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I Am Mad !


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it took place in HORNLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aka หอนแลนด์ or Holland.


ah... with all those asylum seekers & refugees from Surinam over there.. i'm not in the least surprised.

Yeah right it would be them wouldn't it.

Reminds me of when I had something stolen in Paris, when reporting it to the police i was asked on numerous occasions about the men involved. "They were Arabs right?" "They looked Arab yes?" " "Are you sure they were not Arab" the police persisted even though i very clearly stated that they were not

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When I lived in Holland (yonks ago), I learn a Dutch one-liner 'Give me back my bicycle!'

Apparently this is Dutch humour and refers to the fact that the Germans nicked all their bikes when they invaded Holland :D

No, I didn't think this one-liner was funny either :o

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it took place in HORNLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! aka หอนแลนด์ or Holland.


ah... with all those asylum seekers & refugees from Surinam over there.. i'm not in the least surprised.

Yeah right it would be them wouldn't it.

Reminds me of when I had something stolen in Paris, when reporting it to the police i was asked on numerous occasions about the men involved. "They were Arabs right?" "They looked Arab yes?" " "Are you sure they were not Arab" the police persisted even though i very clearly stated that they were not

i don't wanna be sterotype about the race & the thief

ie; being the immigrant from Far-east, Surename, they are the suspiciuos first party when it comes across the crime

(coz 4 god's sake!! i'm one of those immigrants too!!!!!)


sth like; being born THAI girls doesn't mean correspondingly a whore! :D

only h-e-ll knows

it could be ANYONE!!!!!

junkies/punkies/psycho-bike rapers!

or Germanic-Dutch, Turk-Dutch bah bah.... -_-:D

i swear to GOD hoping their <deleted> will get screwed!!!!!!!


ps. this is my 3rd time ALREADY that they stole my bikes!!????? :wub::D

ps 2. i did name to my bike but.... still (-)

ps 3.


ps 4. maybe i should get the roll :D

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Girlfrombar, no my commnets were not directed at yourself and yes i too would be mad if my car had been broken into and something had been stolen whoever had done it.

I hope that they are caught and that you get the bike back.

When I was last in amsterdam most of the bikes i saw looked too clapped out for anyone to want to steal one

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> When I was last in amsterdam most of the bikes i saw looked too

> clapped out for anyone to want to steal one

That's kind of the point. ;-)) And they paint them in rediculous colors and patterns so any buyer faces the risk of the previous owner recognizing his/her bike. This also makes them less attractive to steal. But still of course they get stolen.

A friend of mine is from Holland and he would continuously get is car broken into, even when absolutely nothing was inside! Not visible, not there, nothing! But still people would break into it to see. He ended up just leaving the car door open and putting notes on the window that it was open. This worked fine, but then homeless folks would also read the notes and recognize it as an excellent place to spend the night. So come morenings he'd just wake up the homeless person, which him a good morning and drive to work, with the windows open against the smell.

That's Holland/Europe for ya. Third world level quality of life if you ask me.

Oh, this topic is completely off-topic and should be moved or trashed. :o Being not a logical or even particulary fair person however I will just leave it here. :D (For today :D

Trying to get it back on-topic:

By the way, when I came to Thailand I found that I did not even have to lock my bike!!! Nobody seemed to want it or was interested in stealing it! :D



Edited by chanchao
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I've got a bike, you can ride it if you like,

It's got a basket, a bell, and things to make it look good,

I'd give it to you if I could, but I borrowed it.

(Pssst, actually I nicked it out the back of this motor when nobody was looking) :D

You're the kind of Girlfrombar that fits in with my world,

I'll give you anything, everything if you want things............ :o

(PS. you'll find it sitting in front of Amsterdam Central station, along with a few thousand others me mates pinched) :D

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My dear lady splurged 6,000 Bhat on a new 18 gear mountain bike from Tesco Lotus. It was red to match her sports car.

Next day she pedalled to her business on Sukhumvit and stopped outside to race to the hom nam.

She came back two minutes later, gone. :o

"What is the world coming to, you cannot leave your brand new bike in the middle of Sukhumvit unlocked without someone pinching it."

Sympathy was not forthcoming.

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A friend of mine is from Holland and he would continuously get is car broken into, even when absolutely nothing was inside! Not visible, not there, nothing! But still people would break into it to see. He ended up just leaving the car door open and putting notes on the window that it was open. This worked fine, but then homeless folks would also read the notes and recognize it as an excellent place to spend the night. So come morenings he'd just wake up the homeless person, which him a good morning and drive to work, with the windows open against the smell.

Back in the early 80's in the US there was a rash of car break-ins by people seeking the car stereo systems.

It got to the point where you could buy stickers similar to the 'baby on board' ones of today indicating that the car was without a stereo.

I recall passing by one such car with said sticker but also with smashed window and the grafitti next to it

"Just checking"

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There are a couple of bikes parked outside my apartment in Prinsengracht I wish would get stolen, they're locked but have that specific dutch condition coming from someone kicking the front wheel til it's all bowed. Taking up valuable parking spots!

The secret is definitely to geta bike no-one would want to steal. Problem is sometimes people look at my bike and assume is was stolen (has seem better days) and usually offer to buy it from me for 20 euros!

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.. and another story about bikes from Holland :o

I was living there with my UK wife and trying for our 1st baby (after she had some gyno operation to sort out her plumbing).

After I was knackered from performing to order for months, she got a miniscule colour reading on the pregancy test kit.

Excited, she cycled down to the local chemist to get a second test kit to do a double-check.

Some sod nicked her bike from outside the shop whilst she was buying the pregnancy kit! :D

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I had my bicycle stolen too, from the Wat Chaimonkon market in Pattaya

lucky it was only 799 baht from Big C. but is still peed me off.

I've got a bike, you can ride it if you like,

It's got a basket, a bell, and things to make it look good,

I'd give it to you if I could, but I borrowed it.


Plachon: Was it Pink Floyd or Blind Faith who sung that song ? I can't remember.

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There are a couple of bikes parked outside my apartment in Prinsengracht I wish would get stolen, they're locked but have that specific dutch condition coming from someone kicking the front wheel til it's all bowed. Taking up valuable parking spots!

Prinsengracht ?!? :o

what city u live in หอนแลนด์??

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and what did the police SPOKESperson say about it? :o

What lame humour are you peddling ?

This sort of thing tires me. I'd suggest you go out for a nice drink, but as you can't handle bars, that kind of brakes my post. Your freewheeling attitude forks down two paths, and i wonder why you can't chain together something with a touch more substance. Your inflated ego has punctured any signs of social balance, as it looks like you are geared up just to spout nonsence.

on yer bike pal!

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I had my bicycle stolen too, from the Wat Chaimonkon market in Pattaya

lucky it was only 799 baht from Big C. but is still peed me off.

I've got a bike, you can ride it if you like,

It's got a basket, a bell, and things to make it look good,

I'd give it to you if I could, but I borrowed it.


Plachon: Was it Pink Floyd or Blind Faith who sung that song ? I can't remember.

T'was Pink floyd circa 67/68, in the days when Syd Barrett had an unmistakeble input and was there in body, if not always in mind. Syd strangely popped up on Thaivisa last year, but has gone to ground again. Anybody seen the dude?

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There are a couple of bikes parked outside my apartment in Prinsengracht I wish would get stolen, they're locked but have that specific dutch condition coming from someone kicking the front wheel til it's all bowed. Taking up valuable parking spots!

Prinsengracht ?!? :o

what city u live in หอนแลนด์??

I live in Amsterdam of course, nowhere else in the Netherlands compares. The venice of the north (although I would still rather be at my house in Samui!).

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