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Female Japanese Tourist Robbed And Murdered In Sukhothai

sriracha john

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I hope this doesn't sound insensitive, but gone are the days when it was relatively safe for tourists to go out sightseeing alone esp. to remote areas anywhere in the world.

This has to factored into your travel plan and many tourists fail to do this esp. the women.

If you're going to go off the beaten path, it's best to have a companion w/ you, the more the merrier and safety in numbers as well.

Condolences to the unfortunate Japanese victim, and here's hoping the guilty are dealt with under the severest of terms.

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"She was 27. Not a child."

In many parts of the world it's common to call someone a 27-year-old woman a child... don't take it literally. You've never heard of a senior citizen call a younger person a child?

But before you start getting into semantics, she was someone's child. May she rest in peace.

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Dreadful dreadful news. She rents a bicycle, goes to a holy temple full of the joys of life...only to be brutally murdered with her throat slashed. The cruelty and horror of it all. These despicable acts are not uncommon now in the LOS, and due in all probabability to Ya Ba...cheap and nasty drug. To lose your life for such a few Baht is unthinkable and must be the work of a madman. Deepest sympathies to her family.

Her activities prior to her slaying have nothing to do with the crime save for any part they may play in the sequence of events. Putting into that context is just a lot of sentimental crapola.

Sukhothai Police Chief Major General Thirrin Padungchiwit ordered a manhunt for the perpetrators of the murder. "This is a priority case because it has damaged the reputation of Sukhothai and the entire country," said Thirrin.

Lost cause, old boy. When it comes to personal security, civil rights and due process of law, Thailand is one of the biggest jokes on the planet.

Wow. sounds like you been here too long maybe need to move on. Poor girl our thoughts go out to your family. Sentimental crapola

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Japanese tourist slain at ancient capital

SUKHOTHAI: -- A Japanese tourist was slain and robbed over the weekend while visiting Thailand's ancient capital of Sukhothai during Loy Krathong, or the Water Candle festival, police said Monday.

The body of the tourist, identified only by her first name Nomoko, was found with her throat slashed and her possessions stolen Sunday in the grass at the side of the road leading to one of the more remote ruins of the Sukhothai cultural heritage site.

Police said the woman rented a bicycle on Saturday to visit a temple on the outskirts of the main Sukhothai complex, a UNESCO Heritage Site.

Sukhothai Police Chief Major General Thirrin Padungchiwit ordered a manhunt for the perpetrators of the murder. "This is a priority case because it has damaged the reputation of Sukhothai and the entire country," said Thirrin.

The ancient ruins of Sukhothai, which was Thailand's main kingdom between 1250 to 1376, is a major tourist draw during the Loy Krathong festival, observed in Thailand on the night of the full moon in November by floating small vessels with candles and decorations in lakes, ponds and rivers to carry away one's sins.

-- DPA 2007-11-26

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The victim, Tomoko Kawashita, age 27


and her bike...


Another photo of the above link shows her last entry into her internet blog which she wrote in bold letters that there are too many nice people in Thailand (in Kansai dialect).

She also wrote her journey is sustained by the kindness and assistance of many (I think she implies locals).

She concludes her last entry in the blog as her "journey of gratitude" is to be continued...

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It's sad to hear this kind of stuff all the time.  But I guess there are lots of tourists ....fourteen million people come into Thailand each year; some don't make it out.  

As for Japanese, I guess they are easy targets, girls even easier.  In Cebu, Philippines just a week or 2 ago, a Japanese businessman was murdered on his way to the airport.  But you don't (or didn't) expect this stuff in Thailand.  I guess I'm not surprised anymore as I have waken up to the reality of that a nation who has such a massive prostitution industry (for foreigners, thais, malaysians in the south) would be run by the mafia, and everything just follows from that.   Any nation who allows, organizes and encourages their children en masse to go into prostitution is a nation in serious need of help. Not money, but a complete scrubbing of the powers that be. According to Guardian (UK), 224 Britons died in Thailand between Apr 2005 and Mar 2006, 5 times more than any other country in the world. This is without the tsunami or the recent plane crash. 

