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Woman Mauled To Death By Two Dogs

sriracha john

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Folks I have seen animals tear up wounded animals before. Is this the train of thought here, she had a siezure, the dogs detected weakness and attacked?

The two times I have seen animals do this, was a wounded dog. The dog was with a pack of about 3-4 dogs, and got wounded by a car, then the other dogs ripped him to shreds.

The other time was a wounded bird... same thing, bird was wounded, other birds just went into a frenzy.


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There was a case a few months ago where 2 or 3 dogs were thought to have killed someone who'd been looking after them for a couple of years. Then it was thought that they attacked him when he had a heart attack. The dogs belonged to a famous actor, can't remember his name or what the final outcome was. Initially it was front page news, with the dogs being reported as pit bulls, a few days later more fact came out including that they were actually mastiffs (but this wasn't put on the front page).

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Interesting to look at the problem in the West:

There is a dog bite epidemic in the United States. There are almost 5 million victims annually -- about 2% of the entire population. 800,000 need medical attention. 1,000 per day need treatment in hospital emergency rooms. Approximately 26 die per year. Most of the victims who receive medical attention are children, half of whom are bitten in the face. Dog bite losses exceed $1 billion per year, with over $300 million paid by insurance.

That's the real tragedy - so many victims are children.

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