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This might not be the most appropriate place to post this, so please feel free to direct me to a more appropriate place.

Okay, I am female. I find some men attractive. I also find some women attractive, the cute ones, I mean, with a pretty face and preferably long, straight hair, and definitely on the skinny side. If I feel attracted to a cute woman, I enjoy being close to her and looking at her. I think it would be nice to cuddle, but almost always I would assume that she is straight and that she would not appreciate the advances. So I just pretend that it is all platonic. Sometimes I feel nervous, afraid that they would know my secret and be horrified, and sometimes I feel bad for being deceptive.

Is this normal? Some say that women are bisexual by nature. Is it really just a myth?

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ummm i m not sure about it. I got a very small lovely family, me my boyfriend and our lovely3 cute dogs. my personally is more like tomboy, i do like to look at girls sometimes too but i never think of sexuality thing . so i thnk it is normal because women body are beautiful (except that thing... yuck in my opinion hehehhe)

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My old friend Teri had her 26th birthday this week, and she's known since age 16 that she was bisexual. She'd usually alternate, monogamously, between a boyfriend and a girlfriend. The funny thing was that the men would abuse her, and the women just loved her. Teri would say she's bisexual by birth, but she wouldn't say that about all women.

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i can say honestly that i like women and men pretty much equally. i have always been visually attracted to women, since i was a little kid- may have something to do with my dad stealing cable and our getting the playboy channel- my little sister and i used to sneak out into the living room in the middle of the night to watch it. as i grew older i still had the attraction and played on it a couple of times but ultimately it felt a bit weird, like playing with myself(!)... and i also enjoy aspects that men have that women don't :o ... so i decided i would stick to men. i can for some reason relate to them on an emotional level way more than i ever could women. i can have an actual relationship with a man, but not so with women (beyond friendship). if i ever meet another hot bisexual girl i might have fun but i would never take it seriously, and if i was with a guy, i wouldn't cheat on him unless he was ok with it.

the percentage of either sex i am attracted to is pretty small anyway, i am kind of picky. :D

p.s. i have heard several times the idea that a big percentage of women who are attracted to/stay long term in thailand are bisexual... not sure where it came from?, but given the female population that i know here, i believe it might be true. thailand is a very androgynous society.

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It's all good. Just be who you are, and you will find the people who you need to find. I have always had a mixed group of friends, including straight, gay, lesbian, and bisexual. I think LOS is also more accepting of ambiguous sexuality, although most is along very tightly drawn lines of butch and femme. I have lesbian friends that are still in BKK, so PM me if you want to meet some people.

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ummm i m not sure about it. I got a very small lovely family, me my boyfriend and our lovely3 cute dogs. my personally is more like tomboy, i do like to look at girls sometimes too but i never think of sexuality thing . so i thnk it is normal because women body are beautiful (except that thing... yuck in my opinion hehehhe)

I find that in every race, the percentage of good-looking females in the population, to a great extent, exceeds the percentage of good-looking males in the population. Women in general are more aesthetically built than men are. Even their facial features are more pleasing to the eye.

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i can say honestly that i like women and men pretty much equally. i have always been visually attracted to women, since i was a little kid- may have something to do with my dad stealing cable and our getting the playboy channel- my little sister and i used to sneak out into the living room in the middle of the night to watch it. as i grew older i still had the attraction and played on it a couple of times but ultimately it felt a bit weird, like playing with myself(!)... and i also enjoy aspects that men have that women don't :o ... so i decided i would stick to men. i can for some reason relate to them on an emotional level way more than i ever could women. i can have an actual relationship with a man, but not so with women (beyond friendship). if i ever meet another hot bisexual girl i might have fun but i would never take it seriously, and if i was with a guy, i wouldn't cheat on him unless he was ok with it.

the percentage of either sex i am attracted to is pretty small anyway, i am kind of picky. :D

p.s. i have heard several times the idea that a big percentage of women who are attracted to/stay long term in thailand are bisexual... not sure where it came from?, but given the female population that i know here, i believe it might be true. thailand is a very androgynous society.

Yeah, I notice. For me, the female-to-female attraction process is different from female-to-male. When I meet a woman, by the physical appearance and that special something in her that is not always identifiable, I usually know right away whether I am attracted. If I meet a man, who might even be regarded as good-looking by society’s standard, I am never interested unless I get to know him, and that usually takes a while. The recognizable sensation of attraction is more or less the same, however.

Like you, I am attracted to a very small percentage of the population. When it comes to women, physical appearance matters as well as personality and brain, whereas it is possible for me to like an ordinary-looking man with a pleasant personality and satisfactory level of intelligence. Evolutionary biologists won’t argue that female winners are the ones who are pleasing to the eye whereas male winners are the ones with the ability to provide.

I am attracted to a handful of women with whom I interact on a daily basis, and sometimes I can’t help wondering if they are attracted to me, too. It is hard to tell, in a culture where it is normal and socially acceptable for heterosexual women to hold hands and openly admire each other’s beauty yet it is not socially acceptable to inquire about one’s sexual orientation. If I ask and the answer is no, which is what you should expect if you play by the odds, I can imagine that our daily interaction would be irreversibly awkward.

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It seems that the number of gay men far exceeds the number of lesbian/bisexual women. I cannot help wondering however if in reality most women are secretly bisexuals but pretend to be straight in order to conform. I appreciate hearing from/about other women who are attracted to women. I also wonder if there are any women out there who are never attracted to hot women.

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there are a lot of lesbians in thailand but as kat mentioned they are really hung up on butch and femme models... ie. you are either a butch (tom) or a femme (dee), and they usually go together ie. you won't see femme with femme. i don't think thailand is all that open about female sexuality, personally. but i am not involved in the lesbian scene at all so i can't really give you any more info than that. see here.

