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The OP is concerned with bisexuality not homosexuality.

My view on bisexuality is that it is proportional to and determined by GDP. When I used to have British GFs they had all at least fantasized about having a liaison with another girl. The Asian girls I know have never even thought about it. Why? Because in advanced economies, people have time and money to explore their sexuality. Reproduction is a lifestyle choice. In more rural countries, reproduction is crucial to provide your workforce and your pension so you don’t have the luxury of exploring anything.

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The OP is concerned with bisexuality not homosexuality.

True, but the subject of the rate of homosexuality in populations was brought up so I and some others responded.

No worries. I just wanted to be clear that my GDP theory only applies to bisexuality not homosexuality.

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The OP is concerned with bisexuality not homosexuality.

My view on bisexuality is that it is proportional to and determined by GDP. When I used to have British GFs they had all at least fantasized about having a liaison with another girl. The Asian girls I know have never even thought about it. Why? Because in advanced economies, people have time and money to explore their sexuality. Reproduction is a lifestyle choice. In more rural countries, reproduction is crucial to provide your workforce and your pension so you don’t have the luxury of exploring anything.

Yep, definitely: the more societies move into the "haves" and affluent area, the more they're bored with "standard procedures" and start looking into an ever growing range of things that were considered off the map before. I could say "take ancient Rome as an example" but I won't :o

At the same time, they're not quite as easy prey for religions anymore (oh, what a mind-opener!), which makes people truer to themselves -- and they start exploring things that were hidden in the back of their minds.

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The OP is concerned with bisexuality not homosexuality.

My view on bisexuality is that it is proportional to and determined by GDP. When I used to have British GFs they had all at least fantasized about having a liaison with another girl. The Asian girls I know have never even thought about it. Why? Because in advanced economies, people have time and money to explore their sexuality. Reproduction is a lifestyle choice. In more rural countries, reproduction is crucial to provide your workforce and your pension so you don’t have the luxury of exploring anything.

That theory doesn't hold up in Thailand in the least. In LOS, I saw more easy relationships between openly lesbian and straight women than I've ever seen anywhere. I suspect that this could be the case in other parts of SEA as well. I've also heard from a number of gay men that straight sexuality is a lot more "fluid" than in the west. From even a very limited empirical standpoint, the boundaries between straight, bisexual, and gay are much less fixed in SEA.

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The OP is concerned with bisexuality not homosexuality.

My view on bisexuality is that it is proportional to and determined by GDP. When I used to have British GFs they had all at least fantasized about having a liaison with another girl. The Asian girls I know have never even thought about it. Why? Because in advanced economies, people have time and money to explore their sexuality. Reproduction is a lifestyle choice. In more rural countries, reproduction is crucial to provide your workforce and your pension so you don’t have the luxury of exploring anything.

You probably didn't look further than the nose.... :o

IMHO Asian women are far more 'easy' towards bisexuality than their western counterparts.


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I think most women have had an 'experience' at some point in their life and I think many could interpret this as them being mildly bisexual. The jealousy / attraction line between women is very thin. I certainly enjoy looking at attractive women and have my top 10, however when it comes down to it I basically want to look like them, and not have sex with them.

But if you are having feelings then run with it! I have certainly been hit on more times in Thailand by women (often very attractive ones at that so I am hoping I am not the one that's seen as butch :o !!!) than anywhere else so I reckon your in an ideal place to give it a whirl. You only live once, and you never know what you might be missing...


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My thai gf is totally bi... in fact, I think she likes girls a lot more than guys... she never even looks at guys but she goes crazy over girls.

I never cease to be amazed how many 'straight' girls she ends up making out with at bars and clubs! Girls love her and she loves girls.


Just do what feels natural... that's all there is to it... don't worry about what others think.

Thailand is one of the best places to do what feels natural in the world as it is one of the only fairly free countries left now!

ps. if you are hot and want to meet my gf (she is really hot), message me :bah:



You guys just don't get it do you.

This has to be the sadest post i've read. If what you've written is true then you are leaving yourself wide open for a slap in the face. Women will follow their hearts and her's isn't with you, leaves me wondering if you're just a cash cow? Enjoy it while it lasts. But then again, if she's really "hot" then keep feeding the ego. Good luck.

