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Doctors Are Murdering Us By The Million. This Is A Fact.

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Why are we taking pharmaceutical drugs? They suppress symptoms, drive the illness deeper into the body, cause side effects which require MORE drugs and leave us vulnerable to illness as our immune system struggles to eject these chemical toxins. Same for vaccines.

Doctors are murdering us by the million. This is a FACT. :o

Modern ‘Medicine’ is Quack Medicine

All Doctors learn is how to suppress symptoms with poison drugs or mutilate patients with unnecessary operations. They are not trained in any treatment OTHER than drugs or surgery.

Think about it.

They are not trained in prevention, nutrition, vitamins, exercise, toxins and the thousands of alternatives. The so-called ‘science’ underpinning their advice changes by the week. Doctors present themselves as ‘experts’, ‘gods’ and ‘gurus’ and we hand over our lives to them without a second thought, believing them to be healers, when in actual fact they do the opposite.

Doctors are the 3rd leading cause of death in America killing at least 250,000 people per year.

Where are all the cures for migraines, allergies, herpes, cancer, heart disease, arthritis, AIDS and a zillion other diseases from these merchants of death? There aren’t any. Yet doctors still claim to be able to cure us? It’s a myth. Many of these conditions are not helped but aggravated by drug therapies. Yet all can be cured using natural affordable methods.

How many people do you know go to hospital and don’t come out again? The elderly are fearful of hospitals for very good reason. They have sufficient experience to learn that hospitals kill more than they cure.

Modern medicine consists of one treatment and one treatment only. DRUGS. You go to the doctor, you walk out with a prescription. You go to the chemist, you walk out with drugs.

Did you know the English word pharmacy comes from the Greek word pharmakeia? Pharmakeia means sorceries and witchcraft. That's what drugs are - sorceries and witchcraft because they only treat symptoms while the underlying disease or condition continues to get worse.

Understand one thing. Repeat it until you have driven it into your mind.


All chemicals and drugs are inert, foreign substances which act as irritants when taken internally. They do not have power to act in the body or cure anything. The only reason why they seem to cause some changes which people like to believe are curative is that the internal defense system tries to eject this unwanted foreign matter, and that sets up a reverse action to remedy the harm done by the drugs or chemicals. This taxes the bodily reserves and delays healing. In the case of some drugs it makes healing impossible.

Med. schools are dominated by the drug houses which are flooding the market with so many new drugs which the students are required to learn that they don’t have time to study anatomy and the things which doctors are supposed to study. No wonder the new doctors don’t seem to know anything except how to give drugs, shots and whatever the pharmaceutical houses dish up to them.

Drugless doctors say that most diseases heal normally if the patients stay at home in bed, in a quiet airy room with no food, no medicines, and no drinks except a little warm distilled water.

97% of the operations performed by U.S. doctors are unnecessary, according to the admission of doctors, themselves, who met to decide what operations would really be necessary in case of socialized medicine when there would be no profit in it for them. They decided that only about three percent (3%) would be necessary.

Some doctors are slow learners. They should have found out by this time that they can’t fight poison with poison, as their poison drugs and medicines only make matters worse in the long run. Most diseases are caused by poisons either generated within the body or imposed upon the body from without such as contaminated, devitalized foods, tobacco, alcohol, coffee, vaccines, fluoride-poisoned water, all drugs, insecticides, radiation, etc. Because vaccines are all poison they do damage in 100% of the cases. The damage ranges all the way from sudden death to chronic diseases in later years.

‘The medical monopoly or medical trust, euphemistically called the American Medical Association, is not merely the meanest monopoly ever organized, but the most arrogant, dangerous and despotic organization which ever managed a free people in this or any other age. Any and all methods of healing the sick by means of safe, simple and natural remedies are sure to be assailed and denounced by the arrogant leaders of the AMA doctors' trust as fakes, frauds and humbugs. Every practitioner of the healing art who does not ally himself with the medical trust is denounced as a 'dangerous quack' and impostor by the predatory trust doctors. Every sanatorium who attempts to restore the sick to a state of health by natural means without resort to the knife or poisonous drugs, disease imparting serums, deadly toxins or vaccines, is at once pounced upon by these medical tyrants and fanatics, bitterly denounced, vilified and persecuted to the fullest extent.’

- J.W Hodge, M.D.

The following agencies having to do with 'health' - i.e., with the health of the Drug Trust (to the detriment of the citizens) -: U.S. Public Health Service, U.S. Veterans Administration, Federal Trade Commission, Surgeon General of the Air Force, Army Surgeon General' s Office, Navy Bureau of Medicine & Surgery, National Health Research Institute, National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences.

