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Our Settlement Visa

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Well guys its been a long road but finally this morning my wife presented her settlement visa.

She says the people in the centre were realy friendly and shocked to see the size of her application.

Its about 5 inch thick and neatly organised in a plastic ring binder.

They told my wife she could track her application on the website www.ukvac/th.com

I have just looked on this site ( not to check already ) and it says it is under construction.

So I suppose now its just the waiting game, im bricking it to tell you the truth.

Thanks to everyone who has helped me over the months, big thanks to scouse and lets hope we get goods news towards the end of the week.


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Don't brick it, scotty. If your wife's application is as well-organised and well-presented as it sounds, she should be okay. Hopefully, the Embassy won't want to call her for an interview as this can add several weeks' delay, she'll know either way within a few days. Good luck!

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Good Luck Scotty.

If she is called for an interview, ensure she knows the application well enough to answer relevant questions confidently and truthfully.

They may just want to clarify certain aspects, or quiz her on certain issues, they may ask questions of your family, how many siblings you have or not as the case may be etc etc.

Good Luck again


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I have just checked out that tracking system on the site, just to see how it works and it says, your visa application has been forwarded to the british high commision, whats this meen??

It means what it says, all decisions are made at the British Embassy (british high commission!). The VAC is only the reception point. Relax now for a few days :o

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Relax now for a few days :o

I agree, following your posts since you started, I reckon your BP must be just about maxed out, making yourself ill, will do nobody any favours, just try and relax, before the Hospital gets another patient.

Good Luck


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Relax Scotty, its just a waiting game now. My wife is going to be putting forward her application for the same visa within the next week or two, so I understand what you're going through mate. Our's is also about 2ft thick. Good luck to both of you and look forward to hearing some good news.


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Yeah good luck from me too Scotty.

Most of us know what you are going through and as alot of us have already been successful in obtaining the visa's, it's easy for us to forget what we where feeling at the time.

I too was bricking it at the time but it made the celebration p1ss up even better. So in my opinion, if you want to brick it, you go ahead buddy. And have a huge p1ss up when she get's it :o

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Well guys I dont know what to make of this, maybe you can help me.

I dont know if this is a bad sign or a good, but this morning around 930am thai time, my wife recieved a call from the embassy regarding her sv.

The phone call lasted around 30 mins and my wife was asked a series of questions, here are the questions she was asked.

Before I go on I told her to tell the truth with whatever question she is asked.

She was asked, whats my name, my age, my birthday, the last time she so me, my address, my work, my mothers name, what plans do we have for the future in England, where we met, my hobbies, what makes her love me and why does she love me, she was asked are your husbands parents together, how long we have spent together and a few more.

My wife says the officer was a thai women, realy polite and friendly and simply said if we need anything else, we will get in contact with you later.

Now my wife presented her application monday morning, being called today, is this a bad sign or good??

Your help would be realy appreciated.



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Well, it means that they're not refusing the application out of hand. Other than that, it's not really possible to tell, although the visa officer evidently wanted to confirm that your wife has a sound knowledge of you and your circumstances. It's certainly a positive that they chose to do this by phone rather than call her in for a formal interview.

The question is, did she get the answers right?


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Will the visa officer who is looking at my wifes application be the same person who contacted her today?

You will find that the person who your wife spoke to (being Thai) is a local who does all the ground work. Once she has done her thing she will hand it over the the British employee who will have a look and give their verdict.

Good luck, although it does sound positive for you.

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Well my wifes passport is ready guys, its taken exactly 3 days from submitting the application on monday.

Im cacking myself, my wife wants to know if anyone at the uk visa office could open the packet for her????



Bloody hel_l if it took 3 days then I think you should break out the bubbly!!! BTW no one would be allowed to open it for her, so get her down there ASAP.

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