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This might not be the most appropriate place to post this, so please feel free to direct me to a more appropriate place.

Okay, I am female. I find some men attractive. I also find some women attractive, the cute ones, I mean, with a pretty face and preferably long, straight hair, and definitely on the skinny side. If I feel attracted to a cute woman, I enjoy being close to her and looking at her. I think it would be nice to cuddle, but almost always I would assume that she is straight and that she would not appreciate the advances. So I just pretend that it is all platonic. Sometimes I feel nervous, afraid that they would know my secret and be horrified, and sometimes I feel bad for being deceptive.

Is this normal? Some say that women are bisexual by nature. Is it really just a myth?

I wouldn't say that these feelings are normal, i'd say they were gay. I take it that the cuddle would lead to more if it were possible? I think Kat's offer of helping you to meet other lesbian's is great - go for it. Don't waste your life hiding behind the title of being "Bisexual", only you know where your heart lies. You can go with all the men you like but i get the feeling that your heart won't be in it. Sex is just sex but when you're heart is in it it's the best thing ever.Spending your time around straight women and wishing for something that will never be will just hurt you more and more. Don't feel nervous, and don't worry too much about being deceptive, you're just protecting yourself from a possible slap in the face, that's understandable. Being a lesbian doesn't mean you've to loose all your straight friends although some will maybe shy away from you, all i can say is that they were not really your friends in the first place.As this lifestyle is not easy you may want to just shove the thoughts to the back of your mind but believe me they'll come out again in time. You did take the first step though by posting your thoughts on this forum!Good luck.

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This might not be the most appropriate place to post this, so please feel free to direct me to a more appropriate place.

Okay, I am female. I find some men attractive. I also find some women attractive, the cute ones, I mean, with a pretty face and preferably long, straight hair, and definitely on the skinny side. If I feel attracted to a cute woman, I enjoy being close to her and looking at her. I think it would be nice to cuddle, but almost always I would assume that she is straight and that she would not appreciate the advances. So I just pretend that it is all platonic. Sometimes I feel nervous, afraid that they would know my secret and be horrified, and sometimes I feel bad for being deceptive.

Is this normal? Some say that women are bisexual by nature. Is it really just a myth?

I wouldn't say that these feelings are normal, i'd say they were gay. I take it that the cuddle would lead to more if it were possible? I think Kat's offer of helping you to meet other lesbian's is great - go for it. Don't waste your life hiding behind the title of being "Bisexual", only you know where your heart lies. You can go with all the men you like but i get the feeling that your heart won't be in it. Sex is just sex but when you're heart is in it it's the best thing ever.Spending your time around straight women and wishing for something that will never be will just hurt you more and more. Don't feel nervous, and don't worry too much about being deceptive, you're just protecting yourself from a possible slap in the face, that's understandable. Being a lesbian doesn't mean you've to loose all your straight friends although some will maybe shy away from you, all i can say is that they were not really your friends in the first place.As this lifestyle is not easy you may want to just shove the thoughts to the back of your mind but believe me they'll come out again in time. You did take the first step though by posting your thoughts on this forum!Good luck.

Why do you assume she is gay and is hiding behind a bisexuality? She said she is attracted to men as well. I think she has been very honest and if she really was gay I think she would have admitted that she doesn't in fact find men attractive.

And what is normal??? Sorry the comment "I wouldn't say these feelings were normal, I'd say they were gay" sounds very funny out of context!

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Sounds like "Bob" is a lesbian and a hardcore recruiter! haha


I am indeed. But not a recruiter, just concerned that the OP is in need of help. Does all this turn you on Damian?

Aww cmon, don't you think its absolutely hilarious that you are talking in a stereotypical lesbian fashion? No.... I guess not. If you really want to know ya.... lesbians turn me on, and Im not just talking the lipstick ones either, I've always had a thing for tomboys..... but of course, that is like having a thing for Angelina Jolie, nice fantasy but NEVER gonna happen haha.