- All the above were created and/or are dependent on the Rockefellers (Illuminati). Once you investigate the Rockefellers, all becomes clear. They own 50 of the largest corporations in America, many of which are big pharma. Their MO is to generate profit and ruthlessly crush all competition. These so-called authoritative bodies have been set up to do just that with mumbo jumbo, manipulated, pseudo-science masquerading as the last word in health.

It's never been about protecting the health of the public. Only maintaining control of their vile tyranny.

Bottom line. Healthy people don't generate profits.

Go back to Mother Nature and I don't mean stand in a field with a stick of celery in your mouth. Start with eating nutritious food, not the addictive, sickness-inducing sugar/fat/salt synthetic de-natured gloop they package with slick advertising and misleading labelling; like 'Only Half the calories' (because they have pumped it full of water or more air) or 'Made with Nutra Sweet' (which fools the body into thinking it's getting sugar, yet instead, sets up a craving) or countless other tricks.

Do you know there are 20+ appetite stimulants in one packet of biscuits? That's why you feel the desire to eat the whole packet. They add chemicals to a host of foods, without putting it on the label, that are designed to make you want more. They do the same with dog food. Since your body is also not getting the nutrients it needs, even when you stuff yourself, you find you are hungry again an hour later.

You can cure many conditions just by staying away from supermarkets. Anything that sits on a shelf longer than a week without rotting is poisoning you. It's one of the reasons I am in Thailand where I can still find fresh food.

These corporate mass murderers are working together to make a lousy buck and the public is being misled on a massive scale. If you don't believe they are conning us then you haven't heard of Swine Fever, Bird Flu, AIDS, Cancer 'cures', Global Warming, SARS, The hole in the Ozone Layer, The War on Terror, Thalidomide, 'Bottle Feeding is better than breast feeding', Peak Oil, GM Foods, on and on goes the list of scams designed to enslave and profit by us.

There is one pill you should take. The RED Pill. You know. The one that Nero took in the movie The Matrix. That movie was trying to tell everone that the Alice in Wonderland world they live in is NOT the real world.

What made me wake up? They murdered my mother with their diabolical chemistry.

I believe we have a responsibility to our families and our fellow human beings to wake up and resist these criminal elites.

Stay well and become energised and alive again. Most of all. THINK for yourselves!

Oh yes. The two best medicines that are free? A walk in the morning and an hour in the sun.

Doctors are the 3rd leading cause of death in America killing at least 250,000 people per year.

And the leading cause of death all over the world is dieing :o


I doubt more people die in hospital than walk out, or carried out...but still alive.

A recent experience of mine in support of at least some of the OP claims, as recent as now actually.

I hate to take medicines, anything other than a headache tablet I avoid and if I have to take something, I usually never finish it.

An exception to this was morphine and whatever drugs they used on me for pain when breaking a shoulder blade and buggering up my knee, these drugs were awesome in fact....think I might go bugger up my knee again in fact.

Anyway, i have over the last 2 years not taken any medication for various coughs, flews, colds, etc. No matter how bad they were or how long I had it. Each time it took a month or so to get over it, but decreasing each time I caught something. It knocked you around if it took a month to 6 weeks to get over something, but I figured that my body should fight it and the defence it builds up will help naturally kill it the next time.

This last 2 weeks, everyone in our house has been sick with a bad lingering cough and flu type deal, my wife, 2 kids and nanny. Everyone coughing around me, everyone sharing drinks with the kids, even kissing the missus. I did not even catch the slightest cough or sneeze from it.

So I wonder if it was just a fluke or whatever bugs it was I had a natural defence well built up and it killed it on its own. Worked for me anyway.

Doctors are the 3rd leading cause of death in America killing at least 250,000 people per year.

Yes, just get rid of the doctors and all illnesses will magically disappear. Things like plague, diphteria, lockjaw, poliomyelitis...


So true, its my sincere belief that if you look after your body then your body will look after you... I always try to make a concious effort to eat plenty of fruits and veggies and eat a variety of them.

I've also taken up Bikram Yoga and founder of this type of yoga believes if you do his yoga regularly it will cure all diseseas and any existing illness you have over time... I have never taken any form

of medicine besides panadol and have witnessed collegues taking medicine to cure their colds and flus are the ones that take the longest to overcome their illness... I was quite lucky in not catching anything from even though i worked in close proximity to them...

