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Cia Detainees Taken To Thailand For Interrogation


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Let me see.

If a member of Al-Queda captures a foreigner, chances are pretty good he/she will lose their head. If we capture a member of Al-Queda ..............we interrogate them.

The difference is that People captured by al-qaeda you hear about on FOX or any other news are captured for ransome, th people captured by USA are captured for interrogation.

One thing you got right is that many off them are innocent.

Ransome? By Al-Queda?

Maybe by the criminal Shia gangs...............

Personally...........I think they should just chuck them out of the plane on the way over to Thailand.. .....preferably at 30,000 feet. :o

Edited by stevemiddie
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As Bulmercke was saying USA is spreading it's tentacles as far as possible around the world, also to Thailand. I am very much against these kind of policies, god knows how long it has been on. We don't want to see a full out world war. Right? These are my opinions.

Unfortunatley a minority of americans give enough support to the neo cons for their ficticious war on terror - a prelude to the next world war. Fox news is a powerful weapon against feeble minds.

During the 70s and 80s in the Uk there was a war on terror. Just a few incidents eg: A hotel in Brighton was bombed, seriously injuring a senior cabinet minister, Norman Tebbits, wife. Queens horses were blown to bits. Major cities were bombed and bombed and bombed - but successive governments of the time didnt through away the constitution 'to protect us'

Unfortunatley america has become a soviet style police state and many americans cant see it!

It is more difficult and unpleasant for a foriegner to enter the USA than to enter the old eastern europe or todays Russia. But of course americans wouldnt know or even have the insight to aknowledge the fact. Most americans dont even hold a passport. Although thats not surprizing - i dont suppose they issued passports to the troops prior to entering iraq!

With all those insulting words... (I just looked at your post again... not so insulting... Just a strong opinion.. Sorry for claiming you to be insulting) I just stopped reading after the first line... But the facts are that the USA is at war and there is a war on Terror and other countries who may suffer from terrorist will give assistance in the shadow when they think there is something in it for them.

Besides Thailand, there are other countries that have done the same thing and they were never known to be friends to the USA....

So maybe one day Fox news and the Neo-Con's will control the world, but if I were you, I would invest in learning to speak Chinese.

Yes there was a War On Terror declared by USA and it's "allies". So how many wars was USA tied-up right now?

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Let me see.

If a member of Al-Queda captures a foreigner, chances are pretty good he/she will lose their head. If we capture a member of Al-Queda ..............we interrogate them.

The difference is that People captured by al-qaeda you hear about on FOX or any other news are captured for ransome, th people captured by USA are captured for interrogation.

One thing you got right is that many off them are innocent.

Ransome? By Al-Queda?

Maybe by the criminal Shia gangs...............

Personally...........I think they should just chuck them out of the plane on the way over to Thailand.. .....preferably at 30,000 feet. :o

Through suspects out of a plane - and you try to take some moral high ground! You mirror what you hate!

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Let me see.

If a member of Al-Queda captures a foreigner, chances are pretty good he/she will lose their head. If we capture a member of Al-Queda ..............we interrogate them.

The difference is that People captured by al-qaeda you hear about on FOX or any other news are captured for ransome, th people captured by USA are captured for interrogation.

One thing you got right is that many off them are innocent.

Ransome? By Al-Queda?

Maybe by the criminal Shia gangs...............

Personally...........I think they should just chuck them out of the plane on the way over to Thailand.. .....preferably at 30,000 feet. :o

There are many Muslims in the world. It's easy to catch the wrong one. Even in Thailand, who would have thought..

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Let me see.

If a member of Al-Queda captures a foreigner, chances are pretty good he/she will lose their head. If we capture a member of Al-Queda ..............we interrogate them.

The difference is that People captured by al-qaeda you hear about on FOX or any other news are captured for ransome, th people captured by USA are captured for interrogation.

One thing you got right is that many off them are innocent.

Ransome? By Al-Queda?

Maybe by the criminal Shia gangs...............

Personally...........I think they should just chuck them out of the plane on the way over to Thailand.. .....preferably at 30,000 feet. :o

Through suspects out of a plane - and you try to take some moral high ground! You mirror what you hate!

I,m not taking any moral high ground at all.

I believe that if opposing enemies want to play dirty............make videos of beheadings.......then they get everything they deserve.

Chucking them out of a plane is too quick. IMHO :D

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I am American and don't have a problem with our government capturing enemies during war and interrogating them.

Sure we can put them in a posh prison, but our media would consider any prison in Asia as torture.

By the way, I love FOX news. It is a shame that so many get so upset because Fox does not follow the news-line as the New York Times puts out.

One thing I appreciate in Bangkok is that you can read many papers reporting the same story and each reporter writes the story from their own point of view. Here in the USA, all news agencies seem to be in lock step when reporting the news. Fox stands alone at times when it comes to reporting the news and has the high ratings to show for it.

Funny how all the CIA lovers seem to creep out from under the carpet when a topic like this gets mentioned.

PaulUSA302 - Fox News is a PR front for the CIA and US government. It's the worst of a bad bunch. The MSM for all intents and purposes is controlled by the government. NWO.

