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Dentist For Young Autistic Child


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Hi guys,

I am the father of a 6year old autistic boy,I have been told that he needs root canal work, i went to the city in our Province, Kanchanaburi, and saw the only specialist dentist i could find, it was a lady dentist who agreed my son needed root canal work, I asked how long the treatment would be and would he be asleep?, the dentist said it would be over an hours treatment and my son would be awake and restrained during treatment, with his arms and legs inserted through holes in a board then tied and his head resting on top of the board so he could not struggle. I am horrified, can you imagine the damage that would be done to my son having to endure that?

We will be going to Bangkok next week and would appreciate any advice or recommendations, i really cant afford the likes of Bangrumgrad im sorry to say but would pay everything I could to get my son treatment.

Regards Palusa

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I have an autistic god son who is now 14. He has an amazing recall ability as I'm sure your son has or will develope. I could never imagine putting a "normal" child through any such procedure let alone a wee boy that has autism. I don't think it is something he will ever forget and may not comprehend any explanation as to why the procedure was required. At six years old is it not possible to remove the offending tooth under sedation? My husband had a root canal recently and it was a three week procedure, not pleasant at all. I would contact the autistic association and speak with someone who has had previous experience regarding such things. You will not be the first person to have faced this and they may offer some sound advise as to alternatives or procedures. Good luck.

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