Doctors are the 3rd leading cause of death in America killing at least 250,000 people per year.

And the leading cause of death all over the world is dieing :o

one should also avoid lying down and either sit, stand or walk. it is a well known fact that most deaths occur when lying down!



unless you are dealing with an enlightened doctor - either allopathic or naturopathic (yes there are good ones in both) then your only hope is to take your health into your own hands. Meaning that you diganose and decide what needs to be done for your own health. if you need pills, then you tell the pharmacist what you need. If you need surgery then you tell the doctor.

its sad looking at local thai people coming out of hospitals with big bags of pills that just destroy their immune system. A relative of my wife has 3 big doctor issued pills she takes everyday and a ointment that she applies for her bad skin.

I hated to recommend that if she got into the sun for a few minutes a day, that may do the trick without loading her body up with steroids or whatever that is just going to cause a chain reaction of sickness.

another case was when my wife was at full term pregnancy, we went it to see the doctor and my wife had a sore throat. The doctor prescribed her a full course of Amoxicillian. good thing this was not our regular doctor and those pills went straight into the garbage. But what about the poor people who actually believe that doctors know what they are doing??????

The problem is that most allopathic doctors are too bull headed and blinded and that most naturopathic doctors are too spacey and unrealistic. One in the middle is what is truly needed.

I doubt more people die in hospital than walk out, or carried out...but still alive.

A recent experience of mine in support of at least some of the OP claims, as recent as now actually.

I hate to take medicines, anything other than a headache tablet I avoid and if I have to take something, I usually never finish it.

An exception to this was morphine and whatever drugs they used on me for pain when breaking a shoulder blade and buggering up my knee, these drugs were awesome in fact....think I might go bugger up my knee again in fact.

Anyway, i have over the last 2 years not taken any medication for various coughs, flews, colds, etc. No matter how bad they were or how long I had it. Each time it took a month or so to get over it, but decreasing each time I caught something. It knocked you around if it took a month to 6 weeks to get over something, but I figured that my body should fight it and the defence it builds up will help naturally kill it the next time.

This last 2 weeks, everyone in our house has been sick with a bad lingering cough and flu type deal, my wife, 2 kids and nanny. Everyone coughing around me, everyone sharing drinks with the kids, even kissing the missus. I did not even catch the slightest cough or sneeze from it.

So I wonder if it was just a fluke or whatever bugs it was I had a natural defence well built up and it killed it on its own. Worked for me anyway.

Maybe you just wash your hands more, especially before eating. The people who get the least colds, flus, tummy upsets, are hairdressers. I know someone whose immune system is in his boots but he hasn't had a cold in years! He washes his hands before food and keeps his hands away from his mouth at all other times.

unless you are dealing with an enlightened doctor - either allopathic or naturopathic (yes there are good ones in both) then your only hope is to take your health into your own hands. Meaning that you diganose and decide what needs to be done for your own health. if you need pills, then you tell the pharmacist what you need. If you need surgery then you tell the doctor.

Not my idea of good health management but different strokes for different folks

its sad looking at local thai people coming out of hospitals with big bags of pills that just destroy their immune system. A relative of my wife has 3 big doctor issued pills she takes everyday and a ointment that she applies for her bad skin.

I hated to recommend that if she got into the sun for a few minutes a day, that may do the trick without loading her body up with steroids or whatever that is just going to cause a chain reaction of sickness.

Bad skin is a dreadful affliction for anybody but especially a lady. I would recommend dabbing the face with 3% hydogen peroxide 2 or 3 times daily and using PanOxyl AcneGel. I have also had very good results using Germolene but its not available in Thailand - have to bring from UK.

another case was when my wife was at full term pregnancy, we went it to see the doctor and my wife had a sore throat. The doctor prescribed her a full course of Amoxicillian. good thing this was not our regular doctor and those pills went straight into the garbage. But what about the poor people who actually believe that doctors know what they are doing??????

I am not understanding why you went to see the doctor who gave her Amoxicillin. Presumably she later went to her regular doctor who said Amoxicillin is not good for her while pregnant?

The problem is that most allopathic doctors are too bull headed and blinded and that most naturopathic doctors are too spacey and unrealistic. One in the middle is what is truly needed.

Fortunately I have been blessed with having good doctors all of my life. I would have died at 5 years if I had not been given penicillin by a doctor.


My left eye wasn't opening properly for some time when i was younger.

I went to the eye doctor and he said the only way to solve it was to have surgery.

