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Kayak Rental -- How To?


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Yesterday we stopped by the wat where the kayaks are and just looked around a bit, but want to go back and do some kayaking soon. But it wasn't too apparent just where and how you rent one. That is, there was no one around near the kayaks, and no signs in English except for the one by the gate (none we noticed, anyway). Could someone who knows give us some pointers on who we look for etc.?


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Not sure why no one was around. Been doing alot of kayaking with friends recently - they've got their own. I say do what you usually do in Thailand when language skill is lacking: pantomime! Just start acting out rowing a boat and then point to yourself. They'll figure it out. Tell us how it goes.

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"Where is this Kayaking Wat? The mind is currently boggling at the thought of an abbot in a kayak."

Good image P1P. That probably used to happen alot in the not-so-distant past of Siam anyway if you think about it. They certainly ride ferries across the Jao Prayah in BKK. They'd look funny in a banana boat though.

We're talking about Wat Faham which is up by Khao Soi Faham on the E. side of the river. Apparently they moved the kayaking activities to there earlier this year sometime. It's a nice thing to do getting out on that river.

I'll be kayaking in Chiang Rai with some friends this wekend, but I'm still up for a TV kayak day - midday so as to accommodate our night-owl members' scehdules (self included). The weather's excellent now, not too hot or cold midday and the water is calmer and lower. Maybe we should try that next week ?

Crowy? McSpicy? Austhaied ? Any takers?

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Well, we went there again and there was just nobody around as far as kayak renting went. Asking about it was no particular problem. As usual the Thais who were around were very friendly and tried to hep. Saying kayak and/or canoe and doing a rowing motion got across the idea, and we had 3 different people try to find someone around who had some connection or info about the kayak biz. But nothing.

So that's twice in the afternoons we've been with nothing as a result. Each time we wandered around looking for 20 minutes or more, and this time we had those 3 seperate people trying to help out. So have you rented there in the afternoons? Or only when the team is practicing? Were we just extremely unlucky?

We'd like to make this a regular activity in the 3 months we're going to be here; it's nearby, should be fun, and good for our aged arms. :o But this is not looking good so far.

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Hey Anthro

Well... I'll be on my way out to one of those Khao Soi places by the Wat with the kayaks soon and will do some investigating of my own. I'll find out where and how for you. I also want to put together a little fun TV outing for whoever is interested. What's best ? Weekday or Weekend ? But for now just be jealous of what I was up to last Sunday.


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