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Thailand Elite

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Anyone who got the elite card is a total idiot. They played you the trick and now you are the ELITE JOKE!!!!!!!!! Typical of the Thai BullShitt.

If they tried to pull this crap in America, it would be another huge Watergate, and all the politicians including Toxin would be landing in Prison. The charge---- Fraud and Rackateering. The very same charges USA uses to bring down the Mafia and their leaders of today.

Besides this card is DEAD, and has been buried and given the cremation funeral a month or so ago.


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As for the visa...since that seems to be the only real incentive, then a million baht is certainly not worth it... unless you have a million to throw away... but if you do, then perhaps an equal donation to a suitable Thai charity like any of the "Home for the Aged" places around the country would be a good gesture.

For Orion76, I don't think you're stupid to buy it. As you so succintly pointed out, you'd not be in a position to spend a mil on the card if you were... but I do support Lop's reiteration of my earlier post.

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Anyone who got the elite card is a total idiot.  They played you the trick and now you are the ELITE JOKE!!!!!!!!!  Typical of the Thai BullShitt.

If they tried to pull this crap in America, it would be another huge Watergate, and all the politicians including Toxin would be landing in Prison.  The charge----  Fraud and Rackateering.  The very same charges USA uses to bring down the Mafia and their leaders of today.

Besides this card is DEAD, and has been buried and given the cremation funeral a month or so ago.


I couldn't agree more (see my earlier post), even if I was a little bit more nice than you when I criticised the person who bought it. Ok, I maybe shouldn't call him stupid but maybe easily duped is a better word. And I don't belong to "the needy", I just said that throwing 1 million away for this card is the last thing I would do and that giving it away to welfare would be much more appreciated.

There is also a thread somewhere else on this forum, but I cannot find it right now.

It could be on "Jobs, job search, economy, banking, business and investment in Thailand" or perhaps on "Farang Pub - fun, food, entertainment and Expat life".

I just remember that the postings there were pessimistic, to say at least.

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Slightly OT, but following-on from comments in previous posts...

Do you think if I gave 1 million baht to Thai charity, then I could get some visa benefit? :o

The fact is that I do give decent sums to Thai charities (usually about 200,000 baht every month), but unlike the guys and gals who get their photos in Thai Tatler for a one-off 30k donation, I tend to shun the limelight! But maybe I could get some 'special' longterm visa for my 'generousity'... Just a thought and any comments welcome. :D


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Can you do subsequent extensions at Suan Pluh without ever having to leave the Kingdom, within 5 years?

Or do you need to leave after first 90 days entry permit + 90 days Suan Pluh extension @ 1,900 Baht, total 180 days?

I can stay for 5 years without leaving.

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Anyone who got the elite card is a total idiot.   They played you the trick and now you are the ELITE JOKE!!!!!!!!!   Typical of the Thai BullShitt.

I am a total idiot, an idiot who lives in comfort and does not need to run back and forth to the border like a messenger boy of my own passport :o

Aaahhhhhhh ignorance is bliss :D:D:D

(btw: you are rude)

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I couldn't agree more (see my earlier post), even if I was a little bit more nice than you when I criticised the person who bought it. Ok, I maybe shouldn't call him stupid but maybe easily duped is a better word.

I paid $25K for a 5 year visa, a tangible sticker in my passport with expiry date 2009, and I am happy with my purchase.

How did I get duped?

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I paid $25K for a 5 year visa, a tangible sticker in my passport with expiry date 2009, and I am happy with my purchase.

How did I get duped?

If all you expect to receive from the Elite card is one five-year multiple-entry visa and you are happy with the price you paid for it, then you didn't get duped.

If you are seriously expecting a lifetime's worth of benefits from an Elite card including the ability to bestow that card upon an heir, I personally think that's starting to stray into "mark" territory.

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Orion I don't consider you stupid or duped, as you said $25k is small money to you. You simply choose to pay with money as opposed to time for your right to stay here legally. Me and I am sure most others on the forum can better afford to spend our time not our money. We all spend money for comfort or convienence albiet at different amounts.

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Anyone who got the elite card is a total idiot.  They played you the trick and now you are the ELITE JOKE!!!!!!!!! 

Dave be nice.

Orion76 said it already last December, he does not care for the amount paid, but is happy to have the privileges.

I know others who think the same, why not.

For some people 25K in US-currency is a lot for others not. Some people like to travel first class, others inquire how to find the cheapest train to cross a border and walk back for another 30 days stamp.

Did you ever buy a Ferrari, a yacht or support a mia noi?

I did not, but if you have to ask how much each cost you most probably cannot afford either.

Probably I neither can afford the Elite card, as I did a calculation and found out for my personal travel style it would take me over 7 years to save Baht 1 milion.

Others can get the 1 million back in 4-5 years, others don't care.

So where is the problem?

