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Unesco Ranks Thailand Below Malaysia


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I am not surprised it is behind Malaysia at all

There is another poster on this board who has written here about the difference for his child when he moved to Malaysia - peer group pressure to study and not to study as in Thailand

Vietnam is also running at a pace.

Do the Thai elites really want an educated populace or is it OK for their children to get educated as long as the lower classes do not get idea's above their station?

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Prakanong, you may have hit upon a crucial cultural difference in the Thai mindset, compared to other Asian countries. Throughout China, Japan, Singapore, Korea, and perhaps Malaysia and other countries bordering Thailand, the peer pressure to study and get high marks in school is almost overpowering. Here, it's nearly the opposite. The sick joke in S. Korea is that students have up to five hours per evening in other classes, and all day on the weekends (Japan's similar).

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Prakanong, you may have hit upon a crucial cultural difference in the Thai mindset, compared to other Asian countries. Throughout China, Japan, Singapore, Korea, and perhaps Malaysia and other countries bordering Thailand, the peer pressure to study and get high marks in school is almost overpowering. Here, it's nearly the opposite. The sick joke in S. Korea is that students have up to five hours per evening in other classes, and all day on the weekends (Japan's similar).

I agree - exams in Korea even affect your marriage partner!!

I am studying now with Singaporeans for my MBA and I said in the interview I would not be "Doing a Singaporean" ie not studying all night or having full day get togethers to study. The guy laughed and said thats why they tried to mix the class between Singaporeans and expat's.

I have spoken to guys on the course and when they tell me their study pattersn while at Uni I find it horrendous - now they are much more relaxed and have decent life- work-play balances as they are a little older.

There is peer pressure here to do well at school - I sometimes think too much as do some of my non-Singaporean colleagues who make sure their kids have a good balance while still doing well at school - if I walk to my local McDonalds now it will be full upstairs with student from age around 10 up to and including Uni all studying - they claim their tables n the morniong and stay all day using the free internet - I was told its because they may not have the space to study in their HDB apartments but this is an upmarket piovate area - I think they just like to study in groups.

In Sinagpore trhey even publish exam results according to race - even at the primary school leaving exam - they compare Chinese, Indian and Malay - this is even broken down to subjects.

Thing is though studies show Singaporean kids to be very happy and very secure - the ones I work with in their 20's (99% women) are well balanced and have a lot of talents - academically excellent but nearlt all pay musical instruments, take part in Charity to the extent they use their meagre holidays to go and help less well off and are quite sporty

I am totally for education, education, education having left school at 16 with no qualifications but went back to Uni later - but there has to be a balance.

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The Thai system is hopeless but others are bad as well. My ex wife (Japanese) spent many years studying on a Saturday largely to learn how to write her own language as great respect comes from beautiful writing in Japan. Then university with mega studies. Too much but the peer pressure is so great.

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