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Holiday Visa For Sister-in-law To Uk

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My Thai wife and I live in the UK, she's been here 2 years and has indefinate leave to remain. We have a baby daughter, and both myself and my wife work. We would like to help her younger sister apply for a visa to visit us for a 2 week holiday sometime this year. She's approx. 22 years old and studying law at university.

My wife, baby and I only live in a one bedroom maisonette, though my parents would gladly put my sister in law up if necessary and act as sponsors in any other way if needed.

Her reasons for visiting are to see her sister and baby, as well as site seeing in London and UK, as well as seeing me and my parents as we've all met before, and perhaps improving her English.

My main question is, what chance has she got of getting a holiday visa? Are these often given for family members, or reserved for partners?

Also, how could we increase this chance?

Also, what should we NOT say on an application (e.g. I understand it's a no-no to suggest any type of work, even unpaid, such as housework or taking care of the baby)?

Oh, and how much is the visa nowadays?

Thanks for your help.


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Emphasis the strong family bond between the sisters. How much they miss each other etc.

The clincher is showing reason to return. Job, uni course to go back to, money in the bank, that sort of thing.

And do not overstay the length of time she puts down on the application.

This has the potential to bugger up any future applications.

I am sure you will get some further help re things to put in the application.

A trawl through these pages is invaluable.

Good luck.

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Sounds like a reasonable request to me, she applies for a visit visa with the reason to visit family.

The requirements are simple

1) She needs to show enough funds for the fare and the trip (this can be demonstrated by yourselves or your parents as Sponsors with proof of the ability to do so)

2) She needs to show that there is sufficient and satisfactory accommodation for her once there or prove the means to seek hotels (this again can be provided by you or your parents but they will need to demonstrate that the property is theirs to offer the accommodation and that there is sufficient space to house her in addition to the current occupants)

3) She must have a compelling reason to return to Thailand at the end of the trip (being in the middle of a Uni course and booked on the next year or another course should satisfy)

She should complete VAF 1 form using these guidance notes telling the truth and present them in person at the Visa Application Centre Bangkok together with a fee of B4536.

Working is not permitted on a visit visa.

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My wife's sister was just refused a visit visa. The main reason was lack of reason to return but funnily enough they also mentioned that we had not provided evidence of an on going relationship. It appears that simply saying they were close was not enough and so we have now provided evidence of phone calls and recent photos.

Best of Luck

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