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48 Hours To Live


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Hello .

48 hours to live , what would you do if you were told that you only had 48 hourse to 100% . i often wondered when i was waiting to check in or had 10 hours to go for the day in a job that really pissed me off .

Would you takecare of the people you loved ?. Would you fix up a few people you didnt love ?. Or would you just get drunk and have a good time ?

Intrested to see your thoughts . cheers.

My first thoughts were that anyone with only 48 hours to live would be so sick and frail that doing anything would probably be impossible anyway. By the time a person is that ill, they're probably looking forward to the end.

I couldn't imagine a terminally ill patient jumping out of the hospital bed and going to the movies...or for a jetski ride.

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give up smoking.....

Well done! :D I would start smoking highly illegal things - in fact smoking anything, being a long time reformed smoker :D

Then I would hire a RPG (sure they are available somewhere, if not "Somchai will find one at the right price - Sir)

Then I would station myself on the roadside with a bottle of good whiskey :D

And then I would start to blow every noisy polluting, noisy ignorant truck to very small pieces :D:bah: :bah:

The 5% who are "human" would be spared :o

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