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Appearance is the thing that catches the eye first, but after that to keep my interest there must be some other factors- intelligence, humor, kindness, good cooking, etc.  :o

You made this post in the Where Did You Meet The Missus, Yours, not mine! thread....

One before current one: introduction from friends

Current one: Internet  :D

....I just wondered how you can judge someone's appearance on the Internet? No doubt they can email a photo, but is it them and if it is, how recent? Indeed, how trusting, and possibly gullible, are you if you date using this medium?

Just curious.

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That's why I have to check if he is not an idiot first. :o

I wonder, what is an idiot...

As long as he can pay, most women will not call him an idiot...

For <deleted>'s Sake, Yohan. You are so anti women. No, let me rephrase that. You are so anti everybloodything.

Let me tell you something, from your biography, I forgot how much you give your wife. At least 80 per cent of your salary, as I remember. So, you can pay and you do. But guess what, I for one still call you an idiot. Open your eyes, you fool. Your ex wife took you to the cleaners and so what? Everyone is not like that.

but to own money makes all and everything much easier in your life, especially sex with women.

Money does make life easier. I never deny that. Is everyone shallow enough to consider Money as factor number 1 when it comes to marriage/relationship? Maybe you don't want to believe it. But it's true that a good number of people on this planet are smarter than that. Let me put it this way... assuming you had an identical twin (God forbid). He was so you. And he had loads of money. But still, he was just so you. You know what, even though he was the last man on earth, I would prefer to die alone.

Now take your medications and go to sleep.

And will you please stop stalking me?

Yohan Posted on Sun 2004-08-29, 19:56:07

I wonder, what is an idiot...

As long as he can pay, most women will not call him an idiot...

Generally said, money is very important for a man, if he wants to show off with girls. His intentions, his looks or his behaviour are for sure less important.

If you are a man, and you need sex, then money is your catalyst, I do not want to say, it is impossible to be successful without money, but to own money makes all and everything much easier in your life, especially sex with women.

This is a fact, and nobody can say, this is not true..... 

They might call me an idiot for posting that,

but they cannot say, what I wrote, is not true....

For LovelyCutie:

After reading your reply, it seems to me, that you did not find any valid argument against my posting.....

A king might take his house-maid for his wife, but for sure, a princess will not marry a beggar....

If you really want to tell me, that money is not important for a man to boost relationship between him and women, then you must be a total ignorant of this life on this earth.

LovelyCutie Posted on Mon 2004-08-30, 01:55:19

assuming you had an identical twin (God forbid). He was so you. And he had loads of money. But still, he was just so you. You know what, even though he was the last man on earth, I would prefer to die alone.

You are wrong, this is Westernized feminist thinking.... my non-existing twin brother might not accept you, even if you ask him in your strange dreams. Even as the last man on earth he still has the right to choose the girl he likes. It is not always the woman, who is choosing the man.

LovelyCutie Posted on Mon 2004-08-30, 01:55:19 I for one still call you an idiot. Open your eyes, you fool. Your ex wife took you to the cleaners and so what?
I think, you are mixing me up with somebody else, I married only once, and I am still with the same woman, there is no ex-wife....
LovelyCutie Posted on Mon 2004-08-30, 01:55:19

For <deleted>'s Sake, Yohan. You are so anti women. No, let me rephrase that. You are so anti everybloodything

This is your own personal opinion, I do not care about it. Other women, who know me personally, are thinking different about me.

If you really want to tell me, that money is not important for a man to boost relationship between him and women, then you must be a total ignorant of this life on this earth.

Money does make life easier. I never deny that. Is everyone shallow enough to consider Money as factor number 1 when it comes to marriage/relationship? Maybe you don't want to believe it. But it's true that a good number of people on this planet are smarter than that.

Which part of my post above you do not understand? I'll ask my mate to translate it into German or any other language you like.

And don't you dare accuse me of being a feminazi or anything you want to call. We do know that is your most favourite subject. But don't you twist the whole thing into it again. Go open another thread about it and keep ranting in there.

Darknight; you're right. I can do better than that. For your record, Yohan. This branch hasn't been created so that people can relax in here and can talk <deleted> or something. Doesn't suit you, I'm afraid?

After erco... this's the second time I have to tell myself to take a high road. You're a gem, Yohan.


Well, this one gave me a bit of a giggle. Yohan, someone forgot to tell Britney Spears that she shouldn't be marrying some guy poorer than her :D .

