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I have a wart on my finger! I've had it for almost 10 years. It does'nt bother me that much but I don't really want it any more. Many years ago I tried freezing it off but that didn't work.

It is about 8mm in diameter.

Any suggestions for permanent removal?



I have a wart on my finger! I've had it for almost 10 years. It does'nt bother me that much but I don't really want it any more. Many years ago I tried freezing it off but that didn't work.

It is about 8mm in diameter.

Any suggestions for permanent removal?



Freezing is still the best way to go but it has to be done properly and may need to be repeated. After freezing it with the liquid nitrogen, the wart should turn dark red/purple (almost like a blood blister) the next day and will usually disappear after a week or so. It merely flushes a bit after the procedure, it has not been done properly and will not go away.

The wart solutions one can apply is usually messy and may take some time; may leave scarring if it comes into contact with normal tissue.


I used dry ice, works a treat. You can get dry ice in Los if you buy an ice cream cake from Hagen Daaz ice cream shops.

Dont be a whimp with it but, hold it on till it hurts, then repeat a few times to really kill it.

I have a wart on my finger! I've had it for almost 10 years. It does'nt bother me that much but I don't really want it any more. Many years ago I tried freezing it off but that didn't work.

It is about 8mm in diameter.

Any suggestions for permanent removal?



At least it's on your finger & not elsewhere!

Is it Verruca vulgaris or, Verruca plana?

Warts are actually caused by a viral infection. Previously, I had them on my hands constantly for about a 6 year period - they eventually disappeared about 11 year ago. I've now had one on my thumb for about a month - I guess I'll just let it run it's course again.

Even with treatment they often return or, others will pop up elsewhere.

If they're really bothering you, why not give Duct Tape Occlusion Therapy a go? A friend of mine claims it worked for him.


:o 4,000 baht. Bloody hel_l, we've just had one frozen off youngest girl's toe. Two consultations with the doctor and two lots of freezing and the cost was around 1500 baht and this is in Switzerland.

The freezing was painless and effective. The day after the first application it went speckled black and stayed that way so we took her back, froze it again and three days later she had a beautiful, wart free piggy who went to market :D


Sometimes warts can be a bugger to get rid of. Had one 5 years ago.It took 2 freezings & it went away, sometimes it takes multiple visits. It wasn't really that painful more annoying waiting for some heat to come back into my hand.

30 years ago I got sick of a wart on my elbow that transferred to my knee. I got a bottle of rum & drank till I was toasted(close to 3/4's of the bottle) got out a hunting Knife & removed both warts-They never came back. It sure grossed out my friends & other people on the beach!

The elbow was a drag since I had to do it with my left hand. I woudn't advise this method. If you do get drunk enough remember

to sterilize the blade!

Freezing is usually the cheapest & most affective method of removal. It was the equivalence of 2000 baht in the U.S.

hope you get rid of em.



I need to get our more I think. I had forgotten the one I had on my elbow, I was idly twanging it one day :o when I felt it work a bit loose. I continued to dig around it and eventually pulled it out by the root. amazing, it was about 1.5 cm long and tapered somewhat like a parsnip. The crater that was left wouldn't stop bleeding for about 5 hours. I obviously didn't get it all out as I had to see my GP a couple of months later to have it cut out. OUCH! :D

I need to get our more I think. I had forgotten the one I had on my elbow, I was idly twanging it one day :o when I felt it work a bit loose. I continued to dig around it and eventually pulled it out by the root. amazing, it was about 1.5 cm long and tapered somewhat like a parsnip. The crater that was left wouldn't stop bleeding for about 5 hours. I obviously didn't get it all out as I had to see my GP a couple of months later to have it cut out. OUCH! :D

I hope you had a good buzz when you yanked it out. I was tanked when I got to carvin! OUCH. Mine bled for a day & a half- lots of bandaids & more Rum the next day........OOOOOH the hangover....

I need to get our more I think. I had forgotten the one I had on my elbow, I was idly twanging it one day :o when I felt it work a bit loose. I continued to dig around it and eventually pulled it out by the root. amazing, it was about 1.5 cm long and tapered somewhat like a parsnip. The crater that was left wouldn't stop bleeding for about 5 hours. I obviously didn't get it all out as I had to see my GP a couple of months later to have it cut out. OUCH! :D

I hope you had a good buzz when you yanked it out. I was tanked when I got to carvin! OUCH. Mine bled for a day & a half- lots of bandaids & more Rum the next day........OOOOOH the hangover....