Feeling desperate before the operation, I decided to give it my own "long shot" and try to "fix" the problem on my own by exercising my eye. I knew it was a long shot, but what the heck. Open close, open close... everyday.

My eye was cured IN ONE WEEK!!!

Never had the operation, it's been fine ever since.

Talk about "doctors"... :o

Doctors are the 3rd leading cause of death in America killing at least 250,000 people per year.

Yes, just get rid of the doctors and all illnesses will magically disappear. Things like plague, diphteria, lockjaw, poliomyelitis...

Of course you are right and the OP is talking complete and utter <deleted>.

Of course he will change his tune when he contracts an illness that can only be cured by chemotherapy or surgery.

Why are we taking pharmaceutical drugs? They suppress symptoms, drive the illness deeper into the body, cause side effects which require MORE drugs and leave us vulnerable to illness as our immune system struggles to eject these chemical toxins. Same for vaccines.

Doctors are murdering us by the million. This is a FACT. :o

Modern ‘Medicine’ is Quack Medicine

All Doctors learn is how to suppress symptoms with poison drugs or mutilate patients with unnecessary operations. They are not trained in any treatment OTHER than drugs or surgery.

Think about it.

They are not trained in prevention, nutrition, vitamins, exercise, toxins and the thousands of alternatives. The so-called ‘science’ underpinning their advice changes by the week. Doctors present themselves as ‘experts’, ‘gods’ and ‘gurus’ and we hand over our lives to them without a second thought, believing them to be healers, when in actual fact they do the opposite.

Doctors are the 3rd leading cause of death in America killing at least 250,000 people per year.

Where are all the cures for migraines, allergies, herpes, cancer, heart disease, arthritis, AIDS and a zillion other diseases from these merchants of death? There aren’t any. Yet doctors still claim to be able to cure us? It’s a myth. Many of these conditions are not helped but aggravated by drug therapies. Yet all can be cured using natural affordable methods.

How many people do you know go to hospital and don’t come out again? The elderly are fearful of hospitals for very good reason. They have sufficient experience to learn that hospitals kill more than they cure.

Modern medicine consists of one treatment and one treatment only. DRUGS. You go to the doctor, you walk out with a prescription. You go to the chemist, you walk out with drugs.

Did you know the English word pharmacy comes from the Greek word pharmakeia? Pharmakeia means sorceries and witchcraft. That's what drugs are - sorceries and witchcraft because they only treat symptoms while the underlying disease or condition continues to get worse.

Understand one thing. Repeat it until you have driven it into your mind.


All chemicals and drugs are inert, foreign substances which act as irritants when taken internally. They do not have power to act in the body or cure anything. The only reason why they seem to cause some changes which people like to believe are curative is that the internal defense system tries to eject this unwanted foreign matter, and that sets up a reverse action to remedy the harm done by the drugs or chemicals. This taxes the bodily reserves and delays healing. In the case of some drugs it makes healing impossible.

Med. schools are dominated by the drug houses which are flooding the market with so many new drugs which the students are required to learn that they don’t have time to study anatomy and the things which doctors are supposed to study. No wonder the new doctors don’t seem to know anything except how to give drugs, shots and whatever the pharmaceutical houses dish up to them.

Drugless doctors say that most diseases heal normally if the patients stay at home in bed, in a quiet airy room with no food, no medicines, and no drinks except a little warm distilled water.

97% of the operations performed by U.S. doctors are unnecessary, according to the admission of doctors, themselves, who met to decide what operations would really be necessary in case of socialized medicine when there would be no profit in it for them. They decided that only about three percent (3%) would be necessary.

Some doctors are slow learners. They should have found out by this time that they can’t fight poison with poison, as their poison drugs and medicines only make matters worse in the long run. Most diseases are caused by poisons either generated within the body or imposed upon the body from without such as contaminated, devitalized foods, tobacco, alcohol, coffee, vaccines, fluoride-poisoned water, all drugs, insecticides, radiation, etc. Because vaccines are all poison they do damage in 100% of the cases. The damage ranges all the way from sudden death to chronic diseases in later years.

