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Mais La Vie Sépare Ceux Qui S'aiment.........


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For non French-speakers here goes:-

"Firstly I am sorry for writing in French, for my English is limited.

For several months I have known a French man - manly, cultured and very nice for me. He told me that he loved me. He is very busy, up until now, working all day in his office. Because of that we only used to meet 2-3 days per week. He came to my house and I made dinner, we chatted and passed a pleasant night together. During the day I sometimes phone him for no particular reason other than I just want to hear his voice for a minute. This irritates him. But it is him with whom I dream of sharing my life forever. It's him I love eventhough our relationship was brief and has completely finished. I know well that he is going to begin his gay life in Thailand. Until now he has concealed it and is frightened of shocking his family. I told him that he wasn't happy if he hid it like that. Finally it's over between us. I don't know if real love exists on this planet? Me, I want someone with whom I can share happiness and sometimes sadness. A man who takes me in his arms and shelters me from fear. I am a Thai speaking French. I prefer a French-speaking man to another nationality because I understand his language, culture and mentality. If you want to share your idea you can contact me at the following address - [email protected]"

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Franco-Thai :

Mais la vie sépare ceux qui s'aiment tout doucement sans faire du bruit

Et la mer efface sur le sable les pas des amants déunits.

This is what it means :

But life separates those who love each other, very slowly, noiselessly

And the sea wipes out from the sand the footprints of disunited lovers.

What is the French original of the second message translated by The Scouser?

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