Do I remember correctly,the old wives remedy of getting a toad to sit on it??


I agree the laser CO2 treatment is far more reliable than the old dry ice freeze and both painless and much less skin damage; but 4k is over the top. Cost at Vejthani is 500 baht, and cheaper by the dozen. :o

Sometimes warts can be a bugger to get rid of. Had one 5 years ago.It took 2 freezings & it went away, sometimes it takes multiple visits. It wasn't really that painful more annoying waiting for some heat to come back into my hand.

30 years ago I got sick of a wart on my elbow that transferred to my knee. I got a bottle of rum & drank till I was toasted(close to 3/4's of the bottle) got out a hunting Knife & removed both warts-They never came back. It sure grossed out my friends & other people on the beach!

The elbow was a drag since I had to do it with my left hand. I woudn't advise this method. If you do get drunk enough remember

to sterilize the blade!

Freezing is usually the cheapest & most affective method of removal. It was the equivalence of 2000 baht in the U.S.

hope you get rid of em.


Would generally not recommend this procedure for genital warts... :o

Sometimes warts can be a bugger to get rid of. Had one 5 years ago.It took 2 freezings & it went away, sometimes it takes multiple visits. It wasn't really that painful more annoying waiting for some heat to come back into my hand.

30 years ago I got sick of a wart on my elbow that transferred to my knee. I got a bottle of rum & drank till I was toasted(close to 3/4's of the bottle) got out a hunting Knife & removed both warts-They never came back. It sure grossed out my friends & other people on the beach!

The elbow was a drag since I had to do it with my left hand. I woudn't advise this method. If you do get drunk enough remember

to sterilize the blade!

Freezing is usually the cheapest & most affective method of removal. It was the equivalence of 2000 baht in the U.S.

hope you get rid of em.


Would generally not recommend this procedure for genital warts... :o

OUCH .......from what I heard from a poor unfortunate buddy He said they are hideously impossible to get rid of if you have a real bad case of them. The only way he found to get rid of genital warts was passing away from cancer ...talk about a hard life. Bless his soul !


I've had a wart on my thumb for about two years now. It didn't really bother me other than being a ugly little bugger. So when I was in Australia I bought Scholl Freeze for $38 and followed the directions. The first time I froze it I waited 2 weeks and nothing happened. The next time I froze it and cut it off with a razor blade. Within a month it was back again. So the last time I froze it immediately cut it off with a razor blade. The next day I froze what was left and then covered it with clear fingernail polish. So far so good. It's been about a month and has not started growing again :o


You could try this:

Soak a smidgen of tissue in cider vinegar, squeeze and place on the wart. Place a waterproof plaster over the tissue. After an hour give the dressing a quick soak in cider vinegar, repeat this process but don't get too hung over about doing this every hour. Leave till plaster drops off. Wart should turn black! and drop off (unless its really deep rooted).

As for the rest of the cider vinegar that you now have, you can add some olive oil to it and make a nice salad dressing. :o

You could try this:

Soak a smidgen of tissue in cider vinegar, squeeze and place on the wart. Place a waterproof plaster over the tissue. After an hour give the dressing a quick soak in cider vinegar, repeat this process but don't get too hung over about doing this every hour. Leave till plaster drops off. Wart should turn black! and drop off (unless its really deep rooted).

As for the rest of the cider vinegar that you now have, you can add some olive oil to it and make a nice salad dressing. :o

I cured my step daughter of about 10 big warts on her feet about 6 months ago no sign of growing back either.

put super glue over the wart about twice a day within a week they just started to drop out leaving big holes behind!!! the holes are all healed over and her feet are wart free!!!

amazing but true!!! please post if you have any success using this method.


I know this might sound like old wives tale,but it actually works.I seen it work 3 times.You get banana peel and put it on wart with bandage and leave on for as long as it stayson,if it comes off put some more on.It has something to do with the potassium in bananas.

Thommo,lets us know how you get on. :o

I know this might sound like old wives tale,but it actually works.I seen it work 3 times.You get banana peel and put it on wart with bandage and leave on for as long as it stayson,if it comes off put some more on.It has something to do with the potassium in bananas.

Thommo,lets us know how you get on. :o

I've got another one. Get someone else to use a lead pencil and draw a circle around the wart. You then pay them a token amount -say 1 baht and the wart will disappear over the next few weeks. I have seen it work! true. When I lived in the UK there was a guy near us who used to charm people's warts onto himself in this way. Periodically he'd go and have them surgically removed.

Plantar warts are a bit more difficult.

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