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The Vulcan

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A great composition.

Lots to keep the eye involved, but I always find my eye coming back to the centre.

At first I was not sure about the warm tone of the colours.

On reflection I think it adds to cuddly nature of the figures,

except for that one in the middle. :o

Was it a shop window display?

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Contax 159MM - 50mm Planar - Velvia at 100 ASA - available light.

You have EOS 5D, had range finder Leica, medium format Mamiya and a Contax, is there any high end camera you didn't have in your 25 years career? :o

I like the color btw. I didn't know Velvia existed 25 years ago.

Velvia at 100 ASA

How I missed this term!

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Thank you both for your kind comments.

Astral: The shot was taken at an outside stall at Stratford Upon Avon "Mop" fair. The available light was merely the light bulbs they strung along the stall. I wanted to keep this warmth about it, hence no attempt at colour correction.

Nordys. It was Velvia ok. Just new on the market in those days.

The Leica was an SL35 (SLR) camera. Other camera's owned were:

Pentax 6x7, Mamiya RZ11, Bronica GSI (I hated it), Rollei 3.5 TLR, Rollei 2.8 TLR, Rollei 6006, Canon A1, Canon T90, MPP 5x4 and a Wista 5x4. Not all at the same time of course.

Of them all, the 6006 and RZ were my favorites.

25 year career! More like 45 years. I started out in 1962!

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Colourful...would look nice on a kids bedroom wall.

Funny you should say that.

I printed 3 16x20 prints of this shot. I pasted 2 of them (laterally reversed from each other) , onto a piece of stiff card. I then cut the card into 128 pieces to simulate a jig-saw puzzle. I then challenged my kids to assemble it. The problem for them of course was that BOTH sides of "the jig-saw" contained the image BUT would only fit one way!

The 3rd print went on the wall for reference.

Kept them busy for months believe me!

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