A large income wouldn't even make it on my list of desirable traits in a man. Intelligence, honesty, a sense of humor, and decency are all far more important to me than how much money the guy has. I got lucky, my husband's family has money, but to be perfectly frank, when I met him I had no idea his family had money. Money doesn't make a person better, just makes them richer.

As for guys, well, we all know the old saying: The little head does the thinking for the big head! :D

And Elsie, don't let Yohan get your goat, he calls any woman who doesn't agree with him a feminazi. :o

A large income wouldn't even make it on my list of desirable traits in a man. Intelligence, honesty, a sense of humor, and decency are all far more important to me than how much money the guy has. I got lucky, my husband's family has money, but to be perfectly frank, when I met him I had no idea his family had money. Money doesn't make a person better, just makes them richer.

SBK, I applaud your thoughts regarding this and I whole-heartedly agree with you. Love & money are two completely different things and should never be mixed together in the context of love/relationships. Many women do look for money in man when seeking out a serious partner or life-long mate. I believe this to be a gigantic mistake. Have known quite a few people that have gotten involved in a relationship for the money that could be shared and it didnt work out for any of them and for a very simple reason. An individual should desire to be with another based on mutual love & respect. Money should never enter into the equation. Money serves a simple purpose of buying mostly useless things to fill up your house, car, vacation home, 2nd car, etc etc. You buy a new car and your very excited for the first few months but after that, you want another one already because you're already bored with the first one. Money spent and what do you have to show for it. All your life you can accumulate possesions that your so proud of and like to put on display for your family & friends to gawk at and turn green with envy of you. After some time, the possesions become old, outdated, non-useful. When you become an older person in life, is all that money you loved having and bought things with gonna do anything for now? Do your possesions now own you? Bundles spent for nothing. When I am an old man (not far from that now) the last thing I am gonna be worrying about is "Where is my money and all my stuff?" At this point in life, whats really meaningful to me is that I am still with my beautiful life partner who loves me for me and I love her for just being who she is, flaws and all. If I am sick and dying, is my new car gonna take care of me, or my furniture? Its about pure true love between two people and nothing more. Everything else is irrelevant.

And don't you dare accuse me of being a feminazi or anything you want to call. We do know that is your most favourite subject. But don't you twist the whole thing into it again. Go open another thread about it and keep ranting in there.


For your record, Yohan. This branch hasn't been created so that people can relax in here and can talk <deleted> or something. Doesn't suit you, I'm afraid?

After erco... this's the second time I have to tell myself to take a high road. You're a gem, Yohan.

To answer your questions in a short form:

1- I never called you a Feminazi and I will not do so in the future....... simply out of that fact, that you are not a feminazi....

A feminazi is totally different from you.

2- There is such a thread already, not started by myself, but very interesting. I do rarely open new threads - I find enough open threads for posting my opinion..


or what about


I made several postings there and I hope you will join, I would like to hear the opinion of some female posters to that subject.

3- This thread here is called:

Is Sex The Main Driver, If You Are A Man?, Men want sex, women want love,...

Not only, that I find the titel of this topic insulting and derogatory towards all men, for sure, I do not need your permission to post my opinion in this thread....

You did call me a fool and an idiot, I do not care about, what ever you call me. Some women have a strange way to present their arguments....

Appearance is the thing that catches the eye first, but after that to keep my interest there must be some other factors- intelligence, humor, kindness, good cooking, etc.   :o

You made this post in the Where Did You Meet The Missus, Yours, not mine! thread....

One before current one: introduction from friends

Current one: Internet  :D

....I just wondered how you can judge someone's appearance on the Internet? No doubt they can email a photo, but is it them and if it is, how recent? Indeed, how trusting, and possibly gullible, are you if you date using this medium?

Just curious.

A good question. I don't make a habit of meeting folks on the Internet- in fact this was the first time, and I guess I was lucky from what I've heard. You have to make sure the photo doesn't look "professional" like something out of a magazine, and you have to do a lot of SMS or email or phone conversation before agreeing to meet. But you never know for sure until the meeting- most blind dates don't go well.


Well, this one gave me a bit of a giggle. Yohan, someone forgot to tell Britney Spears that she shouldn't be marrying some guy poorer than her  :D .

And Elsie, don't let Yohan get your goat, he calls any woman who doesn't agree with him a feminazi.  :o


I am not really into Britney Spear's fun actions. Anyway, the 'marriage' was annulled within 55 hours. I think, it was nothing else but a calculated publicity stunt.

