up for immigration violations (he had overstayed his visa, with no way to pay the fines) and sent back home. Enough said. We as expats have a responsibility to help keep our reputations in good order and keep an eye out for farang who clearly belong somewhere else.

OK - I accept those two but they were not exactly criminal masterminds were they?

The type of guy's in the OP and many other "Hardened" criminal's would not go around like that - thats why they make the big money.

They are also not the type you have a quiet word with.

No, they weren't. But they were well on their way to getting wrapped around the axel in a very bad way. In the case of the Brit guy, he also owed $$ to some local Thais and before he was picked up, he was literally looking over his shoulder for someone to come after him. His own safety was at risk and that was the last straw for his buddies to intercede. You make a good point in how to deal the more hardened types. I say to just annonymously report them. These two situations aren't the only ones I have observed. There are more. Too many farang come here with little or no money, no plan, etc. and think they're going to magically make it. The truth is, to make an honest go at a decent and reasonably comfortable life here in the Land of Smiles, you need to be fairly well-capitalized, and/or have a viable business plan and a backup plan in case things don't work out. Just my US$0.02. But thanks for your input.

The Brit guy was lucky he had pals to help him get out. I too have seen so many there with nowhere near enough cash to make it. They mostly do not get involved in big stuff either criminally or otherwise but sometimes its just time to go home but most of them just never seem to get that bit.

I know a couple now who have been around a long time - been doing quite OK till a colleague got in trouble and its brought problems down on another as thei employer will just not have it. I knew one was having a hard time when he asked me for a list of contacts so he could sell financial solutions too - i had to tell him we all get a lot of calls a week from guys like him and in most cases our companies pay for our advisors as expat - but I digress.

Reporting guys to authorities can be fraught with problems too - have to be careful they have not got the people you report to them in their pockets

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hmm looks like a death sentence case

I hope so...they deserve it!!!

That comment sickens me. In a free society people will have the choice to do what they want. If they choose to kill themselves with drugs, so be it.

And as another poster mentioned, no one deserves the death penalty. It's barbaric and inhumane and puts us on par with the likes of Hitler and George W Bush.

How dare you! Comparing my President to Hitler. Some people just do not know how to see or have ever seen pure evil. The death penalty does have a place in a society that will hold people accountable for there evil actions. Charles Manson ring a bell. We all know the rules, so did they. Get over it. Bless you.

But old Charlie Manson never got the death penalty?

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can farrangs now buy land?? correct me if im wong but I thought farrangs cannot own land here?

I was wondering the same thing. I wish they would share their secret. They might have some visa tips also.

As a first responder in the fire department, I saw some pretty ugly things and most of them involved booze.

Maybe work the death sentence in there somehow.

I think the pharma companies and drug lords would probably lobby against legalizing drugs to keep the market up. GL

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Exactly what that Dad discribes about his Son is the reality what comes out of the illegal use of drugs. WOuld that Drug have been legal his son in the first hand may not even would be addicted, because he was getting addicted to make for another puser the money for his own addiction, a deadly cycle - while all those DEA Freaks laughing and of course sometimes even fake Drug purchases to get a better standing of records.

About Heroin does not kill! Everything consumed to much will kill and alcohol kills more People then Heroin has done so fare. What is killing are the stuff the drug users mix to it to make from 1 gramm 2 or 3 grams, that mixed under stuff is it what kills.

Hitler vs Bush! - Guantanamo, does a Bell ring? Take a look on what is going on in the world and ask your President about all the S... he has created.

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can farrangs now buy land?? correct me if im wong but I thought farrangs cannot own land here?

I was wondering the same thing. I wish they would share their secret. They might have some visa tips also.

As a first responder in the fire department, I saw some pretty ugly things and most of them involved booze.

Maybe work the death sentence in there somehow.

I think the pharma companies and drug lords would probably lobby against legalizing drugs to keep the market up. GL

Why would Pharma lobby against legalizing drugs - they could produce the best shit possible?

Pharma is a bigger scapegoat than old Dubya on this board among those who know little about the business :o

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while i don't think drug dealing is exactly a respectable profession and these people were out of line for flagrantly flouting the laws, i disagree that it is anywhere near deserving of the death penalty. if these people held someone down and forced drugs into them, that's one thing, but they didn't. there will always be a supply available. those who choose to partake in it are doing so at their own risk. adults should be free to make that choice for themselves, as they are free to do by smoking a cigarette, drinking liquor, and getting into their car to go to work every day. i agree that legalizing drugs and focusing more on education & rehabilitation is the answer, rather than killing people involved in the marketing of them.

I'd have to agree with much of what you say 'girlx', there'd be no dealers if there were no customers. For those that are hooked already make their drug of addiction available in suitable amounts only through a doctors prescription. The way we are now in respect to drugs is surely similar to the way the USA was during Prohibition days. Then it was liquor that caused many of the incidences of crime both organised and smaller. There will always be those that must have something as a crutch in their lives, the best we can do is to try and ensure it doesn't continually impact on the rest of society.