‘The medical monopoly or medical trust, euphemistically called the American Medical Association, is not merely the meanest monopoly ever organized, but the most arrogant, dangerous and despotic organization which ever managed a free people in this or any other age. Any and all methods of healing the sick by means of safe, simple and natural remedies are sure to be assailed and denounced by the arrogant leaders of the AMA doctors' trust as fakes, frauds and humbugs. Every practitioner of the healing art who does not ally himself with the medical trust is denounced as a 'dangerous quack' and impostor by the predatory trust doctors. Every sanatorium who attempts to restore the sick to a state of health by natural means without resort to the knife or poisonous drugs, disease imparting serums, deadly toxins or vaccines, is at once pounced upon by these medical tyrants and fanatics, bitterly denounced, vilified and persecuted to the fullest extent.’

- J.W Hodge, M.D.

The following agencies having to do with 'health' - i.e., with the health of the Drug Trust (to the detriment of the citizens) -: U.S. Public Health Service, U.S. Veterans Administration, Federal Trade Commission, Surgeon General of the Air Force, Army Surgeon General' s Office, Navy Bureau of Medicine & Surgery, National Health Research Institute, National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences.

- All the above were created and/or are dependent on the Rockefellers (Illuminati). Once you investigate the Rockefellers, all becomes clear. They own 50 of the largest corporations in America, many of which are big pharma. Their MO is to generate profit and ruthlessly crush all competition. These so-called authoritative bodies have been set up to do just that with mumbo jumbo, manipulated, pseudo-science masquerading as the last word in health.

It's never been about protecting the health of the public. Only maintaining control of their vile tyranny.

Bottom line. Healthy people don't generate profits.

Go back to Mother Nature and I don't mean stand in a field with a stick of celery in your mouth. Start with eating nutritious food, not the addictive, sickness-inducing sugar/fat/salt synthetic de-natured gloop they package with slick advertising and misleading labelling; like 'Only Half the calories' (because they have pumped it full of water or more air) or 'Made with Nutra Sweet' (which fools the body into thinking it's getting sugar, yet instead, sets up a craving) or countless other tricks.

Do you know there are 20+ appetite stimulants in one packet of biscuits? That's why you feel the desire to eat the whole packet. They add chemicals to a host of foods, without putting it on the label, that are designed to make you want more. They do the same with dog food. Since your body is also not getting the nutrients it needs, even when you stuff yourself, you find you are hungry again an hour later.

You can cure many conditions just by staying away from supermarkets. Anything that sits on a shelf longer than a week without rotting is poisoning you. It's one of the reasons I am in Thailand where I can still find fresh food.

These corporate mass murderers are working together to make a lousy buck and the public is being misled on a massive scale. If you don't believe they are conning us then you haven't heard of Swine Fever, Bird Flu, AIDS, Cancer 'cures', Global Warming, SARS, The hole in the Ozone Layer, The War on Terror, Thalidomide, 'Bottle Feeding is better than breast feeding', Peak Oil, GM Foods, on and on goes the list of scams designed to enslave and profit by us.

There is one pill you should take. The RED Pill. You know. The one that Nero took in the movie The Matrix. That movie was trying to tell everone that the Alice in Wonderland world they live in is NOT the real world.

What made me wake up? They murdered my mother with their diabolical chemistry.

I believe we have a responsibility to our families and our fellow human beings to wake up and resist these criminal elites.

Stay well and become energised and alive again. Most of all. THINK for yourselves!

Oh yes. The two best medicines that are free? A walk in the morning and an hour in the sun.

How did they 'murder' your mother?


See he did cure you in fact by scaring you into doing something about it yourself, clever guy!

My left eye wasn't opening properly for some time when i was younger.

I went to the eye doctor and he said the only way to solve it was to have surgery.

Feeling desperate before the operation, I decided to give it my own "long shot" and try to "fix" the problem on my own by exercising my eye. I knew it was a long shot, but what the heck. Open close, open close... everyday.

My eye was cured IN ONE WEEK!!!

Never had the operation, it's been fine ever since.

Talk about "doctors"... :o


Of course I agree the OP is some kind of fanatic and with a lot of exaggeration and flawed logic ("cause-effect").

But it's true that a lot of doctors are complete sleeze... or simply grossly ignorant when it comes to natural and affordable remedies :o

Of course I agree the OP is some kind of fanatic and with a lot of exaggeration.

But it's true that a lot of doctors are complete sleeze... or simply grossly ignorant when it comes to natural and affordable remedies :o

Why did you go to the doctor with your eye if you knew better than he all the time. How long did you have the condition?

What did you tell him?

And what do these natural and affordable remedies cure? Cancer, brain damage from strokes, kidney failure, diabetes?

ersatz spew not worth repeating

Your entire post is an ignorant and despicable libel upon one of the noblest of professions. To the degree it merits a response, which is virtually none:

They are not trained in prevention, nutrition, vitamins, exercise, toxins...

