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I submit that the influx of hooligans to Thailand is a large reason the Thais are resenting the Farang population these days.

Too many disrespctufull fools roaming around the Kingdom lately.

I agree totally.

Actually, one thread at four pages long regarding taxi's is bad enough but now a second has appeared. Perhaps it's time to create a sub forum called Discussions about Taxi's! Or better still, perhaps it's better to simply stop talking about the 1% or so of bad taxi drivers that effect 1% of the Farang population during 1% of their taxi rides. And no, I do not have statistical evidence to support my figures so don't bother asking!

Bl**dy h*ll, now we've got a third one talking about motorbike taxi's!

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Wow just had 2 non eventful taxi rides, one all the way to Nontaburi and one all the way back again. The driver took me the correct route and didn’t even try the "no meter" trick. Amazing! :D


You and some of your friends are stupid enough to ignore that 98.47% of the rides are hassle free.

It's the few and rare bad apples (taxi drivers and TV posters alike) that spoil the fun for the 99.xx% others.

I usually am keen to help anyone with a question or problem but am getting seriousely pissed off with many of the stupid replies from that handfull of brain dammaged posters om this board :o:D:D

If you ever read any of my other posts you would know I was being sarcastic, hence the smiley. Perhaps I should have added more bemused smileys.

Bendix and Hooligan are two words I would not associate with each other. I know he can sometimes take snarkiness too far, but for the most part he's a good natured guy who enjoys taking the piss, and with minimal effort has worked you into a frenzy of comical proportion.

It's a web forum, not the UN. Adjust your perspective and you'll be fine. :o

OK, Maybe he's not a hooligan but a Snarky dick'ed that enjoys takin the piss too much.

Just what we need around here.

OK, Maybe he's not a hooligan but a Snarky dick'ed that enjoys takin the piss too much.

Just what we need around here.

But you assume we need someone who follows another poster around like a stalker and posts the same couple of lines in every thread that the stalked person posts in?

One thing I'm sure everybody will agree on.

Bendix is the Poster Child of the Expat Rose Colored Glasses Brigade.

And you just can't get enough of him. :o

One thing I'm sure everybody will agree on.

Bendix is the Poster Child of the Expat Rose Colored Glasses Brigade.

either that or he is one of the few posters on tv that doesn't think thailand owes him a living and makes due with the place as he finds it.

Bendix and Hooligan are two words I would not associate with each other. I know he can sometimes take snarkiness too far, but for the most part he's a good natured guy who enjoys taking the piss, and with minimal effort has worked you into a frenzy of comical proportion.

It's a web forum, not the UN. Adjust your perspective and you'll be fine. :D

OK, Maybe he's not a hooligan but a Snarky dick'ed that enjoys takin the piss too much.

Just what we need around here.

I'll have to admit, it's quite funny how he's got you so wound up. He is just what we need around here. :o


This forum has been VERY boring for the past few months since certain members left. Bendix's return has added some life and a little entertainment back into it. Keep it coming, more might return.

Bendix and Hooligan are two words I would not associate with each other. I know he can sometimes take snarkiness too far, but for the most part he's a good natured guy who enjoys taking the piss, and with minimal effort has worked you into a frenzy of comical proportion.

It's a web forum, not the UN. Adjust your perspective and you'll be fine. :o

OK, Maybe he's not a hooligan but a Snarky dick'ed that enjoys takin the piss too much.

Just what we need around here.

Pad Thai: I have to agree that your formally reasonable posts appear to have gone a bit off the deep end on the obsessive side. I know that TV can have that affect for awhile, but it's time to shake yourself loose from this strange effect Bendie is having on you. I know he is mildly annoying, but that isn't going to change. We can only change ourselves, etc., etc., etc.

Bendie's annoyances are somewhat entertaining - for the most part - whereas yours are now becoming, well ..... just annoying.

Either you are under some kind of influence, or we have multiple posters or personalities or something, I don't know.

Seriously, Bendix, dude, I'm sorry but everyone is not the same regardless of race and culture... they just aren't, you know this man.... why you playing? If a taxi in my home city tried to do 1/100th the bad things I've seen happen here from Bangkok taxis he would be immediately charged and probably jailed. What exactly is your philosophy here? That all taxis around the world are capable of the scams and violence I've seen from taxis here? That is really what you believe? Your home town must be a pretty rough and stressful place to live if it is similar to here taxiwise. The worst you'll get in Canada, is a rude driver, even then he's risking his job.

Oh.. you know I'm not REALLY tatood right? Hope so! heh


OK, ok, ok... fair comment Damian.

Let me amend my sweeping generalisation and say that what happens here could happen in just about any taxi in THIRD WORLD or developing country, which is what Thailand is. Let's face it; taxi drivers in places like South East Asia come from the poorer parts of a very poor local population. It's natural that there will be some bad eggs in the mix. But that is no different to places like Philippines, Indonesia, even Malaysia which I think has the worst taxi drivers I've ever seen.

