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Why is everyone looking for the perfect partner. Reality is relationships last 7-10 years and then people get bored with each other. I propose the abolution of marriage and we can then all then live in peace and harmony moving in and out of relationships as required, and stop giving money to lawyers!

I agree with this, except a lot of these guys would never get laid otherwise. Consequently, women who do live like this are the feminazi invasion and demise of Western Civilization, out of touch with our true natures, because we make our own money and choose our own men.

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Ah yes, the smell of conflicting reality checks. Smells kind of like watermelons.


aren't vivid smells often a precursor to seizures?

as a girl, i can say that i couldn't put up with a layabout myself. i just wouldn't have any respect for them! i like people who work towards getting things they want, who have some passion for life. someone who does nothing would totally bore me!

How about a layabout with an overly large appendage? :o

Sorry, but this guy's in fantasy land. What is his income? What is is his age and what are his educational accomplishments? If he's not on a par with her, forget it. If he's not Thai, he's already got one strike against him. A lady doctor is likely not some Issan farm girl.

Bang on.

Speaking fluent Thai and having clean shoes is a must and it would also help if you didn't have a face light a bulldog chewing a wasp and got around the banks a bit :D

/additional - visualize your lady of choice with positive feeling and emotion everyday and your subconscious together with the super-conscious mind will make it happen. :D //


I reside in Chonburi, any ideas of address and contacts for me please ?? :o

Ooh, nope, you would have to make the move to Bangkok. As people have stated, these girls are not looking for a layabout boyfriend/husband, which is what most of them get with Thai men. They want someone on par with them, not really with salary, but with ambition, work ethic and able to look after themselves. Speaking Thai is not a requirement, all of them speak perfect English. Most of these girls are western educated.

The main requirement, from what I can tell, is that they are not going to let you ride on their success and finances. You must be independent and pay your way. Trust me, I nearly went bankrupt going out with the Tour Guide and not because I was paying for everything, she paid her way. It was just that she really enjoyed going to classy places that cost loads of cash just to get in the door. Go to five places a night and you can see how the finances take a beating before you have even ordered a drink.


I'm not sure if I can answer the OP's question directly.

I do somehow can relate to many replies from female (farangs?) here. I'm sure the Thai females expect similar things from men. But. To get back to the Thai society. Just a few days ago I happened to witness a conversation between 4 females, including 3 Thais in their late 20's. I don't mean to insult anyone here, but will just tell it straight. The topic was why they all have farang boyfriends. They all agreed that it's rare to find a Thai man who will be able to accept that his wife is more successful than he is regarding the income and education. It would be very hard for him socially. So would be more likely to move on to find a younger gal. Maybe this is more of an issue in Thai/Chinese circles. Well I see and hope times are a-changing in Thailand as well. So to conclude, you still might have a chance..


I reside in Chonburi, any ideas of address and contacts for me please ?? :o

Ooh, nope, you would have to make the move to Bangkok. As people have stated, these girls are not looking for a layabout boyfriend/husband, which is what most of them get with Thai men. They want someone on par with them, not really with salary, but with ambition, work ethic and able to look after themselves. Speaking Thai is not a requirement, all of them speak perfect English. Most of these girls are western educated.

The main requirement, from what I can tell, is that they are not going to let you ride on their success and finances. You must be independent and pay your way. Trust me, I nearly went bankrupt going out with the Tour Guide and not because I was paying for everything, she paid her way. It was just that she really enjoyed going to classy places that cost loads of cash just to get in the door. Go to five places a night and you can see how the finances take a beating before you have even ordered a drink.

I'd agree with Thai not being a requirement but disagree that they expect you to pay your own way. I've had a few rich Thai girlfriends when I was doing OK, but western middle class level, not Thai feudal elite level and they were completely indifferent to money and had no qualms whatsoever about paying for everything all the time and lavishing gifts on me. Made me feel really bad, being a westerner I didn't like feeling like a freeloader. But the conversations we had about the subject were always that they wanted to go to these very expensive places every single night, they knew I couldn't afford it and so didn't mind paying. The money to them was an incidental amount and they certainly preferred paying to sitting home watching TV or going to a less expensive places.

I also know one of my GFs had had a previous farang boyfriend before me and she gave him a car and a house as a break-up present. I was an idiot and refused any gifts on our break-up. dam_n it! dam_n it! dam_n it!

I've also seen some relationships with a girl from a wealthy Thai family with a farang husband and the farang husband has always been given a reasonable paying job but the real family money was still going through and being controlled by the daughter. So when the farang husband tells me about a 50 million Baht house or the new Mercedes "they" bought, I know full well it was entirely her family's money and he's certainly not anywhere near the title.

Ah yes, the smell of conflicting reality checks. Smells kind of like watermelons.


aren't vivid smells often a precursor to seizures?

Oh yeah, looking forward to my by appointment 3pm seizure today.


The OP's having a laugh and I am sure he's splitting his sides by now with all the 'seerioous' replies

which include IMO some serial liars

Wouldn't quite go that far but I think there's a bit of bs in the air. :o

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