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Getting out of love


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The original story is pathetic, quite pathetic. Never trust a Thai. They love only money and sadly many gamble heavily. Never give a Thai money for 'food' offer to go with them and eat together and pay the bill. If you do want a long term relationship witha Thai, make sure you give them no money, ever. Just explain that you will pay all the bills and buy all the food, never buy property in Thailand always rent, don't bother with cars, rent them, the same goes for motorcycles.

I suppose the best is to live alone, and pay 1000 baht for a jump when you need one.

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Yes, you are a plain idiot.

The only reason a Thai lady marry or stay with a falang is for the money and nothing else. Yes you are a big walking ATM machine and they know you give them money when the buffalo is sick and brother has an motorbike accident and mama is mai sabay and must go hospital and it's all lies coz you are just a stupid falang. After 20 yrs in Thailand I've seen a lot and I know Thais don't like falangs, but LOVE their money.


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Hey, come on you two there must be some good girls out there somewhere,  a whole nation cannot be bad.

I can understand your cynicism because I have been burnt by a thai girl myself but I refuse to believe that they are all the same.

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Please write back and let us know you understand that she is a theif and has used your goodwill, good heart, belief in humanity and all things good in order to get your money.  It is impossible to believe, I know, because it shakes the core meaning of your life, but tis is the kind of person she is.  Do not offer yourself to be abused by her any more for the sake of proving that you truly love her.  Please.
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Good girls, bad girls,..... majority bad. They take it for granted all farangs are gold mines. Ten out of ten, I had to foot the dinner bill..... even with male friends. One silly guy sent her monthly allowances, but when he is out of Los........ she goes for another prey. Take care and don't be a easy prey. Yes, there are good ones..... happy hunting.
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There are four types of girl in the Land of Smiles;

Type 1: Very common approx 85%

Arrive from Isan or the jungle, already has 1 or 2 kids, possibly a Thai husband she does not like, many brothers/sisters/relations, mother and father old, skint, dirt poor. She comes to Pattaya/wherever and goes on the game. Likes the money, learns to give good sex, half likes it, particularly her work mates and daft falang. BINGO; she is here to stay, she does not want to settle down with an old falang or even a young one. Even 20,000 baht a month would not stop her from returning to the bar. The bar is a drug, just maybe the next falang has real wealth and a mercedes. This woman screw up stupid falangs lives. If you like: ###### and forget.

Type 2: Approx 5%

These girls are new from Isan and go on the game. They don't like the game it makes them sick, they dream of meeting a falang with a good heart, and want to quit the game and might become a good wife/partner. However they are daft and can cause problems.

Type 3. Approx 5%

These girls have been on the game for five years, they have seen it all, they want to quit, and will as soon as a reasonable falang comes along, who has medium cash, and a good heart. She will throw it all in and become a good wife/partner.

Type 4. Approx 5%

These girls work in cafes and restauarants and hotels. They would never dream of working in a bar. Thet are looking for a man who stays in Thailand lond term, and will become there lover then wife. Often educated these women can be good or bad. They often want a good man with a good heart.

Type three is best, but get her checked for disease first. Better if she has no kids.

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So 85 % of girls in Thailand work in bars!, are are you basing you whole survey on girls in the "service" industry.

Tbh its an intersting thread ,but I think Wilson is being a tad " tongue in cheek".

I'll be in Pattaya in a week or so, so you can educate me further! :o

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wilson steer I would like a more deeper reason about type #2, what do you mean by daft and what kind of problems can she cause :o

I also think your % are a bit, lets say guessed at ???

I somehow cant beleive 85% are in type #1 although I do agree with your theory, it needs a little research :laugh:

I may undertake this research, where to start with Type 1, 2 or 3. Type 4 too much harde work, did you ever read my post about the girl from Robinsons?

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The Type 1 girl at 85% is a girl who loves to be on the game. She knows all the tricks, she can fleece a man on his two or three week holiday, she can sometimes get him to send money, she will cry at the airport, she is an actress. She spends money like water, yet always owes money, she earns thousands of baht a month, she loves the company of her bar girl pals, the sex is unimportant, the punter is a mug, she will stay on the game until she is five years older, then will probably settle with a falang.

Type 2 at 5% is a girl who instantly hates the game, she hates the sex with strange men, often she lasts just a month or two and goes back to her village, or just maybe she meets a good falang, who saves her sends her money to stay off the game, she really does stay off the game and becomes a cleaner or a cashier. These girls DO exist but are rare, and snapped up quickly. You have to live here to get one.

Type 3 at 5% are easier to find, they work in bars but are not taken very often because they are 30 years old or more, they have been on the game a long time and now dream of quitting and getting a good falang. They are practical, speak a bit of English, are beginning to understand the value of money, have cut back on discos and booze and are beginning to mature. They make better partners than Type 2. Type 2 still want to go out with friends all the time and go to their village and show off etc.

Type 4, the shop girl is not available for holiday makers, only residents who build up a rapport. They can be good or bad but maybe troublesome. I have a friend who got a girlfriend from a bank who was really really beautiful, but it took ages of chatting up, and only because he kived in the LOS.

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  • 2 years later...
<font color='#000000'>Yes, you are a plain idiot.

The only reason a Thai lady marry or stay with a falang is for the money and nothing else. Yes you are a big walking ATM machine and they know you give them money when the buffalo is sick and brother has an motorbike accident and mama is mai sabay and must go hospital and it's all lies coz you are just a stupid falang. After 20 yrs in Thailand I've seen a lot and I know Thais don't like falangs, but LOVE their money.


Really? Are you sure? :o

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<font color='#000000'>Yes, you are a plain idiot.

The only reason a Thai lady marry or stay with a falang is for the money and nothing else. Yes you are a big walking ATM machine and they know you give them money when the buffalo is sick and brother has an motorbike accident and mama is mai sabay and must go hospital and it's all lies coz you are just a stupid falang. After 20 yrs in Thailand I've seen a lot and I know Thais don't like falangs, but LOVE their money.


After 20 years and thats all you've learned?. For the next 20 years may be you can open your mind a little.

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:D Your percentages are way off, not only are there plenty of what you call "type 4" girls, but many of them have much better jobs than in "cafes, restaurants, hotels and banks". I work in recruitment and interact with them every day. So do my friends, who work in other industries in Thailand. Open your eyes :o
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