Hundreds of thousands will be told by their doctor this year to stop smoking, eat better, cut back on the drinking and get some exercise.

...and the thousands of alternatives

Because the "alternatives", if you insist on calling them that, are by and large junk, counter-productive to healing and actually dangerous and provably so on a statistical basis.

The so-called ‘science’ underpinning their advice changes by the week.

Science is by nature adaptive and is a process not a result. You seem more interested in dogma, so good luck with that. The progressive world won't miss you much.

Doctors present themselves as ‘experts’, ‘gods’ and ‘gurus’

Doctors only seem somewhat remote and arrogant because you don't have the technical expertise to understand the finer points of their profession. The same is largely true with airline pilots and other highly specialized careers.

Where are all the cures for migraines, allergies, herpes, cancer, heart disease, arthritis, AIDS ... all can be cured using natural affordable methods.

Now it's time for you to put up or shut up. Describe, please, in simple terms the "natural, affordable" cure for AIDS. Here. Now. We'll wait...

Of course he will change his tune when he contracts an illness that can only be cured by chemotherapy or surgery.

Chemotherapy and surgery are important for cancer. However, vitamin C has also been shown to prolong cancer patients' lives by up to 4 times in some studies. Yet many doctors rarely ever prescribe it in addition to the chemo.

Of course I agree the OP is some kind of fanatic and with a lot of exaggeration.

But it's true that a lot of doctors are complete sleeze... or simply grossly ignorant when it comes to natural and affordable remedies :o

Why did you go to the doctor with your eye if you knew better than he all the time. How long did you have the condition?

What did you tell him?

And what do these natural and affordable remedies cure? Cancer, brain damage from strokes, kidney failure, diabetes?

If a "passably" intelligent person had read my post carefully, he would not have found any relevance in this reply.

Polly wana' cracker?

Of course he will change his tune when he contracts an illness that can only be cured by chemotherapy or surgery.

Chemotherapy and surgery are important for cancer. However, vitamin C has also been shown to prolong cancer patients' lives by up to 4 times in some studies. Yet many doctors rarely ever prescribe it in addition to the chemo.

It was shown to in one study by two doctors but the Mayo Clinic did three separated clinical trials on this and there was no evidence that Vitamin C, helps at all, except for some relief of the ulceration of the mouth caused by chemotherapy.

Despite the hard facts of the research, some people still believe that it can prolong life in cancer patients.

Of course he will change his tune when he contracts an illness that can only be cured by chemotherapy or surgery.

Chemotherapy and surgery are important for cancer. However, vitamin C has also been shown to prolong cancer patients' lives by up to 4 times in some studies. Yet many doctors rarely ever prescribe it in addition to the chemo.

It was shown to in one study by two doctors but the Mayo Clinic did three separated clinical trials on this and there was no evidence that Vitamin C, helps at all, except for some relief of the ulceration of the mouth caused by chemotherapy.

Despite the hard facts of the research, some people still believe that it can prolong life in cancer patients.

If the purpose of this post is to simply point out the research of Mayo Clinic (as opposed to other research other than Mayo) then this post is definitely relevant and appreciated.

However, if the post is to "debunk" my post... then oh brother, shall I say it again? "Read carefully..."


Well, well, well -

first of all I am afraid LIFE is a terminal disease!

second, to lose someone dear, may cause unsurmountable pain, but this pain we give to ourselves by NOT letting go!

third, there are Quacks out there in EVERY field, to live with nature and trust "her" is certainly the healthiest way to go!

fourth, modern medicine, surgery, should be looked at a trade within many trades!

fifth, there is NO reeason to run to the doc for every little "fart that got stuck", and pop pills for that!

After all it is up to us, the individual how to live and what to believe or not.... there is no A1 blueprint for it and certainly life doesn't come with a money back or lifetime warranty, I am afraid!

So what?

Do the best one can!

"One day beautiful, perfect the next, throw another shrimp on the barbie!"

(Paul Hogan)

Hundreds of thousands will be told by their doctor this year to stop smoking, eat better, cut back on the drinking and get some exercise.

these are the kind of doctors who live in utmost poverty, envy my life style and would like nothing more than make me miserable. but i don't <deleted> care!



The original post has made some serious accusations of the medical and pharmacutical industry. I am temporarily closing this topic until it can be discussed by the moderation team

Crow Boy

Moderating Team

Thai Visa

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