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This might not be the most appropriate place to post this, so please feel free to direct me to a more appropriate place.

Okay, I am female. I find some men attractive. I also find some women attractive, the cute ones, I mean, with a pretty face and preferably long, straight hair, and definitely on the skinny side. If I feel attracted to a cute woman, I enjoy being close to her and looking at her. I think it would be nice to cuddle, but almost always I would assume that she is straight and that she would not appreciate the advances. So I just pretend that it is all platonic. Sometimes I feel nervous, afraid that they would know my secret and be horrified, and sometimes I feel bad for being deceptive.

Is this normal? Some say that women are bisexual by nature. Is it really just a myth?

I wouldn't say that these feelings are normal, i'd say they were gay. I take it that the cuddle would lead to more if it were possible? I think Kat's offer of helping you to meet other lesbian's is great - go for it. Don't waste your life hiding behind the title of being "Bisexual", only you know where your heart lies. You can go with all the men you like but i get the feeling that your heart won't be in it. Sex is just sex but when you're heart is in it it's the best thing ever.Spending your time around straight women and wishing for something that will never be will just hurt you more and more. Don't feel nervous, and don't worry too much about being deceptive, you're just protecting yourself from a possible slap in the face, that's understandable. Being a lesbian doesn't mean you've to loose all your straight friends although some will maybe shy away from you, all i can say is that they were not really your friends in the first place.As this lifestyle is not easy you may want to just shove the thoughts to the back of your mind but believe me they'll come out again in time. You did take the first step though by posting your thoughts on this forum!Good luck.

She may really be bisexual. It's up to her to define her sexuality. Some lesbians also sleep with men, and they don't consider themselves bisexual.

Sounds like "Bob" is a lesbian and a hardcore recruiter! haha


I am indeed. But not a recruiter, just concerned that the OP is in need of help. Does all this turn you on Damian?

Aww cmon, don't you think its absolutely hilarious that you are talking in a stereotypical lesbian fashion? No.... I guess not. If you really want to know ya.... lesbians turn me on, and Im not just talking the lipstick ones either, I've always had a thing for tomboys..... but of course, that is like having a thing for Angelina Jolie, nice fantasy but NEVER gonna happen haha.


What is a recruiter and what is a stereotypical lesbian. A bit misinformed Damian - but you can be forgiven. :o:D


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The OP is concerned with bisexuality not homosexuality.

My view on bisexuality is that it is proportional to and determined by GDP. When I used to have British GFs they had all at least fantasized about having a liaison with another girl. The Asian girls I know have never even thought about it. Why? Because in advanced economies, people have time and money to explore their sexuality. Reproduction is a lifestyle choice. In more rural countries, reproduction is crucial to provide your workforce and your pension so you don’t have the luxury of exploring anything.

You probably didn't look further than the nose.... :o

IMHO Asian women are far more 'easy' towards bisexuality than their western counterparts.


I must agree. With LP/

Your theory of economics is a farce. Poverty does not prevent boredom, and boredom leads to exploration. (On a sideline, Columbian drugs can lead to exploration too: In central america you don't have be wealthy to buy them).

Boredom leads to exploration, and I've met more bored (Un-entertained) people in parts of SEA and central america than anywhere back "home".

And they are certainly far more broad-minded. They don't make a big deal of things, like back home, and your "stereotypical" Essex 19 y.o bragging down the pub about how she'd "do" that girl for a night....

Nay, much more discreet, honourable, and subtle are our fellow citizens of countries other than our own - Broadly speaking.

To The O.P.

Good luck in your travails. The only (maybe useful?) thing I can suggest, is that you take a trip sometimes, to an area that is NOT where you live, and explore your ambitions where it will cause neither undue gossip, nor "Irreversible" effects upon your daily interaction.

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This might not be the most appropriate place to post this, so please feel free to direct me to a more appropriate place.

Okay, I am female. I find some men attractive. I also find some women attractive, the cute ones, I mean, with a pretty face and preferably long, straight hair, and definitely on the skinny side. If I feel attracted to a cute woman, I enjoy being close to her and looking at her. I think it would be nice to cuddle, but almost always I would assume that she is straight and that she would not appreciate the advances. So I just pretend that it is all platonic. Sometimes I feel nervous, afraid that they would know my secret and be horrified, and sometimes I feel bad for being deceptive.

