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Macular Degeneration Or ?


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I've begun to be aware of a cloudy area in the central field of vision in one eye. It varies in how apparent it is and has been somewhat concealed by compensation from the other eye. I suppose it could be a cataract developing or retinal detachment, but assume it'll turn out to be age-related macular degeneration.

I've made an appointment at the Bangkok Pattaya Hospital Eye Center. Has anyone had experience with them dealing with more serious eye issues? Or possibly positive experiences with other area hospitals dealing with vision problems?

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I had the same symptoms and went to Ramkhamhaeng hospital, where I usually go. They had a very thorough check-up with state of the art machines and diagnosed also macular destruction, but not age related. Surgery will be needed.

Before doing so, I will get a second opinion, but I was very impressed by Ramkhamhaeng hospital.

Good luck to you Kaojai

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Rutnin is the premier eye diagnostic and treatment center but any hospital should have ophthalmologists on staff would can provide an exam and slit lamp check. If operation is required you might then consider a more experienced center. But time is important if it is MD so don't procrastinate. There is an eye test at below web site that you might want to view.


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Rutnin is the premier eye diagnostic and treatment center but any hospital should have ophthalmologists on staff would can provide an exam and slit lamp check. If operation is required you might then consider a more experienced center. But time is important if it is MD so don't procrastinate. There is an eye test at below web site that you might want to view.


Thanks for the comments and suggestions. I'm going to Bangkok Hospital Pattaya tomorrow for tests. Depending on what they find and recommend I might seek a second opinion and/or treatment from Rutnin. For follow-up and so forth BH would be a lot more convenient, but for something like this I suppose convenience shouldn't be the priority.

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Don't know tons about macdegen or cataracts; listen to radio shows about same. "Cloudy" suggests cataract, however don't know if just the one eye only can be affected, rather than both.

[My mother never complained of 'cloudiness', just loss of central vision (in both eyes). People I hear on radio who complain of 'cloudiness' usually seem to have a cataract problem.]

By now you probably have the diagnosis. If cataract it is, then easy peasy to fix, at least here in Oz - that much I DO know. If macdegen, then not so easy - I also KNOW this. With macdegen there's wet and dry....one's much worse than t'other - forget which. Again, I understand that usually both eyes are affected, rather than one.

If the diagnosis is macdegen - 2 things: Blackmore's have a product called macuvision (but not too sure if this is an after or before the fact recommendation (q.v. the web). In Oz - in stark contrast contrast to the US for example - we have therapeutic standards for vits/mineral products. Blackmore's is one of the best companies; there's another whose name temporarily escapes me - I'll think of it after posting no doubt (q.v. vitamin 'manufacturers in Australia' on web I imagine - the brand has lots of 'o' 's' in its name). I could research if required, but I imagine you could too.

Second thing: there was a medicl chap on current affairs tv a while back who said all veg oils except olive should be avoided - his point being that macdegen is a relatively new phenomenon (veg oils are also a rel new phen - here anyway, but worldwide I'd assume).

If it's macdegen all you have is a 'holding pattern' situation. Pine, walnut and brazil nuts are cool, diet-wise (as per an optomerist on radio whom I respect immensely). Smoking inadvisable. Mother had it, I'll probably get it (I smoke, but also eat lotsa walnuts - contain a better oil than olives I read somewhere). There's an hereditary component' I understand, though I say this with a trepidation that you won't dig...never mind, it's unimportant).

If they can't tell you whether it's wet or dry, I'd get onto the net...FWIW, that is; neither is nice.

I feel for you.

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Went to BHP this morning. Had all the unpleasant and uncomfortable exams including a fluorescent angiogram to highlight blood vessels in the eye.

Basically I have dry macular degeneration in one eye and have been told it should progress quite slowly. At this point I have no symptoms and quite good visual acuity.

The other eye probably has wet macular degeneration although it may be traumatic bleeding from a car accident I was in on the way from Bangkok earlier in the year.

I need to to go to Bangkok Hospital in Bangkok to get a three-dimensional image of that eye.

On Sunday I will go back to Bangkok Hospital Pattaya to get Visudyne IV and a laser treatment to close off the abnormal blood supply.

While not very happy about the diagnosis, I do feel that the people in Bangkok Hospital Pattaya Eye Clininc are quite competent and handled it very well so far. I guess it will be one more of life's adventures.

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