Truth is, Japan like Thailand, is making money from their business relationship, and nobody wants to rock the boat. Atleast if she died in Japan, she would get a proper investigation and funeral.

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First of all very sad for the family of this girl and wish then much strength. :D

I think the best point to start a investigation for the police is the guesthouse. It’s not a normal action that you move out at 2 PM. I think something did happen there, the woman get upset, angry and check out.

Who did see her leave or do we only have the word of the landlord for that ?

Did de police check the room the woman did rent in the guesthouse ?

Did she leave the guesthouse by foot, taxi or by other means?

Did somebody see her outside the guesthouse ?

Do other guest remember her and her leave ?

Where her bike damaged/fallen ?

The chance of being killed by someone waiting in the bush is peanuts I think. The police say it where in a remote area so the killer/robber must have a lucky day. I think more where killed somewhere else or followed by her visit to that area.

Probably we never will know who did it…….. :o

Regards :D

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Not to minimize such a tragic crime, but I've got a question for you: Had the victim been a Thai, would the members of this board be as up-in-arm about this murder?

There are murder, rape, assualt, etc that happen all the times. It seems to hit "home" for some of you only if it involves farungs, tourists, women, Japanese, etc, etc.

It's all wrong whoever the victim is. I can't imagine what her family members are going thru right now.

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This is a very sad case indeed, made even more notorious because of this young womans Blog and how sweetly she spoke of the region. I do hope the killer or killers are found and dealt with but that may or may not ever happen.

The reality is if your attacked in Thailand with a weapon it will 99% of the time be some type of knife. I have personally watched a fight break out in the afternoon where one person ran to another's food cart grabbing the knife of the vendor then making chase, all because someone stepped on another's toe in a crowded market. The point here is simple, there are a few schools and groups in Thailand that teach a knife defense and even offense. Some are better than others but being attacked with a knife and having no experience/training with the subject one is doomed, that simple. I deal with this subject matter on a daily basis and have spoken to many doctors here in Thailand about what kinds of wounds they see in the emergency rooms, its stabs and slashes vs motorcycle wrecks across the board.

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The killer probably thought its a Thai woman...

I doubt that: Thais usually can distinguish Japanese from their own, and Thai women are usually targets of rape, not robbery. What Thai man would rob a local woman, when Thai women carry much less money around with them than Tourists or foreigners in general. (Let's assume that the average foreigner carries about 3,000 baht in the wallet, while Thais usually have less than 1,000 in it.)

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Not to minimize such a tragic crime, but I've got a question for you: Had the victim been a Thai, would the members of this board be as up-in-arm about this murder?

Probably not. But then again, it was a foreigner as are most members on this forum, i.e. expats or tourists, so it is only human nature that we pay more attention to crime news with foreigners as victims than we do to news about Thai victims.

Also, Japanese women are so cute... :o

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Japanese couple claims slain daughter's body

BANGKOK: -- The parents and brother of a Japanese tourist murdered in a Thai historical park on the weekend identified the body of 27-year-old Tomoko Kawashita, saying that while the killing affected their family, it does not tarnish Thailand's good image in their eyes.

The family have brought new clothing for Ms. Kawashita's remains and said they will return to retrieve the body on November 29. They said that they still love Thai people and the country although their daughter was slain here.

The family asked the police to bring the killer to trial as soon as possible.

Police spokesman, Pol. Lt-Gen. Pongsapat Pongcharoen said investigators are focusing on robbery as the motive of the killing and believe the attacker to be a local person. They are confident that the case will be resolved within three days, he said.

Ms. Kawashita, from Osaka, had her throat slashed and was stabbed in the torso with a sharp object. The young woman had rented a bicycle to tour the scenic ruins in the Sukhothai historical park, about 400 km north of Bangkok, before she was murdered.

--TNA 2007-11-27

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I doubt that: Thais usually can distinguish Japanese from their own, and Thai women are usually targets of rape, not robbery.

One Japanese news site reported another Japanese tourist was sexually assaulted at the same temple in Sukhothai couple of years ago.

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The killer probably thought its a Thai woman...

