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Tv Broken?

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After covering my monitor with milk of anger and rice crispies of doom a few nights ago, after reading Harry #####ing Palmer's rudeness towards davethailand, I've got to wondering if Thai Visa is broken?

We've all bitched about over moderation, the bluecat episode, etc, but I can now see the benefits of keeping a tight ship. I've no problems with new blood in the forum, it's what keeps it fresh, but some of the ajarn dudes are angsty bastards and it's getting me down, maybe it's me, probably getting too old.

Elsie getting hassles, Scampy getting the shit kicked out of him, the madness is spreading, creating the teaching section was a great idea but they're taking lumps out of each other in there already, like physco Piranhas.

What I don't understand is I have many friends who are teachers in Thailand, my bloody cousin is teaching here, and they're all peaceable and loving fellows, no bitterness, no hassles, just fun people - so why are many of these new Ajarn dudes intent on raisng helll?

The temperature of posts has risen so much these past few days it's now hard to read between the flames, TV used to be my relaxing patio siesta time, with the crash at Ajarn it's like some twisted pikey motorbike mechanics with 8 kids have moved in next door, no offence, like i said, maybe it's me.

Sigh, this means I'll have to w*rk a bit more now. :o

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I'm with you, mate. I was one of those who bitched about over moderation as well. Now, admins are not around too much. The forum has gone completely insane. It's just totally insane. People are baiting/flaming/insulting others all the time. I never wanted to turn the forum into a battle-field. I tried not to. But well, lost it sometimes when people kept messing with me.

I agree some of the ajarn fellows are completely nuts. I can understand they've got their own society before they came here. But hey, we've got our own as well. Why can't we just watch what it's really like first? And then, if we truly hate what someone says, then get started. At least, we hate what they are saying, and not who are saying it.

I can't help it. But I've been wondering, that a few newbies want to stand out from the crowd by messing with old farts. C'mon, man. People didn't realise I was here because I flamed old timers non-stop.

Dave is a damm fine man. I've met the guy a few times. And he's so cool. So is his wife. I still can't figure it out why some tossers have to abuse him endlessly.

As for Scampy, I feel for the guy. He's had a rough time. What he's asked for is advice. He's never begged for any money. Only our mate here has offered a lot more than he's expected - which he refused to take, by the way. Our mate meant well. And I praise him. But some tossers here keep insulting/flaming Scampy. Shame on you guys. Shame on you.

TV is not mine. I'm still around because I like it here. And I believe most of us feel the same way. Let's keep the forum informative and fun like it was before. And if doing that means G has to kick me out, then be it. I've survived erco saga without being suspended/banned already. I can now walk around Bangkok with this silly smile on my face. :o

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you want moderators back the way they used to be?

George, crack open the chang, our evil plan has worked... :D

Can i delete all those user names i created now? its been hard work flameing everyone like that and i've lost track of which of my 100 user names was flameing who... :o

by the way, the above is all a joke, its not me, i didnt do it and there was no evil plan... honest

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I am happy that this discussion have started. We admins have had a low profile for the last week. It's not easy to be a forum moderator...

If we are too loose then we get shit, if we ban members we get World War III here. How to find a middle way so we all can have a nice time here?

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I am happy that this discussion have started. We admins have had a low profile for the last week. It's not easy to be a forum moderator...

If we are too loose then we get shit, if we ban members we get World War III here. How to find a middle way so we all can have a nice time here?

If someone breaks the rules they receive a warning from a mod, with maybe a probation period of 10 days, then if they break another rule in that time ban them.

Post a list of warned / banned members and list offense for all to see. It doesn't have to be a Hall of shame, it would serve as a constant reminder of what we can and can't do - like flamming.

Or swearing

If we are too loose then we get shit

I know, we are the members who cried wolf, well, if there ever was a time we needed firm moderation it was this week.

I feel like Inspector Gordon, "Where are you Batman?!"

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i'm the first to admit that i'm one of the culprits when it comes to slagging people off and in the past i'm surprised that i was never banned, but i have to say i'm still boiling over at the fact that some idiot accused me of being a child abuser.

abuse and name calling is fair enough but that is way below the belt and in very bad taste. Anyway I'm not gong to let the idiot wind me up. (unless he wants to call me it to my face).

Cheers Harry, sorry about your telly :o

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If we are too loose then we get shit, if we ban members we get World War III here.

Depends on the reasons, G. No one complained when erco was banned over and over right? You know what I mean... :o

I will vote for Torny to become a mod.

Bacardi Breezer - Pineapple, dear

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i'm the first to admit that i'm one of the culprits when it comes to slagging people off and in the past i'm surprised that i was never banned, but i have to say i'm still boiling over at the fact that some idiot accused me of being a child abuser.

abuse and name calling is fair enough but that is way below the belt and in very bad taste. Anyway I'm not gong to let the idiot wind me up. (unless he wants to call me it to my face).

