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To Procreate Or Not?


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i really don't know! i have no intention of ever having kids and i turn 32 in a couple of weeks. i don't seem to have a "biolgical clock"... i have never felt the slightest guilt about this, i think the world is already overpopulated and so many people don't take care of their kids! if you are in a good position financially and mentally, and you really want kids, have them! otherwise, don't!

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Next time you are out shopping have a good look at the faces of husbands with babies strapped to their backs, pushing pushchairs with their wives in tow. That should answer the question of the OP.

while on vacation with my one year old on koh phan ngan i repeatedly saw a farang couple with what i figure was their two year old, father diligently pushing the child along in his stroller or struggling along the sand or sweating like a rapist as he trailed behind wife and child with multiple bags and stroller cradled awkwardly in his hands. he was misery personified.

i contrast this to my one year old trying to walk beside us with and me with only a small bag of diapers and our beach gear, stroller left abandoned where we ditched it when she turn 6 mos old. best holiday i ever had.

or to the backpacker couple who had been travelling with their 2 year old since its birth and planned to continue for another year

it is all about how you do it.

Edited by t.s
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If you do not have kids you will live a different life and enjoy it immensly no doubt.

If you do have kids it will change your life and you 'should' enjoy it even more.

But you will never know until you do.

The things you give up by having kids are far outweighed by the experiences you gain with them.

The thought of getting old and having family about makes you feel good also.

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