It is up to you, if you call this a marriage....



I do not call any woman, who disagrees with me, a feminazi.

A radical feminist (or feminazi) is not always necessarily a woman.

I prefer the term: radical feminist. But if somebody is using the word 'feminazi' towards me in a posting (mostly people from USA), then I am using the same word, when I reply.

Many women (and of course most men) do not qualify for that titel.

If they really do, they are proud to be a radical feminist and do not reject to be addressed in this form.


tripxcore Posted on Mon 2004-08-30, 16:27:01

Love & money are two completely different things and should never be mixed together in the context of love/relationships. Many women do look for money in man when seeking out a serious partner or life-long mate. I believe this to be a gigantic mistake.

This is an interesting posting.....I am astonished to read this....

May I ask your opinion:

Do you think, it should be like that only at the beginning and during the love/relationship, or also when the relationship is ending in divorce?

Should Love & money also be considered as two completely different things, when you separate from each other?

Let me say it in this way: 'I had nothing when I met him, so I am going now away from him with nothing.... it was his money, I forget him AND his money, and it was his house, so it should remain his house, I really do not need it.....'

Difficult question....any comment?

All Sir/Mam

this is 'Hong Khlaay Khriat' !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do not tell Yohan.

The catchy thread title brought him to this forum.

We would not want him to leave.

Would we? :o:D


but i can't help posting something (more)

i'm nor at anybody's side, neither go against anyone

just my own thinking

At this point in life, whats really meaningful to me is that I am still with my beautiful life partner who loves me for me and I love her for just being who she is, flaws and all. If I am sick and dying, is my new car gonna take care of me, or my furniture? Its about pure true love between two people and nothing more. Everything else is irrelevant.

what is 'pure true love' ?

seriously, not ironically

i don't think it even ever exists on this planet

love.. umm i think i would spend my whole life finding the exact meaning of it but thx to my 'shallow' perception --i just give up

if love still has the conditions --no. i don't think it is the love

so.. it's not true.. and unpure

and i think all loves on this planet have 'some' conditions --unconditional love is only in the 'ethic' book i had been 'taught' when i was in uni

what 'love' sounds to me?

if it's really 'the love' that ppl always simply say it away

love should not.. have the relationship

love, need not.. sex

love, need not.. possession

love, need no words, nor expressions

love is silently feeling.. u can sense.. intangibly

love comes from mental state not physical state..

with my loved one,

i dare to say.. i don't love him

ashamed to say that i love him

while i still have 'sexual need' towards him

or i still 'expect' him to treat me back good

or i still 'want' him to be with me 'forever' even when i will be old lady with wrinkles

but one da mn thing i know by now

he's my co-best friend

it's rarely to find the 'pure true love' between the man and the woman

as long as they were by nature made to be each other.. male vs. female

in thai, we compare this just like; fork & spoon --it belongs to each other

but several times, knife can come as substitute (in the western style) :D

sometimes i myself think

maybe the animals are even better than being like human

they just go towards their instincts-- neither sin nor saint

they simply act and their behaviour is quite clear, human just too da mn much more complicated


i don't mean to annoy anyone

just the 'thoughlessness' of me




i really can know and tell when i feel 'the love'

and i think it's my 'pure true love'

i love the moon..

i love the rain..

i love the sky

when seeing, i'm in trance

no speech

all is just to 'feel' them

sometimes i myself think

maybe the animals are even better than being like human

they just go towards their instincts-- neither sin nor saint

they simply act and their behaviour is quite clear, human just too da mn much more complicated

Tell Mbkudu.

I really hope he will read your comments.

But anyway, you are right, we are far too complicated.

Especially farang I would like to add, Thai people are less complicated, whatever the farang think.

Love wise I mean.

But still far more "complicated" than our animal cousins.

Evolution is not always good.... :o:D


Yohan, wasn't talking about the last marriage but the next one. And I wasn't saying she would have a successful marriage, just pointing out to you that it is not a requirement for women to marry men richer than themselves. :o

GFB, I am sorry to hear you haven't encountered "true love" but that doesn't mean it isn't possible. I think alot of people equate "true pure love" as being effortless and easy; that it just happens. This is not true, I love my husband very deeply and believe he is my life partner. We have our ups and downs and it always requires alot of work, but that doesn't mean it isn't love. My parents have been married 35 years, sometimes happily, sometimes unhappily but they have always loved each other deeply and felt that no matter what the relationship was worth working on.

if love still has the conditions --no. i don't think it is the love

so.. it's not true.. and unpure

and i think all loves on this planet have 'some' conditions --unconditional love is only in the 'ethic' book i had been 'taught' when i was in uni

Seems to me that you have too many requirements of the person in your relationship, for a successful relationship to work you must accept the person for who they are and not try to change them. "Conditional love" sounds to me like "I will love you but you must fit my needs", whereas real love is "I love you, and our needs will meet together" .