Is this normal? Some say that women are bisexual by nature. Is it really just a myth?

I wouldn't say that these feelings are normal, i'd say they were gay. I take it that the cuddle would lead to more if it were possible? I think Kat's offer of helping you to meet other lesbian's is great - go for it. Don't waste your life hiding behind the title of being "Bisexual", only you know where your heart lies. You can go with all the men you like but i get the feeling that your heart won't be in it. Sex is just sex but when you're heart is in it it's the best thing ever.Spending your time around straight women and wishing for something that will never be will just hurt you more and more. Don't feel nervous, and don't worry too much about being deceptive, you're just protecting yourself from a possible slap in the face, that's understandable. Being a lesbian doesn't mean you've to loose all your straight friends although some will maybe shy away from you, all i can say is that they were not really your friends in the first place.As this lifestyle is not easy you may want to just shove the thoughts to the back of your mind but believe me they'll come out again in time. You did take the first step though by posting your thoughts on this forum!Good luck.

She may really be bisexual. It's up to her to define her sexuality. Some lesbians also sleep with men, and they don't consider themselves bisexual.

Sounds like "Bob" is a lesbian and a hardcore recruiter! haha


I am indeed. But not a recruiter, just concerned that the OP is in need of help. Does all this turn you on Damian?

Aww cmon, don't you think its absolutely hilarious that you are talking in a stereotypical lesbian fashion? No.... I guess not. If you really want to know ya.... lesbians turn me on, and Im not just talking the lipstick ones either, I've always had a thing for tomboys..... but of course, that is like having a thing for Angelina Jolie, nice fantasy but NEVER gonna happen haha.


What is a recruiter and what is a stereotypical lesbian. A bit misinformed Damian - but you can be forgiven. :o:D


Stereotypical in that she was hostile and insulting towards buddy describing his bi girlfriend and then went on to try to convince a bi curious woman that she is in fact gay.... I don't know but to men that is what we EXPECT from lesbians and I thought it was funny that she actually fit the stereotype perfectly.

Bob is of the belief that there is no such thing as bi and that if our girlfriends demonstrate an attraction for women than they are in fact gay and do not actually love us or want to be with us. I'm trying to think of all the girlfriends I've had that have expressed a curiousity or straight out attraction towards other women..... maybe at least 6. But they also constantly demonstrated an attraction for men and an intense interest in sex with a man (me). Bob wants to believe all those women were in fact gay and just staying with me because they were too scared to be true to themsleves... that is fine but I disagree 100%. There is such a thing as bisexual.


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This might not be the most appropriate place to post this, so please feel free to direct me to a more appropriate place.

Okay, I am female. I find some men attractive. I also find some women attractive, the cute ones, I mean, with a pretty face and preferably long, straight hair, and definitely on the skinny side. If I feel attracted to a cute woman, I enjoy being close to her and looking at her. I think it would be nice to cuddle, but almost always I would assume that she is straight and that she would not appreciate the advances. So I just pretend that it is all platonic. Sometimes I feel nervous, afraid that they would know my secret and be horrified, and sometimes I feel bad for being deceptive.

Is this normal? Some say that women are bisexual by nature. Is it really just a myth?

I wouldn't say that these feelings are normal, i'd say they were gay. I take it that the cuddle would lead to more if it were possible? I think Kat's offer of helping you to meet other lesbian's is great - go for it. Don't waste your life hiding behind the title of being "Bisexual", only you know where your heart lies. You can go with all the men you like but i get the feeling that your heart won't be in it. Sex is just sex but when you're heart is in it it's the best thing ever.Spending your time around straight women and wishing for something that will never be will just hurt you more and more. Don't feel nervous, and don't worry too much about being deceptive, you're just protecting yourself from a possible slap in the face, that's understandable. Being a lesbian doesn't mean you've to loose all your straight friends although some will maybe shy away from you, all i can say is that they were not really your friends in the first place.As this lifestyle is not easy you may want to just shove the thoughts to the back of your mind but believe me they'll come out again in time. You did take the first step though by posting your thoughts on this forum!Good luck.

