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Dear Folks,

I searched the Thai Visa forums for a post here last year that provided the links to pages (in Thai) that listed condos in their backruptcy portfolio (for sale).

Does anyone remember that post? I can't find it by search.

Could someone provide the links (again)?

My apologies for not being able to find it using the search tool.

Thank you for the help!

Yours sincerely,



you might mean this post>>>


Here are a few links copied from my own favorites. First off though, you have to make sure you *trust your husband or wife* (step 1), especially if you're a foreigner and not purchasing a condo. Yeah, common sense, but an awful lot of people seem to SKIP over that part and jump right into *purchasing capital assets* (for most folks, that's usually around step 3 or 4).













Of the Thais you know who financed a home or condo purchase, how many of them do you think went in over their head. How many of them took a fixed interest loan vs a sub-prime loan?


Can't really help you on the loan types that the mortgage crowd trips on... as most folks that I know personally go the cash route or go heavy on the down payment and go for early closure within a few years, usually less.

I'd say those that get in 'over their head' fit roughly the same profile the world over. That is they buy into the sales pitch that so many working (and often teaching) in finance + banking preach: that it's better to finance it, mortgage it... etc. that to be in hock with "cheap" capital is a good thing, never mind that you can't see the future and know what your future earnings will be. I'd wager that a good portion of folks that preach that mantra are highly liquid, and 100% equity on most of their capital purchases.


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