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Converting To Islam In Bangkok


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Lets show some respect shall we?

I believe you need to find a local mosque, they will be happy to guide you in your education. Nonthaburi has quite a well-known mosque so its worth asking locals where to go. Presumably, however, the instruction would be in Thai.

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Lot's of ignorance in this forum.

Name me one religion that isn't full of hypocrisy, distortion and misuse. There are many other posts on this forum that are appropriate targets for snide remarks if one can't restrain oneself.

But the OP had the courage to ask a fair question about a need regarding core values, and is showing true curiosity about a cultural aspect of Thailand - not to mention a flexible and open-minded attitude toward life.

Taking your frustration with world problems, or whatever, out on the OP is pretty retarded! :o

Edited by Upcountry
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Does anyone have any information on where someone might study and convert to Islam in Bangkok, preferably in the Nonthaburi area

I'm not sure where Nonthaburi area is, but I do know that if you go out near to Mahanakorn University past Lat Krabang, you'll find plenty of mosques~

My boyfriend is a teacher at Mahanakorn and we usually travel through there to get to his home province of Ang Thong; we often see plenty of Mosques and it might be a good opportunity for you to get to know the local faith and followers.

All the best to you, and good on you for wanting to study about Islam and their God..i'm a Christian, but I respect you for wanting to commit to their God~

Ignore the other members who are so rude.

I wai to you:) :o

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If you believe in the teachings of Islam, it is recommended to make a formal declaration of faith. After careful study and prayer, if you find that you want to embrace the faith, here's how.

Here's How:

  1. For a Muslim, every action begins with your intention. Quietly, to yourself, make the intention to embrace Islam as your faith.
  2. Say the following words with clarity of intention, firm faith and belief:
  3. Say: "Ash-hadu an la ilaha ill Allah." (I bear witness that there is no diety but Allah.)
  4. Say: "Wa ash-hadu ana Muhammad ar-rasullallah." (And I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.)
  5. Take a shower, symbolically cleansing yourself of your past life.
  6. Learn how to pray and practice Islam in your daily life.
  7. Continue to learn, study, and grow in your new faith.


  1. Before embracing Islam, be sure to spend time studying the faith, reading books, and learning from other Muslims.
  2. Your conversion should be based on knowledge, certainty, acceptance, submission, truthfulness, and sincerity.
  3. It is not required to have Muslim witnesses to your conversion, but many prefer to have such support.
  4. If you wish to go for Hajj (pilgrimage), a "certificate of Islam" may be required. Contact your local Islamic center to obtain one.

From: Islam.about.com

In summary: It starts and ends with yourself. Then any convenient mosque will do to attend.

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If you can't answer the OP's question please do not post. Clearly some people have issues with religion but this is not the time nor the place to air those problems, thanks

Come to the Middle East and do it properly , Thai muslims are in general parttimers.

I have met lots of folks with personal issues who have done just that. Ofcourse, I am not saying you have personal issues.

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You can't generalize like that.

There are MANY different Muslim communities, similar like there are many differenc groups of Buddhists or Christians. There's for example Malay people in the South, Chin-Haw Chinese in the North and many sub groups. Just like when choosing a Christian church, you may have to look around to find a community that fits.

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The Immam that married me studied for his Masters in Islamic studies in Bkk but I am afraid I don't know where. I shall ask my husband and report back :o

The way I said my 'vows' when I married was 'Ashadoo Allah, Eela a in lon lo, Wa ashadoo ana Mohammada roh soon lon loh'

My Immam is a very well educated man with a great sense of humour and way of explaining Islam. He doesn't speak English tho

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If you can't answer the OP's question please do not post. Clearly some people have issues with religion but this is not the time nor the place to air those problems, thanks

Come to the Middle East and do it properly , Thai muslims are in general parttimers.

I have met lots of folks with personal issues who have done just that. Ofcourse, I am not saying you have personal issues.

Parttimers = 40% peaceful

Full Timer = I think it is clear enough

I think the world would be better off with a lot more part timers, in essentially all religions.

Edited by Dakhar
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If you can't answer the OP's question please do not post. Clearly some people have issues with religion but this is not the time nor the place to air those problems, thanks

Come to the Middle East and do it properly , Thai muslims are in general parttimers.

I have met lots of folks with personal issues who have done just that. Ofcourse, I am not saying you have personal issues.

Parttimers = 40% peaceful

Full Timer = I think it is clear enough

I think the world would be better off with a lot more part timers, in essentially all religions.

I think the world would be better off without religion period. Religion causes too much hatred and deaths.

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Guest Reimar

There was a simple question from th OP and what are the answers?

I'm without any religion but I've respect for those who believing in one, doesn't matter which!

And it is a kind civil curage to ask in an time as today, with many problems related to some religions, a question as the OP has done!

Unfortunate it is a bad idea to ask a question like the OP has done in an forum. Human nature is to look to first to the bad sites before going to the good one. Same as the bad news in TV/Newspaper are the most interested news!

On place of the OP I would go to the area and look and ask people, preferly a Moslem, a Moslem Girl is easy to locate because of the clothes they try, where the next mosque is.

Cheers and good luck.

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The OP can ignore this question if he/she likes, but I am genuinely curious as to why someone would chose Islam over other religions given the tremendous bad press that particular faith has received over the last ten years.

I would like to know what are two or three things that the OP sees as attractive in Islam, compared to any of the other major world views?

I am not trying to be callous, but someone who is considering a faith generally has people around that have been speaking to him/her about the faith and therefore the type of information the OP is seeking is usually understood.

On the flipside, this would be a novel approach at trolling, if the OP was so inclined.

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If I were the OP, I would read the Koran first and then make a decision. It is understandable why certain faiths decide to only pick and choose the parts of their respective books that suit them. If one reads the entire Bible or the Entire Koran, there is so much that is unpalatable.

Edited by mbkudu
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Since the OP has not returned to respond I can only assume he or she does not want to get involved in this discussion.

And since we seem unable to keep it on topic without devolving into the benefits or negatives of religion or any particular religion without moderation interference every other post...


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