I doubt that: Thais usually can distinguish Japanese from their own, and Thai women are usually targets of rape, not robbery. What Thai man would rob a local woman, when Thai women carry much less money around with them than Tourists or foreigners in general. (Let's assume that the average foreigner carries about 3,000 baht in the wallet, while Thais usually have less than 1,000 in it.)

Don't be too sure regarding the money carried - there's one souvenir seller wandering Chiangmai in her tribal outfit who rarely has less than 40,000 Baht on her as she's the "bank" for the other sellers - I know and can verify that several times she counted and checked how much she was carrying, right in front of me, in a "safe" location (she had no qualms doing so as she'd known me and seen me daily for 5 years by that time and knew I'd be watching for anyone trying to move up behind her as she counted the cash) and I can also produce at least three other farangs (two now living in Bkk) that witnessed the same thing, regularly, over a period of more than a year.

I've also seen known "noodle-vendors" walk into banks to deposit 100,000 Baht+ at a time, in fact I used to see that almost daily. A few times, I've seen such people deposit 250,000+ in mixed notes (including lots of small notes and coins - groan - the queue, the queue)

And if you're thinking most Thais are poor - ask yourself next time you pass a school, college, or university, why do the Thai teachers all have spanking brand new cars and 4x4s when the farang teachers are on foot, bicycles, or Honda Dreams? Or when stuck in traffic, try playing "spot the farang driving a Mercedes".

The number and grade of poverty-stricken Thais is reducing fast, and like any western country, a growing percentage are penniless and homeless because they want to be - cardboard cities are springing up in Thailand, and the occupants often (not always) chose to live that way, just as they did in London, Berlin, Los Angeles, or Sydney. And most such individuals are usually more honest and less criminal than many with a conventional roof over their heads - they just scavenge and beg more on streets supposedly paved with gold.


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The unfortunate victim here was slain. We don't know any more than that. It's certainly on the face of it a terrible murder. Yet, how many Japanese women come here to profer themselves in one way or another? Can we examine that as a contributing proximate cause to her murder or not? I know this is heretical to suggest, but it does happen. Do you ignore the possibility?

That was out of line man, it has nothing to do with rape and murder. To suggest so gives an excuse to rapist/murderers around the world. "But she smiled at me! So I raped her and slit her throat!". Completely ridiculous.

Ive posted several times how Japanese women are targets in this country. My own girlfriend has been vicimised many times and her friends have been raped and or robbed. One left for dead on the side of the road, guess she should be thankful her throat wasn't slashed and she could recover after a 2 month hospital stay.


Why are they targets any more than others? Just curious...

Well my Japanese girlfriend and I think it has alot to do with how Japanese culture is percieved. The women seem to act ultra feminine and weak, submissive and less likely to resist. In Japanese porn (which is readily available all over Thailand) the women seem to be crying and whining and not enjoying it (similar to rape)... this is just their sexual culture (they don't respond the way Western women do, it is seen as way to aggressive and Japanese men would be turned off in most cases) but that is a topic for another discussion. They are also extremely naive and more likely to fall into a trap (just look at all the nice things she wrote about the Thais... she really took all their smiles to mean they are wonderful kind people.... I've seen them smile at eachother just before bashing eachothers brains in, add to that the fact that she thought it was safe for a woman to travel Thailand alone, it is not. At least not if you are too innocent and naive to stay aware and keep yourself safe with basic safety practices)

Actually AGareth2, I disagree completely. Women are at risk anywhere in the world. And as such, learn to deal with it.

Comments like that are really very broad generalizations with no real basis in reality. Thousands of single women travel this country every year, and very few of them get raped or murdered.

Bad things happen anywhere. Unfortunately for this poor woman, it happened in Thailand.

Sorry SBK but I completely disagree with you here, but I think you know that already heh. Being in a relationship with a Japanese woman I hear about all the horrible things going on to Japanese women, reported or not reported. Rape and brutal beatings.. murders... sorry but they do seem to be happening ALOT to Japanese women. I won't bother repeating the many things that have happened to my own girlfiend in the 6 years she has lived here. I am positive though that like you are inclined to believe, Western women are targetted FAR less and it is alot safer for them here in Thailand. The only western woman I've ever met that complained about "constantly" being under threat by Thai men was a very small petite blonde model that lives here. Apparently she gets targetted alot too, perhaps because of her size she looks like an easy target.