And Yohan, again, I do not need my husband to take care of me, I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself. And yes, if our marriage were to end I would only take out of it what I put in. Not a difficult question at all, not everyone's preconceived notions are correct. :D

This is not true, I love my husband very deeply and believe he is my life partner. We have our ups and downs and it always requires alot of work, but that doesn't mean it isn't love.

You're lucky, Sbk and it is worth repeating.

Too many people think such kind of happy, long lasting relationship is not possible.

I do not think so.

My parents have been together for 45 years and nothing changed in between them.


But I have to say, I envy them, sometimes...

Connection is how I can put it...

Love, attraction, intelligence, personality is all part of it

You're right Brit.

And quite a few other things.

Chemistry is not the right word but is there any when you think she/he is the one?

tripxcore Posted on Mon 2004-08-30, 16:27:01

Love & money are two completely different things and should never be mixed together in the context of love/relationships. Many women do look for money in man when seeking out a serious partner or life-long mate. I believe this to be a gigantic mistake.

This is an interesting posting.....I am astonished to read this....

May I ask your opinion:

Do you think, it should be like that only at the beginning and during the love/relationship, or also when the relationship is ending in divorce?

Should Love & money also be considered as two completely different things, when you separate from each other?

Let me say it in this way: 'I had nothing when I met him, so I am going now away from him with nothing.... it was his money, I forget him AND his money, and it was his house, so it should remain his house, I really do not need it.....'

Difficult question....any comment?

To qwell your worry about the matter, I will say its really a shame if two people feel they have grown apart and need to disconnect themselves from each other. Be it a divorce or just a break-up, money shouldn't be involved in the equation at all imo. Money does play a role in the divorces of today but it was forced into the equation by politicians, not by you or I. With that being said, I still hold the position of love and money should have nothing to do with each other. Love is an emotion, a feeling, a trust, or a bond between two people. Money is artificial, having no emotional attachment to anything. Some greedy people often say "I love money" but love can not truly exist for a man-made object. Only recently has divorce become so prevelant in the world and its sad. Many moons ago, the divorce rates of the world were far lower than they are today and this is probably due to the fact the most people that enter into the institute of marriage nowadays do not actually love each other. Some marry because of children, or having it arranged by parents, or a plethora of other reasons. This is not a good idea for if the love is not present, nor shall the relationship be.

To GFB, so sorry to hear that you dont believe in pure, true love. It does exist even though it might be hard to locate. In the world of today, people are inundated with too many thoughts and notions of how we should act or conduct ourselves by outside channels such as TV, movies, magazines, and this is where we are told that money is so important. Having the right clothes, driving the right car, buying the right whatever....its all a big load of S**T. Thats nothing but superficial garbage and has no relation to the feeling and connection between basic human beings.

SBK, I am still applauding you in your efforts to tell us of your loving relationship with your spouse and I am quite glad to hear things are going well for you guys. Like you said, a relationship between two people is not without its ups and downs, but it is possible to find someone you can truly love and care about without money clouding your judgment. You obviously have that and I like to think I do as well so congrats to us both. :-)))))))

To everyone else, good luck and I hope true love comes your way eventually. especially my sparring partner Elsie and GFB.


I've got a separate queue for my favourite Poms, Yorkie. You can go there. :o

Nice posts, ladies and gentlemen. Only have to scroll past some certain member's posts to avoid WW III.

Cheers, trip. It will definitely come our way. I'll find out soon enough. :D


Is Sex the main driver?

Well, I usually feel like I'm driving, but sometimes Sex reaches over and grabs the wheel, forcing me to take an unplanned turn.




I think that a lot of the cr*p that is talked and written about true luv is derived from all those "fairy tales" that talked about the princess meeting her Prince Charming and living "happily ever after" that got ingrained into us as kids!!

Paul :o


LovelyCutie Posted on Wed 2004-09-01, 08:48:40

There are some certain criterias, Paul. If you meet the standards, sure you can.

Curiouser and curiouser :o

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