You seem to be seperating between scams and violence. Scams are scams. Maybe 20% of drivers will try it on if they think you are a newbie. We can live with that, annoying as it may be. Violence is much worse but in a situation where single women get into a car with a single guy, that is always going to be a risk and any woman should take commonsense precautions like I've already mentioned. It's just being prudent. But violence against women in taxis is not limited to Bangkok - it happens the world over, and not just in the third world.

I agree with you Bendix.


can the mods please put a ban on the increasingly common use of this annoying and silly word.

Would you like to criticise my taste in music too? I come from a different generation than you (I assume) and have used that word to show a mildly positive outlook towards another man my whole life. I'm not angry, just pointing out that different age groups and different cultures will use different slang. I don't use "dude" to be trendy.... guess I could have used the words "my friend" to get the same emotion across.

Wow just had 2 non eventful taxi rides, one all the way to Nontaburi and one all the way back again. The driver took me the correct route and didn’t even try the "no meter" trick. Amazing! :D


You and some of your friends are stupid enough to ignore that 98.47% of the rides are hassle free.

It's the few and rare bad apples (taxi drivers and TV posters alike) that spoil the fun for the 99.xx% others.

I usually am keen to help anyone with a question or problem but am getting seriousely pissed off with many of the stupid replies from that handfull of brain dammaged posters om this board :o:D:D

I propose that you are stupid enough to not notice that he was being sarcastic and actually AGREES with you 100%. Good job on attacking your allies ninny. I for one am not your ally, I think people like you are blind and naive. If you ride taxis 2 times a day at least in Bangkok like I do, those "rare" occurences of attempted scams happen alot more frequently than you would like everyone to believe, especially if you are a small female like my girlfriend. Having said that, yes of course most of the rides are hassle free, but the bad ones do happen fairly regularly and can sometimes get as bad as rape and violent beatings if not murder. Just because taxi drivers dont try to hurt YOU, doesnt mean they arent trying it with an easier target. Common sense. I don't understand how some hulking mean looking falang (in the eyes of a small Thai driver) can judge all taxi drivers as safe just because nothing ever happens to them, uh no kidding sherlock.



Damian Mavis

Would you like to criticise my taste in music too? I come from a different generation than you (I assume) and have used that word to show a mildly positive outlook towards another man my whole life. I'm not angry, just pointing out that different age groups and different cultures will use different slang. I don't use "dude" to be trendy.... guess I could have used the words "my friend" to get the same emotion across.

Damian Mavis

I propose that you are stupid enough to not notice that he was being sarcastic

you're not so sharp yourself when it comes to noticing sarcasm


Gosh . . this thread has taken a rather strange turn, hasnt it? Let's have a sweepstake. I'll coordinate it. All you have to do is guess how many times PadThaiGuy uses the word 'Hooligan' in this thread before it ends.

The member with the closest guess wins . . . . . .oh i don't know. . . . a plate of Pad Thai.

Now, as flattered as I am by the discussion of my worth or otherwise to the forum, let's get back to the subject at hand.

Today - 13 November 2007 - I took a taxi from my offices on Rama 4 to an office building near Chong Nonsi. I'm delighted to report I wasn't scammed. The fare was an underwhelming 40 baht. I gave him a fifty baht note, doffed by hat in gratitude and wished the driver a happy life. He smiled and drove off. I rather wish he had scammed me. It would have added more spice to this post.


Ok, I'll add my story today that happened too. This involved a motorcycle taxi, but I wasn't riding pillion with him. Rather, I was driving, stuck out in no man's land on the other side of the river on Ratchada in Bangkok Noi, and I stopped him to ask directions. He told me, but still confused I offered to have him drive in front of me to guide the way. I knew it wasn't far. He asked for 80. I offered 60. I paid. He guided. We had a friendly toot of the horns as I turned into the driveway. So, he tried to scam me for an extra 20, but through intense vigilance on my part thwarted the attempted overcharge.

Now, as flattered as I am by the discussion of my worth or otherwise to the forum, let's get back to the subject at hand.

Today - 13 November 2007 - I took a taxi from my offices on Rama 4 to an office building near Chong Nonsi. ... doffed by hat in gratitude and wished the driver a happy life. ...

You wear hats - what kind of hats? Was it one of those little nubby, form-fitting caps, or a big, important, imposing brim? Today, on 13 November 2007 at 8:35 a.m. in downtown D.C., I think I may also need to wear a hat. It looks a little rainy and overcast. I'll also wave to a taxi driver from the Sun Cab Taxi Company while thinking of you.


Bendix, I also took a taxi today with no bad happenings... does that mean all the bad things that have happened in the past with taxis here never happened or that all my future taxi interatcions will be good? I dont think so. So I don't see your point.


