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Rising Prices


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To someone earlier up the thread who pointed out that the percentage figure for a 2 bht increase in my bit of chicken is not a valuable statistic since the item itself is so cheap, I think quoting percentages is handy because it does give one a feel for the overall consequence of all these little increases and when I started the thread I imagined it might be interesting to look back on.

That's my 2 bht (100%) worth, anyway. :o

Agreed. One's total expenses usually consist in large part of many small items, so the percentage increase of small items, when taken as a whole, is important.

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Strings of jasmine, from the lady at the cross-roads, used to be 4-for B20, but now you only get 3, and Mrs.R says there aren't as many flowers on the string as previously. Next thing will be to make the string shorter ! :o

I know ... I'll just get my safari-jacket. :D

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A sign of the times. Burger King, yesterday - view the picture at full size to appreciate their technical explanation of the reason....

PS I wasn't in there buying anything, honest.

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btw, off topic, but <deleted> has happened to Carrefour?

New layout obviously but you're right, they've managed to do something quite disturbing to the whole store that (I think) has to do with the ceiling or the height of the fixtures or maybe the lighting. It's very disorientating and, to my mind, not an improvement (anyone out there read "Why We Buy"?). And while we're off topic is anybody else driven to run from the store when the awful woman in Cold Meats or the noodle counter starts shouting into a low quality headset without pause for breath for about ten minutes at a time? Can anyone respond to that kind of sales technique? It almost gets me as much as the dreadful ad they play over and over again in Tesco with what sounds like a kid saying something that sounds like "forgive me for live-ing". Aaargh :D

A really good reason to shop at Rimping despite the extra percentage on most things. Another pet hate of Carrefour is that non-essential items are placed near the front as well as the obligatory 50 per cent of checkouts closed when it's busy. Is that purposely to make the lines longer and thus make it look busier :o Other than that, it's alright for odds and sods if you get there early enough. Have also noticed that eggs, milk and butter have been rising disproportionately there of late.

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with rising prices, demand has to drop? things like butter lets say. there are alternatives to butter. as far i remember Keynesian economy, demand subsides and prices should drop. never been the case or am i missing something?

Yep your missing something. Thailand, demand drops= price increase, just look at condo market :o

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Somethings gotta give!

Sure it called bankruptcy. Death before Dishonor of losing face by lower price(s). That is Asia's achilles' heal when it comes to business. Japan went from being the next economic superpower in the 80's to hopelessly mired in recession for decades because they couldn't lose face and declare losses. Surely we will see this pattern play out again and again.

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About 2 years ago, I used to pay 20b for a 250c bottle of OJ. Last year it went up to 25b. it is now 30b. I liked to buy between 3 and 5 a week. I can always use some wrist strengthening exercise so I'm going to buy a simple plastic citrus juice squeezer.

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about a month ago 100 yellow lable lipton teabags were 189 baht in tops ( airport plaza )

the same 100 bag box had gone up to 219 baht two weeks later : (

a month ago 800 ml of pasturised milk was 37 baht in tesco ...... the same bottle now is 44 baht

a 330 ml can of beer chang in tescos was 18.45 stng for months ... now 20 baht .

not the end of the world for me but they are some price increases in two weeks ..... especially for thais.

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Maybe it's the old Thai tradition of raising prices when not selling well. :o


I run a (very) small biz in a thai market, selling to thais for thai style profits. ( ie bugger all) - This is exactly what a lot of the other shops seem to think! unbelievable! My biz has spawned the usual copycat thais, with an extra 4 shops fighting for the same market since i opened my shop!

Giving them a taste of the bargain basement at the moment in an effort to shut em down.

I remember the kings speech last year, where he advised people to not 'cut prices' to compete. A noble thought i guess, looking out for the masses of people who "kai kong" (sell 'stuff'). Nevertheless, cut prices i have, i have bellies to feed.

One thing that is going down in price here already is the price of motorbikes.


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