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The number of "women's bars" has increased over the last few years. Unfortunately, they won't let any men in, even if they are obviously gay and with a group of women. I think it's because some of the women do not want to be seen in the bar by a man that they know.

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My thai gf is totally bi... in fact, I think she likes girls a lot more than guys... she never even looks at guys but she goes crazy over girls.

I never cease to be amazed how many 'straight' girls she ends up making out with at bars and clubs! Girls love her and she loves girls.


Just do what feels natural... that's all there is to it... don't worry about what others think.

Thailand is one of the best places to do what feels natural in the world as it is one of the only fairly free countries left now!

ps. if you are hot and want to meet my gf (she is really hot), message me :D


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My thai gf is totally bi... in fact, I think she likes girls a lot more than guys... she never even looks at guys but she goes crazy over girls.

I never cease to be amazed how many 'straight' girls she ends up making out with at bars and clubs! Girls love her and she loves girls.


Just do what feels natural... that's all there is to it... don't worry about what others think.

Thailand is one of the best places to do what feels natural in the world as it is one of the only fairly free countries left now!

ps. if you are hot and want to meet my gf (she is really hot), message me :D


Can I meet your girlfriend?! OHHHHHHHH silly me, you meant if any women wanted to meet her... hehe WOOPS! You're a lucky guy, only a man would understand why......

The rest of you.... omg Rainx.... all this talk of girls cuddling and whatnot...... makes me BONKERS! :D

Ok back to the computer forums......


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Is this normal? Some say that women are bisexual by nature. Is it really just a myth?

10% of the population is gay/lesbian. (worldwide)

Never heard hard numbers for bi but it has been suggested for a long time that it is not black and white, meaning you can be % les...not necessarily 100% or 0%.

but you know what? who cares... enjoy it if you can, god knows most men want a bi wife with an open mind.

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I'm sure you've already thought about this point, but you have to distinguish whether your bisexuality is something you do for the enjoyment of men or for yourself, and your genuine attraction to women. The former is essentially straight, and the latter is bisexual.

If it is the latter, then as you know, you should steer clear of men who want you to meet their girlfriends. :o

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Is this normal? Some say that women are bisexual by nature. Is it really just a myth?

10% of the population is gay/lesbian. (worldwide)

Never heard hard numbers for bi but it has been suggested for a long time that it is not black and white, meaning you can be % les...not necessarily 100% or 0%.

but you know what? who cares... enjoy it if you can, god knows most men want a bi wife with an open mind.

Actually, it's 15%, world-wide, evenly spread (m/f). That's not counting the "might-try-one-day's", i.e. latent gay/lesbians, nor people whose brains have been so badly battered by certain religions that they would never dare to admit it to themselves.

Joy to the world -- I think it's great when everyone can go off on his/her sparks.

BTW: count the people standing in line at a cashdesk once. 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - not straight - 1 - 2 - 3... :o

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In the US:

Studies suggest that anywhere from 2 percent to 10 percent of Americans are gay or lesbian.

The general consensus now is that it is nowhere even close to 10 percent which for some reason was promoted to make gays sound more numerous and powerful than they actually are.

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BTW, rainx, the two lesbians that I hung out with in Thailand - one from Ireland, and one mixed Thai-American from the states - both had "straight" girlfriends that didn't identify as lesbian or bisexual. They were both butchey.

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People are people... the two sexes are not THAT different in many ways, and if many people of all persuasions were to be honest, they would admit at least to feelings for certain individuals of genders that they wouldn't consider their first choice. Things aren't black and white.

Beautiful words.

However, men -in general- have more difficulties admitting bisexual feelings than women and they certainly do not want to admit it when they're together with the mates in some bar... :o


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I think most women have had an 'experience' at some point in their life and I think many could interpret this as them being mildly bisexual. The jealousy / attraction line between women is very thin. I certainly enjoy looking at attractive women and have my top 10, however when it comes down to it I basically want to look like them, and not have sex with them.

But if you are having feelings then run with it! I have certainly been hit on more times in Thailand by women (often very attractive ones at that so I am hoping I am not the one that's seen as butch :o !!!) than anywhere else so I reckon your in an ideal place to give it a whirl. You only live once, and you never know what you might be missing...

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In the US:
Studies suggest that anywhere from 2 percent to 10 percent of Americans are gay or lesbian.

The general consensus now is that it is nowhere even close to 10 percent which for some reason was promoted to make gays sound more numerous and powerful than they actually are.


There is no "general consensus" on a number. The 2000 US Census did not ask for sexual orientation data, even on the long form (which I ended up with that year.) The census data only obliquely asked about same sex partnerships of those that already live together. Even how that data was collected is now in dispute.

Numbers vary greatly and all of these sources site the controversy over the statistics.

http:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Census,_2000#Gay_and_lesbian_controversy

http:// www.gaydemographics.org/USA/USA.htm

http:// www.medscape.com/viewarticle/530360_4

(thechristianright.com, billoreilly.com and protectfamiliesblahblah.com were not included as viable sources here.)

As far as wanting to seem more numerous and powerful, it seems like only the data citing lower numbers is being cited as incontrovertible by sites that want to make homosexuals seem as few and powerless as possible.

(links broken by adding spaces after the double slashes.)

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it seems like only the data citing lower numbers is being cited as incontrovertible by sites that want to make homosexuals seem as few and powerless as possible.

I think that is total BS. Playing with the numbers is done by both sides of the gay rights controversy. I for one am not afraid of facts, low or high, and I personally do not believe it is anywhere near as high as 10 percent across societies. Even in San Francisco, it is only 33 percent of the population, and gay people flock there from all over America. I am talking about the people that self identify as gay people, not some guy who drunk a six pack in college and experimented.

Yes, it is political and there aren't real good statistics, on both sides.

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