Cheers Harry, sorry about your telly :D

I must admit I was surprised that there was no moderator action directed towards the poster in question. :o

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I don't know whether we can pin it on the influx of Ajarnites but the sudden increase in crappy........

"I met this lovely bar girl last Friday we got married on Monday, I found out she was actually a man on Tuesday morning and now he's left me and taken all my money. What should I do?"

........topics seems to stem from the implosion of their Forum. :D

(Though maybe it is all a secret plot hatched by Darth Wolfie. :D )

Whatever the cause I don't like it, and would like to see the Forum restored to its former self. Whatever BC may or may not have done at least his harmless topics kept things ticking along in a relaxed manner, now you have to wade through heaps of shit, resist the urge (it's an itch, I must scratch it) and not to rise to the trolls, just to find a thread worth joining! :o

I think FTH's suggestion of clear warnings and a transparent process towards a member being banned is a good idea that should be implemented.

The only good news is I've been able to concentrate on my work this week :D

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I'm also glad this thread started, good work FTH.

We need George back full time as well as the Doc and Wolfie needs to be given more power and if not, take Tornado up on his offer. :o

Yeah, tuesday and wednesday were rough for me and like Dave said, an accusation is not a wind up and can't be passed off for one - something which the perpetrator seems to do as a get out clause to prevent getting banned and make the victim look like an over-sensitive idiot.

BTW, what happened to Dave and LC and on which thread?

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If someone breaks the rules they receive a warning from a mod, with maybe a probation period of 10 days, then if they break another rule in that time ban them.

Post a list of warned / banned members and list offense for all to see. It doesn't have to be a Hall of shame, it would serve as a constant reminder of what we can and can't do - like flamming.

Would you be happy with a more clear admin policy, a 10 days ban for members sabotageing the forum with crap or posts violating the Forum Guidelines

(I have not discussed with other admins/mods yet, as this is only a preliminary working model for the future).

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George I have nothing against you, and am very moderate in my postings.

But a very popular member was banned not cos he broke the rulres but because of a personality clash with the main man.

This in my opinion was wrong.

The forum rules still dont include a section where " bad quality" posts are banned!!

I had one post that questioned the rules completly whiped off the forum.

What sort of forum are we trying to make here.

Cheers RC

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I'm also glad this thread started, good work FTH.

We need George back full time as well as the Doc and Wolfie needs to be given more power and if not, take Tornado up on his offer. :o

Yeah, tuesday and wednesday were rough for me and like Dave said, an accusation is not a wind up and can't be passed off for one - something which the perpetrator seems to do as a get out clause to prevent getting banned and make the victim look like an over-sensitive idiot.

BTW, what happened to Dave and LC and on which thread?

Check this link scampy...


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If someone breaks the rules they receive a warning from a mod, with maybe a probation period of 10 days, then if they break another rule in that time ban them.

Post a list of warned / banned members and list offense for all to see. It doesn't have to be a Hall of shame, it would serve as a constant reminder of what we can and can't do - like flamming.

Would you be happy with a more clear admin policy, a 10 days ban for members sabotageing the forum with crap or posts violating the Forum Guidelines

(I have not discussed with other admins/mods yet, as this is only a preliminary working model for the future).

A clearer and more structured system would help, i.e.

- Initial warning, explaining the infringement

- Second offense with a 10 day suspension

- Third offense with 30 day suspension

- Fourth offense would result in a permanent banning

Any such actions would be posted in the Announcements section of the Forum.

It would also help if the rules of what does and does not constitute an offense where clarified, I like Random Chances was unaware of any rule that set a 'quality threshold'; god knows I've posted some inane <deleted> in this forum. What constitutes swearing is also unclear. I'm an offender, largely by using words that don't piss the robotic guardian off, or by jumbling the letters, bizarrely somebody using, what is to me, an inoffensive word like d.amn or h.ell is made to look like a foul mouthed squady!


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I think any warning etc should be added in red to the bottom of the offending post so as there is no confusion as to what was deemed inappropriate/wrong/against the rules..


please do not post like this, blah blah blah, you have been warned

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I'm not one to complain...I'm new here...this is the longest I've been attached to one forum...I usually lose interest...but this place has some intelligent folk with big hearts and a knack for cracking me up. Either way...thanks for having me...even though I'm a teacher (but not an ajarn forum member).

Edited by george
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I know, we are the members who cried wolf, well, if there ever was a time we needed firm moderation it was this week.

I believe most of us feel exactly the same way (G included). So, we're discussing it here. :o

I've been told about the old system. The people got a star for breaking the rules. And different degrees of punishment for each level. Can we get it back and mix with our fellows' ideas here?

Oh... unbelievable.. I'm not banned yet!! :D

Edited by LovelyCutie
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Can I get X Rate then?

maybe we can be xxx rated together. :D:D

Are you always this fast? :D

Bad boy.. bad boy. I'll spank you next week. -_-

Are you always this fast? :D
you've been chatting to my wife have'nt you. :o

Bad boy.. bad boy. I'll spank you next week. :(

I'm gonna hold you to that. :wub::)

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