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Bangkok - Unpleasant Experience


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As I said, he was not the sharpest tool in the shed. Very lucky he wasn't left full of 9mm holes ( 9mm on the way in. Bloody B I G on the way out ) Advanced to Newbie of the Year.

Folks remember the Thai cop shooting some people because he was barked at? He shot himself too, but I do not know if he died from his injuries.

Edited by Dakhar
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You were probably that farang (with the suspect demeanour) I was eying suspiciously in my local soi 4 watering hole last week.

I don't know of any watering holes within an hours drive of my house. There's more likelihood of finding rocking horse sh1t than me in a Bangkok bar, and i have not had a suspect demeanour for many years. If you've been eyeing me anywhere it must have been in your dreams and that's one thing i would keep very quiet about if i were you! :o

Edited by nidge
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Why did I move to Thailand? That's simple. I moved here because of the most wonderful woman in the world, the love of my life, the... (Ok, she's gone now!).

Thailand is a hoot! You can get up to any type of naughtiness you can imagine here, and believe me, I have a pretty vivid imagination!

What like getting out of your car for a few seconds?

Hello Kitty armbands a punishment for Thai police

BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) - Thai police officers who break police rules will be forced to wear hot pink armbands featuring "Hello Kitty," the Japanese icon of cute, as a mark of shame, a senior officer said Monday.

Police officers caught littering, parking in a prohibited area, or arriving late - among other misdemeanours - will also be forced to stay in the division office with the deputy chief all day, said Police Col. Pongpat Chayaphan. The striking armband features Sanrio's Hello Kitty sitting atop two hearts.

"Simple warnings no longer work. This new twist is expected to make them feel guilt and shame and prevent them from repeating the offence, no matter how minor," said Pongpat, acting chief of the Crime Suppression Division in Bangkok.

"(Hello) Kitty is a cute icon for young girls. It's not something macho police officers want covering their biceps," Pongpat said.

He said police caught breaking the law will be subject the same fines and penalties as any other members of the public.

"We want to make sure that we do not condone small offences, " Pongpat said, adding that the CSD believed that getting tough on petty misdemeanours would lead to fewer cases of more serious offences including abuse of power and mistreatment of the public by policemen.

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Seriously poloce are aholes where ever you go. Alot in Sydney think there heros and ive been pushed by a copy because I was standing against a pole, he asked me to move and said why and without warning he pushed me and i went about 2 meters.

Being pulled over for a breath test I says how are you mate, he stares in and says "ïm not your mate"

There is alot more that I have taken from cops here, to me Thailand cops have been good to me, well so far anyways.

Anyways I fly to Thailand tomorrow for 4 weeks of fun, lets hope they treat me well again

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I've lived and traveled in a lot of countries. One thing I have learned, and learned well is to listen to the police. Don't get out of a car until they tell you to. Don't get back in until they tell you to. Don't reach in your pocket etc. etc. Police are not always pleasant people, but when you don't know what they are looking for, or how much 'pressure' they may be feeling, it's best to do exactly as they ask.

With the elections and the (maybe not yet faded) New Year's bomb attacks, I wouldn't mess with them. And then this is Thailand and the police aren't known for always being polite. Only place I've run into polite police was in The Netherlands and that was quite a few years back.

Sorry you had such an unpleasant experience.

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If this happened in the UK and there were witnesses - the Police Complaints Commisssion would act on this.
Of course they would have acted on it by rolling about on the floor laughing!

In London, a man – Brazilian I believe – was shot because police thought he was acting suspiciously. Police was cleared. Story here.

Bulmercke is still alive.



A sad tragic end of life, at a frightening time on Londons tube system.

But please do not try to compare the British police to the Thai corrupt Bully's.

The British police are the best police force in the world. Petty the justice doesn't match up - the police catch them, then the courts slap their hands, tell them not to be naughty boys and they're released to commit further crimes over and over again. :o

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..........................................If this happened in the UK and there were witnesses - the Police Complaints Commisssion would act on this. But TIT.

which is why the british police are now forced to operate with about as much effectiveness as a one legged man with his left hand tied behind his back.

This is what we all see on our excursions home isn't it.

Vandals attack a shop, police called, don't turn up, if they do, they darn't say anything as they are shit scared the criminals will run to the loonies in charge and claim harrasment or that their feelings were hurt.

Poor little thugs are then assigned an ugly bearded social worker (of either sex) who spend thousands of pounds hamstringing the police with endless complaint forms. The worst that happens is that they have to sign a form of Good Behaviour when a severe kick to the head is what is called for.

We all have to do things we don't like, but there has to be authority and respect. We certainly have both here.

In the uk it would have been:

Sir, could you get back in your vehicle please.

"right whats your name and number, I am reporting you to your boss, going to the papers etc etc.."

Live with it

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I have a friend who has lived in the US for seven years now. On her first year, she got stopped while driving by the police. Not knowing she had to wait in the car, she came out just to see what's going on. The cop suddenly pulled the gun out and pointed it towards her. She was pushed down to the ground and handcuffed until they were sure she was no harm. She learned it from then that she should never come out of the car in that circumstance.

She never liked police much since then :o

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I have a friend who has lived in the US for seven years now. On her first year, she got stopped while driving by the police. Not knowing she had to wait in the car, she came out just to see what's going on. The cop suddenly pulled the gun out and pointed it towards her. She was pushed down to the ground and handcuffed until they were sure she was no harm. She learned it from then that she should never come out of the car in that circumstance.

She never liked police much since then :o


LA no doubt! Does your friend have a dark complexion?

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