You wouldn't be Ron Paul by any chance? :o

If you knew Ron Paul's politics, you'd realize he'd take our troops outta the mideast faster than any demo. His followers are wack jobs

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Let me see.

If a member of Al-Queda captures a foreigner, chances are pretty good he/she will lose their head. If we capture a member of Al-Queda ..............we interrogate them.

The difference is that People captured by al-qaeda you hear about on FOX or any other news are captured for ransome, th people captured by USA are captured for interrogation.

One thing you got right is that many off them are innocent.

Ransome? By Al-Queda?

Maybe by the criminal Shia gangs...............

Personally...........I think they should just chuck them out of the plane on the way over to Thailand.. .....preferably at 30,000 feet. :o

Through suspects out of a plane - and you try to take some moral high ground! You mirror what you hate!

I,m not taking any moral high ground at all.

I believe that if opposing enemies want to play dirty............make videos of beheadings.......then they get everything they deserve.

Chucking them out of a plane is too quick. IMHO :D

Suspects out of a plane - suspects are suspects! Do you want to live in a world where we murder suspects. I thought thats what they did - and thats why we are at war with them.

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Let me see.

If a member of Al-Queda captures a foreigner, chances are pretty good he/she will lose their head. If we capture a member of Al-Queda ..............we interrogate them.


That is an agreement for uniform fighters that Thailand has also agreed to right? Terrorists who don't wear any army uniform don't count.

I still remember when the terrorist cut those guys heads off.... One was a reporter. I bet those guys wish they were forced to strip nud_e, stand in a pyramid and have a woman point at their penis while smoking a Marlboro....

If I had a choice of being captured by the Taliban or the USA... I would prefer to be captured by the USA and hope they take me to that plush prison in Cuba...

Edited by PaulUSA302
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I,m not taking any moral high ground at all.

I believe that if opposing enemies want to play dirty............make videos of beheadings.......then they get everything they deserve.

Chucking them out of a plane is too quick. IMHO :o

So we are back on the topic, videos. It's their culture what can I say, at least Talibans send them for the world to watch.

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Let me see.

If a member of Al-Queda captures a foreigner, chances are pretty good he/she will lose their head. If we capture a member of Al-Queda ..............we interrogate them.


That is an agreement for uniform fighters right? Terrorists who don't wear any army uniform don't count.

I still remember when the terrorist cut those guys heads off.... One was a reporter. I bet those guys wish they were forced to strip nud_e, stand in a pyramid and have a woman point at their penis while smoking a Marlboro....

If I had a choice of being captured by the Taliban or the USA... I would prefer to be captured by the USA and hope they take me to that plush prison in Cuba...

I grew up thinking that the germans where bad - thats what history told me following the second war. But now i have grown up!!

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Another anti-American thread. Tiresome. And always the same suspects spewing the same venom. Get a new act boys.

If I remember correctly in the last USA bashing related thread I defended USA from a completely stupid bashing attempt. Anyway maybe we should open a world section to discuss important things, that is our home right, the World?

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Let me see.

If a member of Al-Queda captures a foreigner, chances are pretty good he/she will lose their head. If we capture a member of Al-Queda ..............we interrogate them.


That is an agreement for uniform fighters right? Terrorists who don't wear any army uniform don't count.

I still remember when the terrorist cut those guys heads off.... One was a reporter. I bet those guys wish they were forced to strip nud_e, stand in a pyramid and have a woman point at their penis while smoking a Marlboro....

If I had a choice of being captured by the Taliban or the USA... I would prefer to be captured by the USA and hope they take me to that plush prison in Cuba...

Do you think that all the western/american fighters in iraq wear uniforms. Dont suppose fox news covered the story about the 2 british special service soldiers caught in Bazara dressed as arabs shooting civilians. Made big news - the iraqis captured them and held then in the local prison - the british troops drove tanks into the prison and released them!

Edited by pointofview
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Another anti-American thread. Tiresome. And always the same suspects spewing the same venom. Get a new act boys.

If I remember correctly in the last USA bashing related thread I defended USA from a completely stupid bashing attempt. Anyway maybe we should open a world section to discuss important things, that is our home right, the World?

Why not just open a "USA Sucks" section?

It would give the usual suspects a place to hang out. Kind of like the kids table at Thanksgiving.

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Another anti-American thread. Tiresome. And always the same suspects spewing the same venom. Get a new act boys.

If I remember correctly in the last USA bashing related thread I defended USA from a completely stupid bashing attempt. Anyway maybe we should open a world section to discuss important things, that is our home right, the World?

Why not just open a "USA Sucks" section?

It would give the usual suspects a place to hang out. Kind of like the kids table at Thanksgiving.

I think The Situation of The World Out Side Or Thailand included, Maybe The rest of the world tomorrow, would be more catchy but what do I know.

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Let me see.

If a member of Al-Queda captures a foreigner, chances are pretty good he/she will lose their head. If we capture a member of Al-Queda ..............we interrogate them.


That is an agreement for uniform fighters right? Terrorists who don't wear any army uniform don't count.