Ok, I'll add my story today that happened too. This involved a motorcycle taxi, but I wasn't riding pillion with him. Rather, I was driving, stuck out in no man's land on the other side of the river on Ratchada in Bangkok Noi, and I stopped him to ask directions. He told me, but still confused I offered to have him drive in front of me to guide the way. I knew it wasn't far. He asked for 80. I offered 60. I paid. He guided. We had a friendly toot of the horns as I turned into the driveway. So, he tried to scam me for an extra 20, but through intense vigilance on my part thwarted the attempted overcharge.

I have to mention my rather shocking MC ride from one of the local bars to my home this evening. Totally terrible, in fact I feel scamed in the fact that I haven't been scamed, is my money not go enough for these terrible devious purveyours of transport?

I think I shall move to Minburi.


"Bendix, I also took a taxi today with no bad happenings..."


So this is a fun evolution of the thread. Pretty much a BKK affair, but we all pass thru there coming n going, so I can relate (dude). I like how it went into slagging, and then slagging the slaggers, and then misunderstanding who was slagging whom. And now it's become like a TV-any-takers taxi-ride-journal. I say you folks need pie charts and bar graphs so we can make some actual comparisons to see the ratio of good to bad rides out there. Any graffix geeks out there ?

Sidenote: Damian M - I only know you by your Avatar and your assertive TV perosnality... but saw a dead ringer for you based on these today up in Chiang Mai - Shopping in the new Rimping Supermarket. Where were you at 3:45 pm Wed's? And did you take a cab to get there!?

Bendix, I also took a taxi today with no bad happenings... does that mean all the bad things that have happened in the past with taxis here never happened or that all my future taxi interatcions will be good? I dont think so. So I don't see your point.


"Bendix, I also took a taxi today with no bad happenings..."


So this is a fun evolution of the thread. Pretty much a BKK affair, but we all pass thru there coming n going, so I can relate (dude). I like how it went into slagging, and then slagging the slaggers, and then misunderstanding who was slagging whom. And now it's become like a TV-any-takers taxi-ride-journal. I say you folks need pie charts and bar graphs so we can make some actual comparisons to see the ratio of good to bad rides out there. Any graffix geeks out there ?

That would be me, but I'm not going to bother with that because the substantiated approach doesn't go over well here on TV. I think I'm going to follow Damian's lead above and start a taxi fortune cookie business: "today taxi good, but tomorrow ........... same, same, but maybe different."


I think its good to have a whinge about dodgy bkk taxi drivers :o .I once took one that was blatantly wayward & on this occasion refused to give the asking price & i got a discount. :D The last time i suspected the driver was taking a snake like route i gave it the mai pen rai attitude,but the girlfreind was fuming about the driver & now doesnt let me pull a taxi over.

Surely,if you knowingly keep paying too much then theres gonna come a time when it feels like your taking it up the............

Bendix, I also took a taxi today with no bad happenings... does that mean all the bad things that have happened in the past with taxis here never happened or that all my future taxi interatcions will be good? I dont think so. So I don't see your point.


I think it means that you were just lucky today.

This forum has been VERY boring for the past few months since certain members left. Bendix's return has added some life and a little entertainment back into it. Keep it coming, more might return.

Some newly arrived, anti social, English lout turns the forum into a food fight and you enjoy it?


Hey, not fair! You didnt say the H word!

Newly-arrived? Well, yes I suppose so. Anti-social? That depends on the society I'm asked to keep, I suppose. English? Guilty as charged, but with an NZ passport too. Does that make things better? Lout? Not guilty. I'm rather urbane and charming when you get to know me.

I feel rather hurt by this tirade of abuse. I do, really. No, really, I mean it . . . .


To add my 2 cents (pence) worth I've never been scammed by a taxi.

However, I've often been terrified by their driving. New twist of the topic.


Wow! What happened to this thread? Everyone's agreeing and having fun. Let's open up a couple of bottles of wine .... or, of course, a few Negra Modelos to go with the tacos.

Wow! What happened to this thread? Everyone's agreeing and having fun. Let's open up a couple of bottles of wine .... or, of course, a few Negra Modelos to go with the tacos.

Well, now I've gotta go make Tacos or I'll be thinking of them all night. Thanks everyone. :o

Hey, not fair! You didnt say the H word!

Newly-arrived? Well, yes I suppose so. Anti-social? That depends on the society I'm asked to keep, I suppose. English? Guilty as charged, but with an NZ passport too. Does that make things better? Lout? Not guilty. I'm rather urbane and charming when you get to know me.

I feel rather hurt by this tirade of abuse. I do, really. No, really, I mean it . . . .

One thing I find fascinating is how proud, self impressed and clueless the Hooligans types are.

This forum has been VERY boring for the past few months since certain members left. Bendix's return has added some life and a little entertainment back into it. Keep it coming, more might return.

Some newly arrived, anti social, English lout turns the forum into a food fight and you enjoy it?

Nah, sorry, it just doesn't do it for me, can you go back to using the "H" word please.

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