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they will ban suicide soon as bad for you !

It was illegal and until quite recently in some places (Ireland repealed its law in 1993).

What was the penalty pre-1993 ............Hanging? :o

No, certainly not hanging but in the UK Prior to 1961 when the United Kingdom decriminalized suicide and attempted suicide (Suicide act 1961), for example resulted in forfeiture of estate.

The term commit suicide is now being consciously avoided, as it implies that suicide is a crime by equating it with other acts that are committed, such as murder or burglary.

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Stupid law anyway. If people want to kill themselves with drugs what's the problem? The only result you get by making it illegal is creating a profitable market.

Fine word's of wisdom. No profit, no pushing. No pushing, less drug use. You cannot stop drug use, but it would slow it down.

The war-on-drugs also gives governments unlimited powers of arrest, asset freezing and generally infringing on the rights of citizens.

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I hope they put them to work with hard labor on a road crew. I hate people who live rich off of others pain. You know they laughed every day on their way to the bank. HE WHO LAUGHS LAST...LAUGHS FREE!

They are the type of people who make us visit immigration every 90 days to check in like criminals. Make them suffer the rest of their pathetic lives.

This also proves that all drugs should be legalized. That would make no middle man making huge profits...give real people...real jobs...and free the police to fight terrorism.

Legalise hard drugs? Say 25 percent of the worlds population addicted to smoking legal tobacco with all it's inherrent problems, shall we say a further 2 percent addicted to alcohol, legally consumed with devasting consequences for many of those closest to alcoholics. What percentage of the population are addicted to the illegal consuption of hard drugs? I doubt it would be more than half a percent and look at the social consequences. Do we really want it to be as easy to obtain Heroin as it is to buy a packet of cigarettes? Thank God the powers that be do not listen (much) to this sort of rambling.

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These people used "drug money" from crimes they commited in their home countries.

They are criminals that escaped justice in their own country have been caught and are being sent home to face the music.

Source Thai Rath online today

Lucky for them the crimes were not commited in Thailand as the penalties are far harsher. EU prisons I am told are nicer than Thai ones! :o

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I didn't vote for dear old George, and he has made quite a mess of many things; criticism of him is generally well-deserved. However, he has become a most convenient scape-goat for things he has had little to do with, and, there some things he has done an OK job on.

In my personal opinion i think that your responsibility as the president of the US would be more than to do 'an okay job of some things'. However if the citizens of the US are happy with a less than mediocre performance from the leader of the Nation then thats up to them. Personaly i would not and could not tolerate such an inept fool to be the representative of my country and people to the audience of the world.

Just my opinion.

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This is not a discussion of US policy.

Astoundingly enough, considering the direction some posters on this thread have taken, there weren't any Americans involved, the crimes were not committed in the US.

Lets keep it on the topic at hand please.

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Risking a Death Sentance ?? Next time try getting caught in Pattaya...

I recall a Pattaya City News report where a Thai guy was caught. As the camera panned across a heaped table of seized drugs and cash, the reporter said: "If found guilty, the sentance for this crime is DEATH. It is the third time he has been charged THIS YEAR."

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Stupid law anyway. If people want to kill themselves with drugs what's the problem? The only result you get by making it illegal is creating a profitable market.


Organized crime is most pleased with the drug laws as they are.

I'd go even further and say a fraction of the money currently spent on the "war on drugs" would be enough to A) provide government controlled drugs to those who want it for cheap and :D provide enough treatment and education to prevent problems. And that's not even counting the complete eradication of crime related to drug acquisition.

I want the govt to hand out heroin and coke. That would simultaneously remove the market completely and make it extremely uncool, thereby going a long ways towards prevention :o

I recently heard that of all the container freight going from Mexico into the U.S. by train, only 1% of containers are scanned by customs. They don't have enough resources to scan more... so much for the war on drugs. Waste of money. Lots of money.

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If found guilty, THROW THE BOOK AT 'EM.

It's people (!) like those who force immigration to really clamp down on visa rules, and law abiding residents suffer more stringent rules (sometimes to the point of departing LoS forever).

Law abiding residents should not have anything to worry about more stringent visa rules i would have thought.

I would have thought the hang em high brigade would like the rules as stringent as possible.

Unless of course they are "Bending" those rules to stay in Thailand themselves in either the spirit or letter of the law?

I have been here for 10 years and recently have changed to a Non O multi entry. I have never failed to pay taxes, always have paid road tax and 1st class insurance, donated to temples, never broken any laws (OK, littering the odd time and not crossing at a designated place), but may be subject to getting only a single entry visa (or tourist visa) the next time I apply because immigration sometimes tar falangs with the same brush. Please do not lecture a law abiding person.

Edited by Big A
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