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Terrible Kindergaten!


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Just asking for your advice here!! I had been working one day a week at a private kindergarten in the cowboy country for the past 18 months ( 3 terms in total ) A friend recommended me to this kindergarten 18 months ago and i felt sorry for them because they couldn't find a teacher so i did the right thing and said yes to them and lost another day off.

Now the friend that recommended me to the kindergarten has started working there full time ( 4 months ago ) has now told that i'm not needed. That i can deal with!! but the director of the school which i dealt with for the past 18 months couldn't give me a quick call to say ' thanks for your help over the past 18 months BUT this term we don't need you' what do you think??

I feel i have been SHAT ON from a high building, and feel very pissed off!! As for the so called friend, well he has now lost another friend down here.

Would love to hear what you think!!

The thaihedgehog

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Would love to hear what you think!!

Are they worthy of the time and anger you sound as though you might be prepared to expend on them?

It's a shame, and I probably wouldn't like it if I were in your position. But really - what can you do but let it go as quickly and as cleanly as possible? And complaining about it to other people, like you're doing here, is a good way to start doing exactly that.

Or is there another course of action you'd prefer to take?

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No, they aren't worthy of either my time or anger. Just felt that i needed to rant about the this place, still not sure if i should name and shame the place :o:D What do you think?? If i did, would you send your children there?? i can go into ,more detail if you want?? i am certain now that none of my children will be stepping anyway near that place.

Also i won't be recommending the school to any interested parents that happen to ask for my advice.

Edited by thaihedgehog
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No, they aren't worthy of either my time or anger. Just felt that i needed to rant about the this place, still not sure if i should name and shame the place :o:D What do you think?? If i did, would you send your children there?? i can go into ,more detail if you want??

A difficult one. Only you really know how much of what you feel now is borne out of vengeful anger, or righteous indignation at having been treated badly, or is actually a fair reflection of how they treat children.

If they're really poor at what that do, that's one thing and you do say you can go into more details. But if your anger is colouring your judgment right now, that's a different matter.

We had an experience when the doctor who attended my son's birth failed to complete a simple part of the procedure and left my wife ill and in pain for many days. My wife no longer trusts him, and I'd find it difficult to go back for anything major, but how or even whether we tell other people is a completely different matter. It might be that he's an awful doctor and makes loads of mistakes but nothing happens because everyone keeps quiet about it, or that he's helped thousands of women and babies over the years and this is nothing but a one-off error and telling people what happened to us could ruin him. It's impossible for us to know what is the most appropriate thing to do because either way it could have a big affect on a small town doctor and his patients, so we do what we feel is best and live with it.

Different from your situation maybe as you've been on the inside of your situation. We were 'done'. For a while you were part of the 'doing', if you'll excuse this rather blunt way of phrasing it.

Edited by markwhite
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This occurs frequently all over Thailand. Anyone teaching can give examples of a lack of gratitude for extra effort on the part of the teacher. I think sometimes an English Teacher is a necessary evil to teach the students English. It can be frustrating and you want to rave a bit, but in the end you should do as the good Buddha does and just chalk it up as another of life's experiences.

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