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Hospital Wrongly Reports Death Of Patient

prakhonchai nick

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The brother in law of a farang friend having been admitted to a Thai private hospital in a bad way, was reported dead after a few hours. The family commenced all the usual funeral preparations, erection of tents, food and drink purchase and preparation, notifying relatives and friends etc, only to be told a few hours later that he was not dead.

The patient is now recovering well, although a hefty bill is being run up.

Clearly the hospital were negligent in reporting his death. Does anyone have any knowledge of compensation, court cases etc in such cases, which I am sure have occurred before.

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As we say in my home town...FUGGEDABOUTIT.

It is difficult enough to get compensation in Thailand when a patient has suffered serious injury or death due to malpractice. Not a chance in hel_l in a case where the patient is perfectly OK. The western "emotional suffering" concept and generally lawsuit-happy culture hasn't caught on here yet.

If the family is actually out any money, they might try a private meeting with the hospiotal management to request compensation of the actual financial loss.

As for the emotional roller coaster, I'd suggest taking it as a blessing in disguise, a chance to realize what really matters in life ad how much they really care about the non-deceased, while he's still around for them to tekll him.

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