@ George, to your original question. The visa is valid for 5 years and every entry grants 90 days stay. If you do not wish to leave you can extent for another 90 days every time at the appropriate fee (i.e. Baht 1900 at the moment)

In Sep. 2003 there was a change to the regulating immigration act B.E. 2522

to accomodate Elite card holders.

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If you are seriously expecting a lifetime's worth of benefits from an Elite card including the ability to bestow that card upon an heir, I personally think that's starting to stray into "mark" territory.

I bought it knowing that it's quite possible that the card is no good after 5 years.

Like Axel just pointed out 5 years worth of visa runs to Hong Kong, Macau and Singapore would actually cost me a little more than the card so worst case scenario I'll break even on the amount I spent on the card and save myself a lot of time/hassle.

Actually this card isn't even targeted at us farang expats, it's targeted at Singaporeans, Koreans and Japanese who fly to Thailand once a month to play golf and I do believe the benefits for that demographic are quite attractive.

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I bought it knowing that it's quite possible that the card is no good after 5 years.

Being Thailand and the constant ebb and flow of visa issues and governmental changes, there's really no guarantee that it will even last the 5 years. :o

Very true indeed. Which is why if you are smart you will sell me your used card for my promise of a lifetime supply of street stall fried rice.

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I bought it knowing that it's quite possible that the card is no good after 5 years.

Being Thailand and the constant ebb and flow of visa issues and governmental changes, there's really no guarantee that it will even last the 5 years. :o

Yeah well..... there's also no guarantee I'll still be alive 5 years from now. Shit happens.

Whatever happens, I do not find it probable that an existing visa will be void.

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Well Orion76 i think you are a total fool dude. lol just think man one million for a shitty card. well what i did was simple paid some money to my embbasy got a grants stamp on my passport giving me spical services at airports all around. and whenever i come in thailand be it 90 days mostly now i get 1 year visa pay 1900 Bhat for multipul and wala dont need to get discounts ###### the million if i give to them why not use it on my self and i do and always give to charity. Dude use ur brain man ( and the most funny thing is ToXiN got you ahahahahahahahAHAHAHAHHA geez man you fell for it ) oh i never need to cross the border or anything i do things the leagal way why not you just need a good lawer and nothing to worry excpet my first time here i had to go to immigration after that the lawer does the rest so its cheap easy and legal so why waste a million on some shitty card or scam you dont even know that it will servive, next thing you will know the scam failed company went bankrupt you sue the company and thai justice( long live thai justice :o i.e thai is always right) and boom your screwed, well anyway its up to you man hope it workes out for you man PEACE.


Never i mean Never fall for TOXIN SCAM.

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lol oh well heres the translation friends and foes,

diplomats have a different color passport right when the convert or change there passport to normal the get a stamp on the front page reading gratis sorry for the speeling mistake eariler anyway it gives you a vip status thats all. spend a few bux in embassy and wala no so difficult well at least when ever i come here these thai fooks sometimes times dont even bother to check my bag just lead me to the gate thats all. I hope i dont have to futher translate this, I hope this info is some use to you guys, its working great for me.



stay away from chicks with 8===D

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lol oh well heres the translation friends and foes,

diplomats have a different color passport right when the convert or change there passport to normal the get a stamp on the front page reading gratis sorry for the speeling mistake eariler anyway it gives you a vip status thats all. spend a few bux in embassy and wala no so difficult

Thanks for the tip. I think I'm gonna run down to the American Embassy tomorrow morning, slip 'em a few bucks and walk out with a nifty diplomatic passport that'll let me go anywhere and stay for as long as I like. Wish I'd thought of that strategy years ago... :o

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well mister opalhort

i am just passing info if you dont like it then dont read it, or if i have put salt on your wound i am sorry for that. long live freedom of speech.

Peace out


when its starts hurting you know its time to stop :o

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I also bought Elite, (see previous posts). Happy with the purchase. Used to have limo from airport to residence (which is not on a too easy taxi route), B1300 each way. Now I have prepaid this for 5 years, and I don't have to worry about inflation and availability. Use it at least 30 times a year, R/T.

Immigration has been great, from landing to residence in about 30-40 minutes.

Renewal of Visa at Suanplu also no problem, previous passport was full, they gave a new visa, no problem. ( Actually gave a new 5 year visa from the renewal date, which is 4 mo more than the original issue date)

Real Estate? if Orion or anyone hears more about this please post it. I believe this is dead and we told the Elite ( TPC)this when I signed the puchase docs with my lawyer.

Don't play golf or go for Thai massages, Orion have you tried any of this?

Staff tell me Taiwanese and Koreans are biggest group using it at this time.

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lol geeez freeks lay off dude i aint from nigeria

man we need a piet control here j/k

oh man i am having a good day just raced my jag with bmw 4 chicks in it lol they wanted to race me to minburi so what the heck lol i won got there number and have a date tonight.

Peace out


in my case $hit really happens :o

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