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Krime Against Falang And Turist In The Land Of Smiles

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I see your picture and looks like you got beat up or something happened. I am sorry hope you are recovering niecly.


NO! It's far more hideous than just always complaining fanta food! This is obviously a pack of lies and propaganda! How dare you smear Thailands name with these fairy tales! ThailanI d is perfectly safe and the police always try to help us although that never needs doing anyway because bad things never happen to us here.

Damian Mavis

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I see your picture and looks like you got beat up or something happened. I am sorry hope you are recovering niecly.


NO! It's far more hideous than just always complaining fanta food! This is obviously a pack of lies and propaganda! How dare you smear Thailands name with these fairy tales! ThailanI d is perfectly safe and the police always try to help us although that never needs doing anyway because bad things never happen to us here.

Damian Mavis

Actually yes... during the time of that photo I was horribly abused and tortured by the EVIL Jaika stunt team that was forcing me to do endless painful and difficult sling runs up and down a highway in the hot sun. There was also the horrible and uncomfortable attack by 2 naked thai girls in a "so called" love scene which was quite obviously a brutal attempt at smothering me to death as they had their bodies pressed too tightly against mine and it was difficult to breathe... or was it think? I am foggy on the details now.....

By the way to those not clear, that was a joke as was my original post about Thailand being safe. Insert smiley HERE: :o

Damian Mavis

Above post. True enough.

For those reporting about the crime levels in areas such as Pattaya and Phuket .......................you really should spend 6 months in my home cityof Manchester UK

My city far outstrips any level of crime in any location of Thailand. Jing jing.

Have you ever seen the crime figures for London and Birmingham? Nottingham?

I for one am glad to be in Thailand.

Your talking absoulute nonsense - there are few if any foreign tourists ever killed in manchester

I digress. :D The following is copied from a site called porcupinenine. Quoting crime rates ( death ) by gun . I think that shows areas of Manchester are much worse than the related and same crime in Pattaya?

Quote: The same disparity can be seen in the UK. While the country as a whole has a low rate of murder, there are areas where the murder rate is high. In Glasgow, Scotland, the murder rate is 5.9 per 100,000 (cite). In London, by contrast, it's 2.1 per 100,000 (cite). In the Manchester metro area, it's 10 per 100,000. And in the Manchester neighborhoods of Moss Side and Longsight, and in the Manchester suburb of Hulme, the murder rate is a monstrous 140 per 100,000 (cite)-- which is considerably worse than Washington, DC, America's most murderous city.


Statistics. A statistical nightmare. :D

:o It is not very interessting for us living her in Thailand, what the crime rates are in Manchester, Washingtom or Moskwa.

The topic is: what should be done to get the crime rate against Farang down in Thailand!!

It is like the weather - Everyone talks about it, but no one seems do anything about it.

Maybe it is time to get a baseball club atached to my Honda Dream until itissafe to drive home after midnight.

If a copy of the 'Pattaya People News' was handed out or on display at travel agents then thailand would be very short on tourists epecially the illusive breed known as 'quality tourists'.

In my opinion - 14 years in thailand - many thais resent and even despise foreigners. The agents of government (police) are quite open in targeting foriegners as a source of extra income for supposed minor traffic violations.

What a good example the police set to all thai citizens!

If my home town in the Uk (60,000+) had 100th of the amount of foriegners killed or murdered each year then it would be permanently taped off as a crime scene - thats not an exageration!

14 yrs in thailand, how many times have you been murdered? and how many times have you been targeted by the police?

Targeted by the police on numerous occassions - never murdered but your obviously brain dead to ask such an idiotic question. Why do you try to undermine the truth - your kind are dangerous, I suposee you tell everyone how safe thailand is.

Thais can do what ever the hel_l they want. It is their country! If they want to try and take foreigners money, so be it! if they want to hate us so be it! Part of living in Thailand is accepting that nothing is fair and that there is resentment towards us. Either live and deal with it or go back home. Quit your complaining you bunch of cry babies!

The foreign embassys - including the british - were well aware of this going on for some time but did nothing to protect tourists - in the name of diplomacy.

Something seems to have changed since then. If one looks at the current UK, USA, Canadian & Australian foreign service travel advisories for Thailand they are extensive and filled with warnings. It looks like the same person wrote the Australian and canadian advisories as they are word for word on the mugging, sexual assault etc. warnings. As well, all sites state not to travel to the south. Luckily for the TAT, most tourists do not read these sites and if they do, disregard the cautions. If I was a PR official for TAT I'd be having conniptions otherwise as the warnings paint a very negative picture of Thailand.

For comparison sake, the entries for Vietnam are less frightening and give the impression that one is safe albeit monitored by secret agents.

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