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Ing Electric Orange Fees

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Need another account stateside and wanted to know what other users here are getting charged for ATM withdrawals. Most of my banks either have no charge, a fixed fee, or a % fee. The ING Direct website suggests a fixed fee but also notes a "possible" 2% charge for some foreign exchange conversions. The 4.90% they offer on $100k and up isn't the best around by far, not to mention the US tax liability issue, but I need to keep some principle amounts stateside for possible investment, especially considering the current state of the $ (instead of moving it to Thailand or Singapore as I usually do), but will likely trim the interest off to keep it not to far (20-25%) over/outside of the FDIC insured amount per depositor per bank.

Say for a standard $500 withdrawal on interest income, what are you guys getting charged?

thanks in advance,


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I had a Netbank account that earned around 4% interest but did not charge a fixed fee or a % fee. I have about 10 ATM cards and ALL of them charge a fixed fee or a % fee.

ING recently bought Netbank and informed me that my ATM card would only be usable until the end of November. After that, I don't know what I am going to do. I also have an ING Direct, but not an ATM card.

I think someone recently posted that HSBC decided to tack on a % fee to ATM withdrawals.

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