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Scam Letters


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I was wondering if any TV members have replied to any of these rubbish letters? I recall a thread awhile back on these topics but can't find it about someone replying to amuse themselves.Not one to open any of these e-mails this one slipped through.






Dear Friend

I am MR. AZIZ MOUSTAFA. the bill and exchange manager at the foreign remittance department of BANK OF AFRICA. I got your contact from the internet ,while seaching for an honest and trust worthy person, who will assist me to implement this transfer.l discovered the sum of Twenty Two Million and five hundred Thousand United States Dollars (USD22.5M) belonging to a deceased customer of this bank.

The fund has been lying in a suspence account without anybody coming to

put claim over the money since the account owner late Mr JOHN KOROVO from JORDAN , who was involved in the December 25th 2003 Benin plane crash.

Here is the air crash website on cn


The said fund is now ready for transfer to a foriegn account whose owner will be portrayed as the beneficiary and next of kin to the deceased customer of the bank. Since we got information about his death, we have been expecting his next of kin to come over and claim his money because we cannot release it unless somebody applies for it as next of kin or relation to the deceased as indicated in our banking guidlines and laws but unfortunately we learnt that all his supposed next of kin or relation died alongside with him at the plane crash leaving nobody behind for the claim.

It is therefore upon this discovery that I decided to make this business proposal to you and release the money to you as the next of kin or relation to the deceased for safety and subsequent disbursement since nobody is coming for it and I don't want this money to go into the bank treasury as unclaimed bill.

The banking law and guidline here stipulates that if such money remained unclaimed after five years, the money will be transfered into the bank treasury as unclaimed fund. The request of foreigner as next of kin in this business is occassioned by the fact that the customer was a foreigner and a Burkinabe cannot stand as next of kin to a foreigner. I therefore soliciting for your assistance to come forward as the next of kin.

I have agreed that 40% of this money will be for you as the beneficiary

in respect of the provision of your Account and services rendered, 55% would be for me while 5% will be for expencses incured during the cause of this transaction If the money is transferred to your Account from BANK OF AFRICA,

I and my family in this transaction will proceed immediately to your

country for our own share of the money. I expect you to keep this

business strictly confidential and secret as you may wish to know that I am Bank official.

Be rest assured that this business is 100% risk free on both side and every arrangement to transfer this money to the Account you are going to provide have been concluded provided we maintain the confidentiality and secreceirity involved.

Contact me on my private phone number( +226-76519382. or email address at() I am looking forward for your prompt response.

Yours faithfully,


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I was wondering...

These are very old and have been floating around for some time. There is a website around that specialises in catching these criminals, it's quite funy actually but i can't remember the link.

Today i won the Italian National Lottery. I just need to fill in the details to collect my $465,000 dollars, but i really can't be bothered.

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Just for fun some time ago I replied to one of these saying that I’d be very happy to help out with such a problem but as I did not have a bank account in Thailand at this time they could transfer the money to any Bangkok main bank via Western Union or similar and e-mail me the code and I would be happy to provide the service they require.

Funny I never did hear from them again,



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Funny when I was in Bangkok years ago there was a 'black money' scam going around.A friend was approached by some guys saying that they've got US$10 000 from the treasury but they dipped in in black ink as it was to fund the Confederacy back in the war.The money could be magically 'washed' into real money,he produced several bills and did it apparantly but the main stash all packed into steel cases was of course just paper.

A sucker would have to 'buy' the chemical for a few thousand.And the paper black money.

Anyone heard of this one before? That e-mail I received today brought back that story.

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Funny when I was in Bangkok years ago there was a 'black money' scam going around.A friend was approached by some guys Were they black too? It's got Nigerian written all over it :o saying that they've got US$10 000 from the treasury but they dipped in in black ink as it was to fund the Confederacy back in the war.The money could be magically 'washed' into real money,he produced several bills and did it apparantly but the main stash all packed into steel cases was of course just paper.

A sucker would have to 'buy' the chemical for a few thousand.And the paper black money.

Anyone heard of this one before? That e-mail I received today brought back that story.

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Funny when I was in Bangkok years ago there was a 'black money' scam going around.A friend was approached by some guys saying that they've got US$10 000 from the treasury but they dipped in in black ink as it was to fund the Confederacy back in the war.The money could be magically 'washed' into real money,he produced several bills and did it apparantly but the main stash all packed into steel cases was of course just paper.

A sucker would have to 'buy' the chemical for a few thousand.And the paper black money.

Anyone heard of this one before? That e-mail I received today brought back that story.

That one drew 'em in in droves. :o

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One time I gave my mates mobile number to loads of these Nigerian gentlemen through a hotmail account I set up specifically for this task :D

I even managed to keep a straight face when he told me in the pub that he was getting bombarded with "strange calls" from black guys with bad English demanding money and so forth.

Once we were in a taxi when they called and I couldn't take it anymore and laughed until I cried ! :D

What are friends for eh ?


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He's no longer your friend I hope,that's not a funny one to pull on friends dangerous little stunt.E-mails you can delete or block but giving someone's phone number or address to these whakos no way.What's so funny about that?

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LOL ! you haver no idea the type of friends I have :D Ever since school we have played jokes like this on each other, some a lot worse than this I can tell you. Where is your sense of fun ? Maybe we just have very different sense of humour I think.

Also how can they find out anything about him by having his first name and a pay as you go mobile number ? They don't even know if he was in London or the Scottish Hebrides !

However, the photo's I posted of him earlier on a gay dating website would have revealed what he looks like :o

PS : whats your phone number ??

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