I still remember when the terrorist cut those guys heads off.... One was a reporter. I bet those guys wish they were forced to strip nud_e, stand in a pyramid and have a woman point at their penis while smoking a Marlboro....

If I had a choice of being captured by the Taliban or the USA... I would prefer to be captured by the USA and hope they take me to that plush prison in Cuba...

Do you think that all the western/american fighters in iraq wear uniforms. Dont suppose fox news covered the story about the 2 british special service soldiers caught in Bazara dressed as arabs shooting civilians. Made big news - the iraqis captured them and held then in the local prison - the british troops drove tanks into the prison and released them!

Actually.......it was Basra. And they were not " shooting civilians " They were gathering intelligence. :o They fired shots in the air when confronted by a crowd.

Wasn,t this around the same time that the 6 UK MP,s were executed in cold blood?

The scum in Guantanamo Bay can consider themselves lucky they are alive.

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Let me see.

If a member of Al-Queda captures a foreigner, chances are pretty good he/she will lose their head. If we capture a member of Al-Queda ..............we interrogate them.


That is an agreement for uniform fighters right? Terrorists who don't wear any army uniform don't count.

I still remember when the terrorist cut those guys heads off.... One was a reporter. I bet those guys wish they were forced to strip nud_e, stand in a pyramid and have a woman point at their penis while smoking a Marlboro....

If I had a choice of being captured by the Taliban or the USA... I would prefer to be captured by the USA and hope they take me to that plush prison in Cuba...

Do you think that all the western/american fighters in iraq wear uniforms. Dont suppose fox news covered the story about the 2 british special service soldiers caught in Bazara dressed as arabs shooting civilians. Made big news - the iraqis captured them and held then in the local prison - the british troops drove tanks into the prison and released them!

Actually.......it was Basra. And they were not " shooting civilians " They were gathering intelligence. :o They fired shots in the air when confronted by a crowd.

Wasn,t this around the same time that the 6 UK MP,s were executed in cold blood?

The scum in Guantanamo Bay can consider themselves lucky they are alive.

There have been many Guantanamo prisoners released and sent back to the UK after being held for years - never charged! How can you be judge and jury! You truly mirror the evil you try to portray - dont you see the irony!

6 UK MPS executed - never in a million years, where do you dream these things up!

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At any rate, not only has Thailand done this for the USA.... but many other have.... if it is true that they did do this..

I think every country has something to fear from the terrorist who would rather blow-up innocent people than fight a soldier.

Rather than point the finger at Thailand (Or clasp your hands over your mouth and gasp), tell us that your country does not participate in Renditions and secret detention...

Edited by PaulUSA302
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Let me see.

If a member of Al-Queda captures a foreigner, chances are pretty good he/she will lose their head. If we capture a member of Al-Queda ..............we interrogate them.


That is an agreement for uniform fighters right? Terrorists who don't wear any army uniform don't count.

I still remember when the terrorist cut those guys heads off.... One was a reporter. I bet those guys wish they were forced to strip nud_e, stand in a pyramid and have a woman point at their penis while smoking a Marlboro....

If I had a choice of being captured by the Taliban or the USA... I would prefer to be captured by the USA and hope they take me to that plush prison in Cuba...

Do you think that all the western/american fighters in iraq wear uniforms. Dont suppose fox news covered the story about the 2 british special service soldiers caught in Bazara dressed as arabs shooting civilians. Made big news - the iraqis captured them and held then in the local prison - the british troops drove tanks into the prison and released them!

Actually.......it was Basra. And they were not " shooting civilians " They were gathering intelligence. :o They fired shots in the air when confronted by a crowd.

Wasn,t this around the same time that the 6 UK MP,s were executed in cold blood?

The scum in Guantanamo Bay can consider themselves lucky they are alive.

There have been many Guantanamo prisoners released and sent back to the UK after being held for years - never charged! How can you be judge and jury! You truly mirror the evil you try to portray - dont you see the irony!

6 UK MPS executed - never in a million years, where do you dream these things up!

Cold blood.


War is truly terrible.

Edited by stevemiddie
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At any rate, not only has Thailand done this for the USA.... but many other have.... if it is true that they did do this..

I think every country has something to fear from the terrorist who would rather blow-up innocent people than fight a soldier.

Rather than point the finger at Thailand (Or clasp your hands over your mouth and gasp), tell us that your country does not participate in Renditions and secret detention...

My country is usually solving other people's problems. GOOGLE ex-president Martti Ahtisaari for example.

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At any rate, not only has Thailand done this for the USA.... but many other have.... if it is true that they did do this..

I think every country has something to fear from the terrorist who would rather blow-up innocent people than fight a soldier.

Rather than point the finger at Thailand (Or clasp your hands over your mouth and gasp), tell us that your country does not participate in Renditions and secret detention...

Your perfectly right - but this is not about bashing america or thailand. Many countires are involved in these so called extraordinary renditions. There always has been and always will be covert operations - but to make the world a safer place we (the west) cant expect to hold the moral high ground if we throw away the constitution to bring freedom. The constitution is freedom! It is Orwellian double speak!

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