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Chiang Mai Uses New Drug Detecting Devices

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Probably something got lost in the translation :wub: - "sweat sample" = air sample from around the body, not people in masks scraping your armpits  :D  :D  :D

Anyway, i don't think any sane policeman on earth would like to scrap a Frenchman's armpit. :D

The smell is probably more lethal than the gas the Russian commandos used in that Moscow theater 2 years ago.

And there's no known antidote. -_-

Well, the question is, will the smell of the Frenchman's armpit beat the gas exhausts from a Swede after two large bowls of pea-soup... :o

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Probably something got lost in the translation :wub: - "sweat sample" = air sample from around the body, not people in masks scraping your armpits   :D  :D  :D

Anyway, i don't think any sane policeman on earth would like to scrap a Frenchman's armpit. :D

The smell is probably more lethal than the gas the Russian commandos used in that Moscow theater 2 years ago.

And there's no known antidote. -_-

Well, the question is, will the smell of the Frenchman's armpit beat the gas exhausts from a Swede after two large bowls of pea-soup... :o

I don't know if the smell of the Frenchman's armpit can beat the gas exhausts from a Swede but one or another, the gold metal is still European.


<deleted> again. Poor canabis smokers! :o! Users create pushers. Users mix with other drug-takers and are persuaded to try harder and harder drugs.

The notion that weed is a gateway drug is ridiculous. This has been studied to death and never proven statistically. The ultimate gateway drug is alcohol.

This stepping-stone or domino theory to which Mr. RDN refers is long-lived. Probably because it recreates itself permanently.

It has a meager base in countries where hard and soft drugs are legally in the same category.

In most european countries AND in Thailand this is not the case.

Prime Minister Dr. Taksin Shinawatra mentioned already some years ago that marijuana and jaba were completely different things.

They are used by different categories in a different way and in different situations.

And with different results and different implications.

The horrible thing with drugs-policies based on the belief in the stepping-stone theory, is that they create their own truth. It are the drugspolicies which bring soft and hard drugs together in the hands of the same dealer. And the drugsmaffia is very grateful to the 'innocense' and ignorance of politicians.

By controlling the market they manipulated it and got many youngsters to a deathly change from soft to hard drugs.

The theory is based on a belief, not on facts. But Islamic Jihads as well as American 'War on This' and War on That'', drugs or terror or whatever, have very strong religious tones.

The world will always be flat for the real 'believer'.

I fear that some drugs-policies create more misery than a lot of drugs. Cheers!

This stepping-stone or domino theory to which Mr. RDN refers is long-lived. Probably because it recreates itself permanently.


The horrible thing with drugs-policies based on the belief in the stepping-stone theory, is that they create their own truth. It are the drugspolicies which bring soft and hard drugs together in the hands of the same dealer. And the drugsmaffia is very grateful to the 'innocense' and ignorance of politicians. By controlling the market they manipulated it and got many youngsters to a deathly change from soft to hard drugs.

A very valid point, Limbo, about soft and hard drugs being together in the hands of the same dealer - one, in fact, that I think I used to espouse in the late 60's and early 70's. But my views have changed as I've got older - maybe it's easier to say "Ban 'em all" than to say "OK, cannabis would be alright if it was legally supplied, because that would kill the market for the pushers, and people would be quite content to stay with pot."

The theory is based on a belief, not on facts.

Well, for me it was facts, as I posted earlier. Some friends of mine 'graduated' to many harder drugs after mixing with some real addicts - but maybe they wouldn't have if the pot had been easy to get and the other stuff hadn't. But that was the 60's and everything came from one source. :o


Sorry for going on with this theme, just a funny story to tell.

The founder and director of the first officially approved and thus legal Dutch mariuana (for medical use) farm is an American. Their product is delivered to the Dutch farmacies, where patients get it free of charge (as all medicin in Holland) on doctor's prescription. There are about six categories of sicknesses accepted.

They are also provided with a special burner which causes no smoke, so they can inhale it in a pure state without damaging their lungs.

The American in question started to smoke it in Vietnam, to where he was send by his government to fight against local people. He kept the habit when he was back in the USA. Especially after his father and brothers all had turned blind and had turned him into the only male of the family who could see.

After the explanation was found in the connection with tetrahydrocannabinol he even had to go on using it (who wouldn't?).

He stayed two years in jail and moved as a 'medical refugee' to the Netherlands.

The Dutch government did not see him as a criminal, but rewarded him with the function of maybe Europe's first legal mariuana-farmer. The farm is garded and the whole proces is done in a scientific way.

These Americans aren't that stupid he?

Sorry for going on with this theme, just a funny story to tell.

The founder and director of the first officially approved and thus legal Dutch mariuana (for medical use) farm is an American. Their product is delivered to the Dutch farmacies, where patients get it free of charge (as all medicin in Holland) on doctor's prescription. There are about six categories of sicknesses accepted.

They are also provided with a special burner which causes no smoke, so they can inhale it in a pure state without damaging their lungs.

The American in question started to smoke it in Vietnam, to where he was send by his government to fight against local people. He kept the habit when he was back in the USA. Especially after his father and brothers all had turned blind and had turned him into the only male of the family who could see.

After the explanation was found in the connection with tetrahydrocannabinol he even had to go on using it (who wouldn't?).

He stayed two years in jail and moved as a 'medical refugee' to the Netherlands.

The Dutch government did not see him as a criminal, but rewarded him with the function of maybe Europe's first legal mariuana-farmer. The farm is garded and the whole proces is done in a scientific way.

These Americans aren't that stupid he?

Looks like that particular American's dream has come true! How he must laugh (even when not stoned) at the US authorities, now :o:D:D

On a slightly different topic, has anyone got any facts on drugs use (i.e. hard and soft drugs per capita) in Holland before and after the legalisation of cannabis?



as far as I remember, the age of first go to "coffee shop" dropped down to 16 years old,

and the numbers of drug addicts (hard ones) dropped too, it's the european country with the smallest number of death by overdose ...

not sure of numbers, but I have to say also, that they have a well installed system for drug dependants, anonymous and efficient, and as well, doctors work in the streets daily, they make a great job, a lot of drug addicts went back to a "normal" life ...

might be interesting to check this out a bit more.

the fact that people are allowed to smoke cannabis keep the problem of hard drug a bit more away than any other country in the world ...

I'm not saying that they are an example, but some things should be studied by others :o



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