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Heartless Penang - Baby Soon + Have Money =

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Why on earth would you need a DNA test - is there a dispute?

No, there is no dispute, but if you read many posts other place on this web page, there are numerous foreigners who have been asked by Immigration officer to provide a DNA test. It happend to them = might happend to me to. I like be prepared.

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No Expat.

You really are getting all wound up and confused about nothing.

When your baby is born you can get a Non Imm O from Penang. Ok you will probably have to renew it every 3 months but you will be able to be with your baby. You will not need DNA tests.

Or if you wanted you can marry the Lady with very little problem. You do not need a lawyer, you can do it yourself. Then you could probably get a multi entry Non O.

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No Expat.

You really are getting all wound up and confused about nothing.

When your baby is born you can get a Non Imm O from Penang. Ok you will probably have to renew it every 3 months but you will be able to be with your baby. You will not need DNA tests.

Or if you wanted you can marry the Lady with very little problem. You do not need a lawyer, you can do it yourself. Then you could probably get a multi entry Non O.

Are you shure about that Lite Beer ?

Read his 1 posting " not apply visa again in Penang " he got in his passport

sounds like they not allow any kind of visa from him then.

Marry again ? but the OP already said he been there and done that.

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No Expat.

You really are getting all wound up and confused about nothing.

When your baby is born you can get a Non Imm O from Penang. Ok you will probably have to renew it every 3 months but you will be able to be with your baby. You will not need DNA tests.

Or if you wanted you can marry the Lady with very little problem. You do not need a lawyer, you can do it yourself. Then you could probably get a multi entry Non O.

Are you shure about that Lite Beer ?

Read his 1 posting " not apply visa again in Penang " he got in his passport

sounds like they not allow any kind of visa from him then.

Marry again ? but the OP already said he been there and done that.

Who knows? I just think that with a creditable reason such as having a Thai child they will issue a NON O.

It is people living here on perpetual Tourist Visas they are trying to stop. Not people with legitament reasons.

As for getting married again maybe he will have better luck the second time. I did.

Edited by Lite Beer
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Enrol yourself in Walen School of Thai and get yourself a 1 year non imm ED Visa. Just make sure you turn up for class!

From the website

"Students who enroll at our school in a one year course are eligible to apply for a one year non-immigrant ED visa. With this visa you do not have to leave Thailand every now and then but can stay here continually for one year. On arrival you will be permitted to stay for 90 days and then with a paperwork provided by our school you will be able to extend your stay every 90 days at the local immigration office for the duration of the course. At present extensions cost 1,900 Baht. You can enjoy studying Thai and at the same time not worrying about making any visa runs.

How much does it cost?

School fee 29,500 Baht

Extensions 1,900 Baht every 90 days (government charges) "


Rent an apartment in Bangkok get to see ur child for a full year :o With ni Visa runs

Edited by maprao
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The OP has not posted now for 3 days so maybe he has solved his predicament. However, he still has not said from what country he holds a passport. What did he actually do in Thailand for 10 years. Depending on those answers, he still might have other options.

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I think the non-im ED is very easy and useful, The last one I got for 1 year, I just turned up to my consulate back in home (Helsinki) and I said I go to study in Thailand... did not mention any school or did not have any papers to prove it either, and I got one year multiple entry. I know its not gonna be that easy in every country and perhaps not so easy anymore in Finland either, but I can be arranged by many schools... like the one mentioned b4 Walen School of Thai at Asok.

What comes to the "Certificate of no Impediment to marriage"... Im working on it with my home country (Finland) and will let you know how long it will take from the first contact but Im very surprised if its less than 2 months !!! They also need all the information of my future wife b4 even starting to look my history... (and I never been married).

But I hope e-thing will go ok. I would just sign in to one of the language schools, but then again Im only 30 so being in school for me its not that big of a problem, but it should not be for anyone who really wants to stay in Thailand.

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Enrol yourself in Walen School of Thai and get yourself a 1 year non imm ED Visa. Just make sure you turn up for class!

From the website

"Students who enroll at our school in a one year course are eligible to apply for a one year non-immigrant ED visa. With this visa you do not have to leave Thailand every now and then but can stay here continually for one year. On arrival you will be permitted to stay for 90 days and then with a paperwork provided by our school you will be able to extend your stay every 90 days at the local immigration office for the duration of the course. At present extensions cost 1,900 Baht. You can enjoy studying Thai and at the same time not worrying about making any visa runs.

How much does it cost?

School fee 29,500 Baht

Extensions 1,900 Baht every 90 days (government charges) "


Rent an apartment in Bangkok get to see ur child for a full year :D With ni Visa runs


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Not at all. I have no connection with the school and am not a teacher. It is a solution for the op. Detailing what he could do and accurately referenced.

He needs to stay in Thailand to see his gf and kid and this will allow him to do it :o Writing down how he can do it is simply backing up my comments as opposed to being "off the cuff"

each to their own I suppose :D

Edited by maprao
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