She may really be bisexual. It's up to her to define her sexuality. Some lesbians also sleep with men, and they don't consider themselves bisexual.

Sounds like "Bob" is a lesbian and a hardcore recruiter! haha


I am indeed. But not a recruiter, just concerned that the OP is in need of help. Does all this turn you on Damian?

Aww cmon, don't you think its absolutely hilarious that you are talking in a stereotypical lesbian fashion? No.... I guess not. If you really want to know ya.... lesbians turn me on, and Im not just talking the lipstick ones either, I've always had a thing for tomboys..... but of course, that is like having a thing for Angelina Jolie, nice fantasy but NEVER gonna happen haha.


What is a recruiter and what is a stereotypical lesbian. A bit misinformed Damian - but you can be forgiven. :o:D


Stereotypical in that she was hostile and insulting towards buddy describing his bi girlfriend and then went on to try to convince a bi curious woman that she is in fact gay.... I don't know but to men that is what we EXPECT from lesbians and I thought it was funny that she actually fit the stereotype perfectly.

Bob is of the belief that there is no such thing as bi and that if our girlfriends demonstrate an attraction for women than they are in fact gay and do not actually love us or want to be with us. I'm trying to think of all the girlfriends I've had that have expressed a curiousity or straight out attraction towards other women..... maybe at least 6. But they also constantly demonstrated an attraction for men and an intense interest in sex with a man (me). Bob wants to believe all those women were in fact gay and just staying with me because they were too scared to be true to themsleves... that is fine but I disagree 100%. There is such a thing as bisexual.


OK, but then that's Bob. Many lesbians actually end up with women who were previously completely straight, or as they would now be called, bisexuals. A lot of butchy women actually get along well with straight men. I guess there are stereotypical lesbians and stereotypical men.

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The OP is concerned with bisexuality not homosexuality.

My view on bisexuality is that it is proportional to and determined by GDP. When I used to have British GFs they had all at least fantasized about having a liaison with another girl. The Asian girls I know have never even thought about it. Why? Because in advanced economies, people have time and money to explore their sexuality. Reproduction is a lifestyle choice. In more rural countries, reproduction is crucial to provide your workforce and your pension so you don’t have the luxury of exploring anything.

I'd like to second this, my Thai wife has pretty much had a "sexless" adult life until me (she's 41 now), she says she's been too busy working and helping at home to think about sex /men (not even solo!!)

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Damian, forgive me for saying but as you're not a woman, and neither are you gay then you really don't have a clue. And who is this "Bob" that you speak of. I answered the OP based on my experience, if it helps then it was worth posting, if she thinks it's bull then i'm sure she'll let me know.I thought this was a Ladies Forum? Talking about "typical" you really are a typical man. Nuff said. :bah: Happy Christmas.

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Ofcourse there is such a thing as bisexual .

Why they gave it a name in the first place then ?

Because there are people enjoying sex at both sides , so be it !

I understand that people sleep with both sexes, but each of them know where their "heart" lies. I've had great sex with men but they never got my heart. I could have used them and played with their emmotions but that wouldn't have been fair. Straight women would generally be disgusted at the thought of even kissing a woman , i think that "bisexual" is very misleading and in a way dangerous as it's for people who are not yet ready to say they are gay .No doubt Damian will know more about this so i'll say no more.

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Yes, bisexuality most certainly does exist; nope, it's not a myth. I'm a healthy, well-adjusted bisexual woman, married to a Thai man, and have some years behind me, so to speak. I'm not gay, nor am I straight. I've been in long-term relationships with both men and women and loved members of both genders.

When I'm not living in Thailand, I live the U.S. in a state that allows gay people to get married and I do not care what people think about my sexuality, so if I were gay, believe me, I'd be living it, shouting it...but I'm not gay - just honest with myself.

In every other area in which people differ, there are people who exist at every point on the spectrum - and sexuality is no different.

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