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Don't be too sure regarding the money carried - there's one souvenir seller wandering Chiangmai in her tribal outfit who rarely has less than 40,000 Baht on her...

These are just exceptions from the rule as for my experience, judging from answers to my question of 'how much you (as a Thai) usually carry around in the wallet'. Most Thais are not so dumb to carry lots of cash with them - I was two months ago, when a thief had a lucky day stealing my wallet, which just on that day had 12 grey baht notes and a purple one in it! Then, only three weeks later a colleague's wallet was stolen at a night market with 5,000 baht in it. So in only three weeks time two of the five foreign teachers at my school had their wallet stolen: both times with a sum which easily amounts to a Thai's monthly earnings...

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Prime Minister conveys regret to family of Japanese victim

Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont expressed condolences to the family of the Japanese female tourist who was murdered in Sukhothai during the Loy Krathong festival, Tourism and Sports Minister Suvit Yodmani said Tuesday. According to Suvit, Surayud acknowledged that the murder of Tomoko Kawashita, 27, may affect close ties between Thailand and Japan. He urged police to find the killer as quickly as possible. The body of Tomoko from Osaka was found on Sunday with her throat slashed and her possessions stolen in a grassy area at the side of the road leading to ancient ruins. Tomoko's father, mother and brother came to see her body on Tuesday. They will take her

Continued here:


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Dreadful dreadful news. She rents a bicycle, goes to a holy temple full of the joys of life...only to be brutally murdered with her throat slashed. The cruelty and horror of it all. These despicable acts are not uncommon now in the LOS, and due in all probabability to Ya Ba...cheap and nasty drug. To lose your life for such a few Baht is unthinkable and must be the work of a madman. Deepest sympathies to her family.

Her activities prior to her slaying have nothing to do with the crime save for any part they may play in the sequence of events. Putting into that context is just a lot of sentimental crapola.

Sukhothai Police Chief Major General Thirrin Padungchiwit ordered a manhunt for the perpetrators of the murder. "This is a priority case because it has damaged the reputation of Sukhothai and the entire country," said Thirrin.

Lost cause, old boy. When it comes to personal security, civil rights and due process of law, Thailand is one of the biggest jokes on the planet.

Well Thaidlehands....guess you took a long time to get a handle that fits? Clearly far too much time on your hands and nothing to do but sit there and look for targets for your innane scribbles. You are clearly an embittered human being unable to see the whole picture. Yes you are correct, probably for once in your life, it is sentimental...and not crap. I actually feel for this woman ...for her loss of life and that is the whole point of my addition to the topic. You are far too sunk up in what you said my piece was to see this.

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Yet, how many Japanese women come here to profer themselves in one way or another? Can we examine that as a contributing proximate cause to her murder or not? I know this is heretical to suggest, but it does happen. Do you ignore the possibility?

Yes. Silly post to be honest.

Profering herself? You say this on a public forum where a woman has been brutally slain?

Renting a bicycle at 7am ? To look for customers???? Get real.

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I saw the happening on the news today .

Very sad news , RIP to all her family , she left them much to early .

We discussed about criminality was on the rise at a different topic ,

it really seems to occur more and it should be a first priority

for the goverment to give tourists a best as possible protection

and advises on how to travel in their country , they should do more ,

not that you can ever stop those psychopats , you never know who they

are .

Anyway nothing can be done for this woman , probably was at the wrong

place at the wrong moment , .................... :o

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^No, of course not, nothing justifies murder, but I do know of Japanese women behaviour in the beach communities of Thailand. I have seen it first-hand. And that have a reputation unique in Thailand among tourist women, sorry to say....

Oh I see what your saying..she deserved it---have you seen cold blooded murder as well first hand? The fact of the matter no behavior justifies murder except for true threat to someone elses life which case its not called murder. I dont see the connection between any females behavior (whatever your alluding to) and murder. Its so telling of your depraved mind that you somehow do.

Can you leave thailand , it would be helpfull to all of us.

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