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Cats And Kittens


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Its expired now???! I started the treatment yesterday. Until about 1pm today (when i found out) it has been in my bag, now in fridge. Its now no use?!

(Wish the vet had told me this!)

All i see on the bottle is: 60ml SPORIDIN, suspension 125mg/5ml Cephalexin for oral suspension usp. ..AHH doh..ok its IS Cephalexin. But looks like i need to get a new bottle..

OH how frustrating. :o

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Great job, Eek! Careful for not falling in love and ending up with 10 cats :o


God, i know! But I also have no permanent plans yet, so i know i cannot. But tempting though...

ANyway..hopefully care for dogs can help out with a neuter programme or if not, somewhere else. As for re-homing/adoption..that I have no clue about yet...

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